
Tuesday, April 30, 2019

A critical evaluation of one aspect of contemporary hospitality Essay - 1

A particular evaluation of one aspect of contemporary hospitality management - Essay Examplenstances, ordering, deliverance, imbursement, and stocking are commenced and effected by information which is captured by examining equipment with little involvement of human resources. Some hotel chains used to dole out their ownership to the foreign investors though still keeping control. This provides them with the capital which was required for further growth. The classifications of regular American Hotel are commercial hotels, conference centres, airport hotels, economy hotels, residential hotels, suite hotels, casino hotels, and resort hotels (Irs, 2014). The hotel diligence varies from privately owned businesses to major global groups with more(prenominal) than six lakh room (Irs, 2014). The international hospitality industry involves the organizations or companies which provide accommodation and food to the individuals. It covers broad range of locations, jobs, activities, as well as economic brackets. The hospitality industry involves four sectors which are beverage and food, recreation, lodging, and tourism and travel. The travel industry moves sight to different places while tourism industry offers with services which promote vacations and travel (Teare and Olsen, 1992).The Gaviota Tourism multitude (Group de Turismo Gaviota) is founded in 1988 having situated in Cuba. It is the company with the dynamic expansion in the monarchy of the tourism industry in Cuba demo in major travel destinations and is also working progressively for the growth of the country. As of today, the Gaviota Tourism Group runs total 52 facilities amongst villas and hotels, with 19,214 rooms in function, with more than 650 million of yearly sales and also an median(a) annually development of the hotel portfolio of 12.4%. The growth rate of this hotel industry will stay at a record of 20.3% yearly, ending with more than 4,000 rooms every year, therefore doubling the figure of gu estrooms which is estimated to reach 46,000 by 2017 (Gaviota, 2014). For more than 26 years of the hotel excellence as

Monday, April 29, 2019

Informal interview Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Informal audience - Research Paper ExampleAs compassionate resource personnel, Mayjelyn had already encountered different people, personalities, characters, attitudes and more. Moreover, she already set about various challenges and opportunities as humane resource development officer in the different companies she worked with. She is a have of Bachelor of Science in Psychology. She took up this degree program because of the belief that it is important to study human behavior. She always enjoys studying and observing people because it is here in this aspect of her life she learns more things. gentleman behavior for her is essential to be studied in every walk of life. She did not end up as psychologist in practice but ended up in the corporate world where hiring and discernment men has become more than just a lifestyle and passion of her life. Rationale The underlying doctrine of the proponent to interview a Human vision and Development Specialist is the idea that there is a uthentic information that can be generated out from her regarding hiring, managing and motivation people prior to the success of an organization. The proponent has in mind that in an organization it is important to understand the basic principle about hiring or recruiting manpower because every company requires different resources and the human resource is one of the most important resources that a company needs. Managing people is another important perspective that is taken into consideration by the proponent. In the corporate world, winning organizations have understood that there must be substantial knowledge to be given on how to manage the human resource. Another important goal of the proponent is to know exactly different strategies and factors that could inspire people. A successful organization is believed to have applied the dress hat ways on motivating the human resource because employees ar influenced to do things they are prompt at through taking care of their best interest (Bruce and Pepitone 2). Questions addressed to the interviewee Prior to the actual personal interviewee with the respondent, the proponent developed rapport and this created an impact wherefore the interview had just flowed smoothly, allowing the proponent to generate important information for the following questions. 1. What is your own way of delineate Human Resource Development? 2. So far, as HRD Specialist, what are the common problems you encountered? 3. What are the opportunities for Human Resource Development Specialists like you? 4. What do you think are factors that pulling away people to be motivated? 5. What do you think are the best strategies or options to motivate people? 6. How to enhance peoples learning and skills? Comments and Learning The proponent learned from the respondent that a Human Resource Department is a companys portal to hiring, recruitment and taking care of the organizations well beingness (Pasaol). The respondent encountered different pr oblems within her four-year experience as human resource personnel. According to her, most of the difficulties she encountered are in line with hiring personnel and motivating them. According to her, it is difficult to hire excellent employees because excellent concern applicants prioritize top calibrated organizations. On the other hand, organization is always faced with difficulty when it comes to motivating manpower. According to her this puts the Human Resource and Development Department in a substantially high gouge to think of different possibilities. Even though

Sunday, April 28, 2019

Reconstruction and the west Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Reconstruction and the west - Essay Example commonwealth like Richard Hathaway Edmond of the Baltimores Manufacturers Record, which was among the most read papers, had besides advocated for the new south among another(prenominal)s (Norton et al, 2011).The south was able to reinvent itself through industrialization. This was made possible through southern industries such as steel, mining, and ship building that had greatly flourished during World War 2 (Norton et al 2011). The Tennessee Valley Authority had built dams which generated electricity and employment which greatly affected both the residents and manufacturers. African Americans were also able to vote due to the changing of civic rights strange in the past where they did not partake in any of the political activities, slavery was also abolished and lastly there was growth in economy, this lead to the increase in population, despite the fact that the south had been viewed as a huge economic failure.Although slavery had been abolished there was still racial segregation because the vacuouss were still viewed as the superior race. For instance Henry Grady stated in a speech in 1888 that the supremacy of the white race of the south must be maintained forever because the white race is superior all over the abusive race (Norton et al, 2011). Due to industrial growth, labor was required and most of the laborers were women who received very rugged wages and due to relying on cash crop farming many people lost their let down and had to resort to being tenant farmers.The Lakota Sioux mainly hunted buffalo as it was their main source of food. They also used the skin for clothing, making utensils, mobile huts while they also used the bones for making knives, scrappers among other tools. In the 17th century they acquired horses from the Spanish through trade and sometimes they would steal the horses. They included the horses in their routine buffalo hunting. In 1776 the Lakota people fought and defeated the C heyenne people taking over the black hills region from them

Saturday, April 27, 2019

Review of Capital State Arena Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Review of Capital take Arena - Coursework ExampleThe theatrical lighting system needed for the sports stadium was important because it would be installed in a way that it would light different events hence, displaying different moods.The committee involved in the lighting of the atomic number 18na understood that there was a need for the lighting sympathize with table of the new facility. Therefore, they had to come up with a plan that would make the arena sell during the off-season where no sports were being held (Moser, 2006). However, a lighting ease that john change moods, and accommodate different event was computer controlled and the lease rate was at $2,000per day in addition to the operator expenses. The products that were available for the committee were from three different companies. They included the CAE who manufactures Leprecon LP-3000, ETC manufactures of ETC Obsession II and chemical chain who manufactures Strand 520. The service providers provided a dealer ne twork information, specific information about each console and a warranty repair station list. Therefore, with this information the committee had the expertise of choosing the correct lighting console for the arena.Various features were identified in the three consoles that seemed similar. However, to help in the decision-making process a list was provided to usher how the committee should select the console. Where the console should be user friendly in the sense that, the programming of the console should only have few keystrokes hence, eliminating the need to have a technician employed on retainer to entertain the system on. It should be accessible to the theatre department where it can be used a article of faith aide, especially when it is not in use. The console should be inflatable and the software should be upgradable. This is because today the consoles are computer driven and for that reason, they should be flexible to ensure that they accommodate upgradability.The console should be manufactured in the United

Friday, April 26, 2019

Critical inquiry about an aspect of visual culture, about the idea Essay

Critical inquiry about an aspect of visual culture, about the idea change on culture - Essay ExampleHowever, through many of the traditions of Mardi Gras exploitation of foreign manufacturing is taking place. The film Mardi Gras do in China is a documentary that shows how one of the most sexualized, but constant traditions of Mardi Gras is contributing to the exploitation of Chinese grind workers. The baggage that existed in approaching this topic consists of knowing that there argon Chinese workers involved in cr take in the visual culture of Mardi Gras, creating bold and gaudy beads that are used for a consumer exchange of nudity for bum products. However, the full understanding of what it means to be a Chinese factory worker was not known before doing research for this project. In watching the documentary Mardi Gras Made in China the visual presentation of culture by contrasting the wasteful and hedonistic culture of Mardi Gras compared to the ascetical culture of the factory workers was startling. Young women in Mardi Gras debase themselves by present their breasts to get cheap beads, a party atmosphere infectious and transforming them into performing this ritual. In China, the stark reality of the young women who work in these factories opens up the eyes of the viewer to what it means to create these beads that are used so carelessly. ... 11). The innocent understanding of Mardi Gras is that it is a celebration that comes before the Catholic period of Lent. Mardi Gras means Fat Tuesday, which refers to the tradition of eating rich, fatty foods before Ash Wednesday which begins a period of fasting and reduced pleasure in food. magic spell Mardi Gras itself is noteworthy in many cultures and just on that specific Tuesday, in New Orleans it is celebrated for the two weeks before lent which falls in February. The tradition was brought to New Orleans by the French who settled the region. The official colors of the festival, introduced in 1872 by the Gr and Duke Alexis Romanoff, are purple which signifies justice, green which signifies faith, and halcyon which signifies power (Hale, 2007). Mardi Gras is ripe with tradition. Large scale parades are sponsored by krewes which are racially and gender specific, do up the rich ethnically diverse history of New Orleasns. The parades are highly visual events with cheap beads, doubloons, and other items thrown each day from the floats. The picnic is filled with colorful items flying through the air and being caught by people in wild costumes that rival those on the people who populate the floats. collection these items during the celebration leads to disposing of them as trash at the end of the celebration. Mardi Gras is a time when sexual and social beliefs are suspended and people begin to behave in hedonistic ways. One of the traditions of Mardi Gras is that in exchange for showing their breasts and sometimes more, men will give women strings of beads. This commoditization of nudity in exchange for the collection of beads creates a

Understanding public relations theory Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Understanding humanity transaction theory - Essay ExampleChange Management CommunicationIn addition, the role of business deal media as an agent of communicating organizational intentions and promotion of interest can also not be ignored by organizations. Overall, the understanding and appreciation of the various approaches, theories and other related concepts of public relations is key in tackling of issues or concerns that may arise from daily operations. In response to this, this paper will visualize the role of public relations practice in organizations. For applicability, the paper has identified the issue of change perplexity communication in organizations. This will be examined through a selected term about an organization that is liable(predicate) to be affected by the subject matter of discussions in this paper. The paper will discuss the components of the obligate that make it a media issue as well as a public relations issue. The article under examination pertains to Boral Company that operates in the building and complex body part industry. The companys new read/write head decision maker having taken the reign in the top leadership has been tasked with a challenge of ensuring that the companys financial results improve as a result in an economy downfall that has affected the construction industry in which the company operates in. One of the measures that the pass executive has been compelled to take after a vitamin C day review is through initiating a 700 job cut program targeting management and back theatrical role staff. Even though the move is likely to cost the company a massive 60 million dollars, if successfully implemented it has been projected to result to an annual saving of about 90 million dollars. However, the major(ip) issue that arises from this situation is that of how to effectively manage this drastic change especially by communicating the intend headings and criteria for such changes to the stakeholders of the comp any that will be largely affected by this decision (Hayes, 2006). Consequently, the main purpose of the following discussions will be to analyze the contributions that public relations, which can be stated to be represent of communication with external and internal publics, and communication management, can make in managing organizational change during an employee curtailment exercise. The framework that will be used to analyze the situation at Boral will be in terms of a dual examination of the issue in terms of being a media as well as a public relations issue. To begin, as a media issue, the organization needs to be prepared to tackle several issues so that the image of the firm remains intact in the eyeball of the public. The media plays a major role in shaping opinions and the issue of job cuts proposed by the new chief executive can result into an image backlash if not well handled. It is the job of the public relations professionals and the department in charge of the area affected, in this case the board of governors through the chief executive officer and to some extent the human resources, to learn the facts and information needed, and communicate it to the targeted audiences in a well timed(p) and effective manner. The organizations reputation and credibility with external and internal audience is at stake. This is because tackling the issue of job cuts at a time when the economy is hard an issue for the whole nation is a sensitive and cardinal issue. Whatever is communicated internally and externally will remain forever on

Thursday, April 25, 2019

Discuss Proust's theory of memory Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Discuss Prousts theory of memory - Essay ExampleProust, a contemporary of Freud was greatly influenced by the latter in his philosophical leanings and in literary work. Freud treated symbolism in his book Psychoanalysis. accord to this theory he propounded which must have influenced Proust, objects or ideas are represented by symbols. Our dreams can mean something we have left unexpressed and remain embedded in our unconscious mind. Many of Freuds ideas, however, are sex-oriented .In the complex realm of our existence, the truth remains that ugliness and perversion abound which we try to prevent from rise up in our conscious mind. These however may find their way into consciousness in our unguarded moments.Proust was a realist and at the same time a symbolist. As such he portrays mental awareness as stream of consciousness. This reduces mans dignity as a human being. Common to Freud and Prousts work is the prevalence or consolidation of sex into their hierarchy of value.

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

Film Analysis Paper Movie Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

sprout Analysis Paper - Movie Review ExampleThe old man who tells the accounting deserves a patient of of special attention and it is James Garner. Gene Rowlands is the other key actress of the film who is the baffle of Cassevetes. The film gives an fantasy of intimacy in romance and how it lasts until the final breath and apart from this, how the partner is trying to convince his fan of his presence who lost her memory and fails to recognize him. And the viewer gets a kind of impression that the love is so intense that connects them together even after long years of gap in interaction. Hence, one piece of ass definitely say that life is a written notebook and its pages denote the life events. Furthermore, the notebook is the influencing means for reuniting and strengthening the love and romance among the partners. The film The Notebook is an ever remarkable attempt of romantic story telling. The story is narrated so beautifully that one would definitely amaze watching it. Th e story begins in 1940, an routine of carnival when the little boy Noah Calhoun and sweet Allie Hamilton meet each other for the first time. The interaction surrounded by them springs up with a blooming concept of love and intimacy in twain. Noah takes Allie to an abandoned house which he intends to buy in future. But things go beyond their expectation that very next morning she shifts to her domicile town in Charlseston. Later in World War II both Noah and his companion regard and latter loses his life. Meanwhile, Allie serves as a volunteer in a hospital for the injured soldiers in the struggle whither she meets Lon Hammond with whom she gets engaged. The return from the war makes him aware of the fact that he is left with no house to lay dash off his head. And Noah decides to possess the abandoned house which has a nostalgic feeling with his loving girl friend Allie. peerless of his visits to Charleston he finds that Allie is in love with Los, seeing them in an embarrassin g view of kissing each other at a restaurant. After accreditedizing and trusting upon Noah she follows him to his native, specifically to the abandoned house. The twist of the film begins here as the woman who listens to the story is none other than Allie and the story teller is her husband. Meanwhile the incidents of Allies mothers and Los entry to Noahs land is also demonstrated as destruction of peace in their life. At that moment itself Allie makes a confession that she has been living with him for the past many days. It is also evident that devil times Noah suffers from heart attack and recovers. Ultimately, Allie recognizes Noah and requests not to leave her thus they go to bed. In the climax both seem dead on the dead, an emotional, tearful ending of the movie. The movie received much attention due to an admirable usance played by the respective actors. Every character portrays own role so magnificently that the film looked so realistically. The role played by Ryan Goslin g as Noah is excellent and appreciating so is the Allie Hamilton envisioned by Rachel McAdams. Precisely, these are the two characters that play a significant role in the film, attracting the attention of the viewers. The role of Lon by James Marsden Gena Rowlands seems so wonderful in relation with the story and the way of acting. The film holds dress circle of similarities and resemblance to the original novel or story. From a personal point of view, the film could express the real sense of romance which was present in the original story. And no doubt the credit can be shared among the casting

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Canada Agriculture Industry Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Canada Agriculture Industry - Essay ExampleTherefore, the development of parenting and sustenance manufacturing figures significantly in the industrial development strategy of every province. Relations between the farm celestial sphere and the non-farm sector are composite and of growing importance. In 1985, farm production inputs acquired from the nonfarm sector and payments for borrowed capital sentiency 78 share of total farm operating expenditures, with interestingness costs alone accounting for 13.5 percent of total expenditures. This rising assimilation of the farm and industrial sectors has reduced the role and importance of established rural policies. The agri-food complex is at present influenced as much by macroeconomic factors, such as growth, inflation, and interest rates, as it is by outlandish policies per se (Finkle, P., and W. H. Furtan. 1988). By thirty to forty percent of agricultural getup currently exported, and with comparatively low border protection fo r all merchandise except milk, poultry, and eggs, farming in Canada is also internationalized and incorporated into the founding food economy. As a result, the view for Canadian agriculture is mainly dependent on supply and demand conditions in the world markets for grains, oilseeds, and red meats, and on other countries farm policies, food trade arrangements, and trade activities. This contact to world market conditions provides the affirmed justification for many of Canadas agricultural commodity programs, which are intended to provide producers with some protection from cyclical and intermittent market instabilities and from the policy-induced distortions reassigned from world markets. Canada has proposed that a broad agricultural package is accepted in principle at an early attend ( variant one) that comprehensive national plans for implementing the overall cut in the negotiating measure contracted to in the first phase be presented and agreed on (phase two).

Monday, April 22, 2019

The Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) Essay

The Resource Conservation and Recovery spiel (RCRA) - Essay ExampleIt is, however, not far from criticisms. The major problem with the RCRA is that the implementation of RCRA rules and regulations requires huge amount of paper work which sometimes become quite forbid for the corporate managers Introduction The Resource Conservation and Recovery Act was enacted in 1976. This act was introduced as an amendment to the wherefore existing Solid Waste Disposal Act. Household as well as hazardous cheering wastes are regulated by RCRA. Since its excogitation, this act has been amended by a issue forth of times. The years which go through amendments to this act are 1978, 1980, 1984, 1988 and 1996. Most of this amendments caused significant coverage areas of the act. Most of the programs under RCRA have been designed to raise risk-free handling of hazardous as well as non-hazardous wastes. This paper seeks to offer a exact discussion on the history, coverage, current status and short comings of the Resource Conservation and Recovery act. At the end, it will trace an strive to provide some solutions to the problems associated with RCRA. (Dennison, 1993). History of RCRA Earlier, state and local government activitys use to assume the responsibilities of regulating self-coloured wastes generated by households and industries. Particularly, .before 1965, there was no such regulatory authority for that could handle the issues relating to immobile wastes. During this time, most of the solid wastes were deposited through the method of open dumping. This kind of open dumping had not at all been milieu friendly. In 1965, the Solid Waste Disposal act was enacted to deal with waste disposal methods. It started to look for surround friendly options of waste disposals. In put in to reduce negative impacts of open dumping of wastes, it provided financial aid to local and state governments to appropriate waste disposal methods. In 1970, the Solid Waste disposal Act was amended to become the Resource Recovery Act and then in 1976, it was further amended to sour the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act. (Dennison, 1993). The goal behind the enactment of RCRA was to eliminate all the remaining loopholes in environmental regulations with respect to disposal of hazardous and non-hazardous wastes on land. Through the enactment of this act along with the accompanying amendments, federal government tried to address a set of requirements. First of all, through this act the government placed its focus on the importance of systematic management of households and industrial wastes. Second, the government made an attempt to recognize the requirement of special arrangements in dealing with wastes of hazardous nature. Finally, the act took into account a number of provisions for encouraging conservation of resources as well as their reuse or recycling. (Teets et al, 2003) Coverage of RCRA RCRA comprises of iv different types of programs in order to implemen t the goals that as set up at the time of its initiation and subsequent amendments. The first program has been designed for encouraging states to build and promote plans for managing household non hazardous wastes. The trice program has been directed towards setting up of a cradle to grave mechanism in order to monitor and control the deposition of hazardous non-household wastes. The third program has been introduced to regulate storage in resistor tanks with the help of a program known as the Underground storage Tank program. The fourth

Sunday, April 21, 2019

Television and Internet Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Television and Internet - Essay ExampleDuring the 1980s basic computers were bought by broadly techno-savvy individuals across the country. Some of the start home computers were the Timex Sinclair and the Apple IIC. The programs that would run on these computers were very basic. Compuserve was one of the first communications networks open to civilian use. Compuserves service provided access to bulletin boards that provided a spot to post messages on specific topics and allowed real time communications via keyboarding much like the chat rooms of today. This chat room hazard drew many to the internet as a resource for real-time communications as sound as providing a forum for posting of ideas and questions. Memberships to these bulletin boards were often anonymous and so freedom of feel took hold when users could identify themselves by user names.With the more developed internet of the 1990s electronic mail (email) gradually replaced call off calls as the primary form of communic ation. Like any language, email developed its own grammar and syntax everywhere time. Email language consists of mostly short sentences or sentence fragments. Feelings are often conveyed using typographical representations such as ) for happy, ( for sad. Many other typographical representations exist. ... There are many other emoticons that are used frequently in email and chat rooms as well as blogs. another(prenominal) types of language used in emails and chat rooms are similarly done using typographical representation. The most common one is called shouting and is when something is stated using only capital letters. LEAVE ME ALONE says a lot more than leave me alone.The use of email and email record keeping has recently been mandated by legal philosophy and are considered communications. Most notably is the National Association of Securities Dealers (NASD) rule that requires financial advisors and others in the securities field to honor copies of emails. Securities firm s such as Morgan Stanley and Merrill Lynch must keep electronic records of emails sent and received by their employees.The snow-white House is currently embroiled in controversy over the loss of emails. Millions of White House e-mails may be missing, White House spokeswoman Dana Perino acknowledged Friday. I wouldnt rule out that there were a possible 5 million e-mails lost, Perino told reporters.(Henry, 2007) Like Richard Nixons White House Tapes, those emails are an important record of communications deep down the White House and are thus subject to monitoring and record keeping rules.Blogs are the newest admission to the internet. Just about anyone can have a blog and experience being published. Blogging is when someone, or organization, uses a web page format to write about specific topics. The blog also offers the opportunity for feedback from readers of these blogs. Blogs also offer an insiders look at current events. Soldiers stationed in Iraq have been publishing blogs about life in the combat zone. The Department of Defense has begun regulating what

Saturday, April 20, 2019

Coaching High School Baseball Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Coaching High School baseball - Term Paper ExampleDuring tryouts the coach has to decide on the combination of players how more specialist pitchers he wants, how many players need to be groomed for the future and so on. If there are too many players then(prenominal) playing time would be split among them if there are too few then theres a risk of not having enough players for a game. Players have academics, vacations and other activities that encounter up their time so it is advisable to pick around fifteen to seventeen players. The number of players that sack up be picked is also dependent on the school or league rules.While picking the aggroup during tryouts, the coach can make fact-based decisions by using a team selection matrix. The matrix consists of 3 to 5 selection criteria with weights assigned according to their importance. Different selection criteria can be chosen hardly the three most important are player skills and positions, attitude and reception to coaching and athleticism and potential. for each one players score is then multiplied by the weight for that criterion. The scores after system of weights are added together to come up with the final tally used to choose the team. (Krause)After the team has been chosen, the next step is to acquire the equipment and uniforms. The overall look of the team can be helpful in providing confidence to the players. As budgets are usually tight, the hail of the uniforms is an important consideration. It should be remembered that the full cost go out be a combination of the initial price and the added expense of uniform repairs and maintenance, thus quality and cost should be compared before making a decision.The athletic supporters are the schools representatives so the uniforms should be in the school colors and have the school logo displayed. The manufacturer should be able to design the uniforms with the athlete in mind. High school teams need uniforms that will support their growing bodies and their athleticism.The main component of a great high school baseball uniform is durability.

Make a summery for this Interview Questions and Answers Essay

Make a summery for this Interview Questions and Answers - Essay ExampleThe regularize provides a computer program called TEAMS for scheduling. The virtuoso and the counselor mutually develop the head check schedule. Different campuses set about different durations to complete the master schedule. Sometimes, it is completed by the eend of the school year, but some campuses complete it a week before the students arrival on campus. Variables that influence the development of master schedule primarily entangle courses that can only be offered once and the teachers schedules. Such courses should not be offered simultaneously. The master schedule is in conclusion approved by the guidance office and the principal. Factors involved in the development of master schedule when logical in the order of decreasing importance are these labs and particular(a)ized need courses, personnel allocations, facilities, time, and extra-curricular activities. Adjustments in the master schedule are mad e according to the needs of the students. Adjustments are made with mutual consensus of the principal and the counselor. The master schedule is not affected by the peprally, early release, or special programs since these factors are linked with the special schedules.Goals are identified considering the campus needs and the budget. Goals that address the campus needs without exceeding the budget are established. The rest may be postponed. The central office starts the budgeting at the end of the year which continues till the Summer months. The actual budget is not materialized till the next school years beginning. The central office provides assistance for the budget management. The principal is helped in the decision making process regarding all matters related to the campus from the Site Based Decision fashioning (SBDM) committee. Every campus is allocated budget at the 1st of September. Budget includes different kinds of bullion, travel, and staff development programs. Allocati on of funds is the next step. The campus budget

Friday, April 19, 2019

Pr campaign brief Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Pr campaign brief - Coursework ExampleWe shall stress on the advantages of building the bypass and at the same time try to counter any adverse reaction. My firm will demonstrate its ideas to the applicable authorities with the full realization that while it may not be their office to buy these ideas, it is our responsibility to sell them. We will therefore try to have these authorities interested by stressing on the grandeur and urgency of the project (Deegan, 2001).Our petition to the House of Commons will be aimed at facilitating any large-minded legislation needed to undertake this process. We shall present the risks posed to the inhabitants and the vehicle drivers by the numerous vehicles passing through with(predicate) the village centre. We shall particularly present the risk of fatal accidents to the residents, school children, senior citizens and new(prenominal) members of the Ponteland and Darras Hall biotic community as well as the drivers.In addition, we shall pres ent our concerns about the centres pollution, traffic congestion and the traffic slows down leading to languisher travel time, fuel wastage and loss of timing for the vehicles. We shall also present the overwhelming support this proposal has received, not only from the community, but also other organisations such(prenominal) as AA, RAC, the British Coach Operators Federation and the Freight Drivers Association.To achieve this goal, will create awareness through methods such as radio talk delegates, protest meetings and media coverage to increase pressure on the MPs. Moreover, we shall use posters, stickers and other methods to publicize the issues and carry out door to door canvassing to enrol more and more members.From our cost-benefit analysis, we shall show the Department of Transport and the ex-chequer that even though the bypass will cost some amount of money, its long term benefits will be much more than the cost of building it. We shall bring to their attention the bulky saving they will make in

Thursday, April 18, 2019

Data Warehousing and Mining Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4500 words

Data Warehousing and digging - Essay ExampleThis study will discuss the concept of information mining in detail. This paper will discuss the important aspects, techniques and algorithms of data mining. This paper will also assess the market applications of data mining. DATA MINING Data mining is a technique which is used to evaluate business or corporate data from a target source and after that turn that data into valuable and useable information. This corporate information is normally employed to facilitate a business to raise profits, reduce press expenditure in specific business areas. Moreover, the main purpose of data mining applications is to recognize and take- by standardised business configuration enclosed in a given set of corporate data (Bradford, 2011). significant DATA MINING TECHNIQUES This section outlines some of the prime and important data mining techniques. Some of the main techniques are presented below Neural Networks/Pattern Recognition Neural Networks ar e utilized in a blackbox style. In this technique, an individual produces a set of data for testing purpose, which allows the neural network to find out traffic patterns found on the identified results, then for these data permits the neural network imprecise on wide amounts of data provided. ... Memory Based Reasoning This technique can offer same results which can be achieved from neural network however the working of this technique is different from neural networks. In addition, the memory based reasoning searches for closely related type of data, rather than considering similar working patterns (Chicago Business Intelligence Group, 2011) and (Han & Kamber, 2006). clump Detection This is a standard technique of data mining which is used to assess the relationship betwixt market and business transaction data because it utters associations from data patterns. Mainly, this method discovers associations in clients or product or anywhere we desire to discover interaction in data (Chicago Business Intelligence Group, 2011) and (Han & Kamber, 2006). Link depth psychology This is an early(a) method for relating similar business records. However, this method is not utilized extensively on the other hand, a number of methods and software applications have been built on the basis of this technique. Since its name states, this technique attempts to discover associations, either in dealings, various products, consumers, etc. as well as reveals those associations (Chicago Business Intelligence Group, 2011) and (Han & Kamber, 2006). visual percept This method of data mining facilitates the users to recognize their data. In this scenario, visualization is used to create the association from school text established to visual/graphical arrangement. In addition, various other techniques such as rule, decision tree, pattern visualization and cluster facilitate users to observe data associations rather than reading the associations. Moreover, a lot of right on data mini ng systems have taken effective actions for enhancing their

Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Atenism as Related to Henotheism, Monotheism, and Polytheism Research Paper

Atenism as Related to Henotheism, Monotheism, and Polytheism - Research theme ExampleIt was a peaceful religion with brotherhood and kindness, taking precedence over the activities of daily living. Although more have considered it a type of pre-cursor to monotheism thither is no proof that it was neither was it polytheism. It was actually a quasi-blend of the deuce more associated with the New Age religions, also known as henotheism. Atenism as Related to Henotheism, Monotheism, and Polytheism Initially peerless can say there are elements of monotheism, polytheism, and henotheism intrinsic to the ancient Egyptian religion of Atenism. In taking a closer look, Atenism is not polytheism, the worship of many gods and goddesses, or monotheism, the worship of superstar close and mortal-to-person god, exclusive of all others, but more closely related to henotheism, a blend of the two where there is one main deity, either with multiple manifestations and names, or one main deity with many associates. era early Egyptologists felt that Atenism was a predecessor of monotheism, there has been no proof linking that cult with todays traditional monotheistic beliefs. (Lawlor, 2007) Atenism is the religion associated with the worship of Aten, the sun disk, who until about the 12th century B.C., was just one of the many gods and goddesses associated with ancient Egyptian religion. ... worship of other gods was permitted however within five years of its portal Atenism had become the supreme religion with only one Supreme Being worshipped. During this time, Amenhotep IV changed his name to Akhenaton, illustrious Spirit of the Aten, beneficial to Aten. He then proceeded to build a new city in value of Aten, Akhenaten, the horizon of the sun disc it is near what is known today as Amarna, between Thebes and Memphis in the vale of the Kings. There is some speculation that since pharaohs were thought to be deity personified that perhaps Akhenaton was, as well, the messenger person for Aten. (Geller,2002) With the installation of Aten, nine years from the beginning of Akhenatons reign, all traces of Amun, the previous supreme deity, were erased even to the dot of chiseling the inscription off of temples, statues and entering tombs to remove all traces of the thrower deity. This was a common practice aimed at removing the old and instituting the new as though the old never existed it continues with Egyptian history today, as the case history books are re-edited with the installation of new leaders, showing the previous leaders as ineffective and requiring replacement. (Geller, 2002) In Atenism, God is seen as loving and beneficent, protecting and supporting his people through his very presence, which is real enough, though not personally involved. He is not seen as authoritarian, judgmental, and justice-oriented. The worship of idols was banned, and all references to Aten in written form were shown using a sun disk whose rays culminated in upraised h ands. Later, Akhenaton permitted it to be written phonetically a symbol of his radicalism in the new religion.

Tuesday, April 16, 2019

King of Country Music Essay Example for Free

King of Country Music EssayWhen Strait was a teenager, he began his music by joining a rock and roll garage band. After he graduated high school, he enrolled in college, but before long dropped out and married his high school sweetheart, Norma Voss, in 1971. He later enlisted in the Army. He was stati peerlessd in Hawaii and began to play in an army-sponsored band called ramble on Country. On October 6, 1972, while still in Hawaii, George and Norma welcomed their outgrowth child, Jenifer. In 1975, Strait was discharged from the Army and soon after returned to Texas. Strait returned to college in San Marcos, where he graduated in 1979 with a degree in agriculture. During college, he joined the country band Stoney Ridge, answering a flyer the band posted around campus aspect for a new vocalist. Strait renamed the group the Ace in the Hole and quickly became the lead, they began to perform at different honky tonks and bars around south and central Texas, traveling as far easte rnmost as Huntsville and Houston. They gained a regional following and opened for national acts such as The Texas Playboys.Soon, his band was disposed(p) the opportunity to record several Strait-penned hit including That Dont Change The Way I Feel About You, for the Houston-based D label. However, the songs never achieved wide recognition, and Strait continued to manage his family cattle ranch during the day in coordinate to make some extra cash. Strait attempted tried to become famous in capital of Tennessee but failed because he lacked any strong business connections. In 1979, he became friends with Erv Woolsey, a Texas club possessor who once worked for MCA Records.Woolsey invited several MCA executives to Texas to hear Strait. He did so well on his performance they signed him in 1980. Straits first single was Unwound in 1981. It made it into the Top 10. Next he released two more songs Down and tabu and If Youre Thinking You Want a Stranger (Theres One Coming Home). Both th ese songs did groovy on the charts, but it wasnt until 1982 when Straits second album Strait from the heart was released. Then George Strait had his first number one hit Fool Hearted Memory. In the 1980s alone, he reached the top of the chart 18 times with songs such as The Chair, All My Exes Live in Texas, Famous Last Words of a Fool and Baby Blue. In 1985, he win CMA awards for album of the year and male vocalist. In 1986, he repeated his win as male vocalist, but his year was marked by tragedy when his missy was killed in a car wreck. Baby Blue is said to have been written for his daughter. Strait won CMA entertainer of the year award in 1989 and 1990. In the 1990s, George Strait continued to dominate country music.He released his tenth part album, Livin It Up, which featured two number one hits including Love Without End, Amen and Ive Come to Expect It From You. He later released the singles If I Know Me and You Know Me Better Than Thatwhich both were number one hits. In 199 2, Strait have in the movie Pure Country and recorded I Cross My Heart which is still one of his biggest hits today. His song once again reached number one. In 1995, He released a four-CD boxed set, Strait Out of the Box. It had become one of the five biggest-selling boxed sets in music history.

Monday, April 15, 2019

Tsotsi directed by Gavin Hood and Chris Abanis Nigerian novel Graceland Essay Example for Free

Tsotsi directed by Gavin stumblebum and Chris Abanis Nigerian myth Graceland EssayHow do the name of main characters in the film Tsotsi and novel Graceland situate their identity?When comparing the reciprocal ohm African movie Tsotsi directed by Gavin gawk and Chris Abanis Nigerian novel Graceland, both are stories of young men struggling with their poverty-stricken fates. In these African cultures, the names of telephone exchange characters Tsotsi and back breaker are more than just a reference they carry the clues to their past and the explanation to their chip in as they endure journeys of self-discovery. In the film, main character Tsotsi embodies his native label. In the local vernacular of South African townships-comprised of Afrikaans and a mixture of local dialects such as Zulu, Xhosa, Tswana and Sotho-the term tsosti can literally be translated to thug. With it be intimates the historical association of the 1930s urban youth combinations that ruthlessly ruled a t the twinge of the ghettos hierarchy. Although in the past the name tsotsi carried a glamorous gangster image, the word is now used to specify displaced young criminals. This history of the word parallels the characters past. Tsotsi is seemingly comfortable in his role as a cold-hearted gang leader, but the viewer questions his motives as the film progressively exposes his troubled past. Hood uses flashbacks to portray Tsotsi as a young boy in his last moments with his bed-ridden breed.As he reaches out to hold her hand, the scene is slow-moving as if visually symbolizing the strength and endurance of their love. In these defining moments, his mother calls him David-meaning belove. The appearance of Tsotsis aggressive, intoxicated father triggers a sudden change in pace-a rapid series of individual close-ups foreshadows a flood tide in the conflict that willing permanently paralyze the characters frantic acceptance of each other. Parting from his mother metaphorically displa ces David from his once safe, loving past to Sowetos perilous grasp. When he runs away, he leaves behind his objective name-his confessedly identity. The new name Tsotsi allows him to take on the role of a nameless thug that masks his emotional reality and provides him with an outlet for his traumatic childhood.In Graceland, the main characters name is inspired by the late Elvis Presley. throughout the novel, Albanis choices of names define a culture in which all you had was your name(187). Before money became a frequent determinant of status, the sole measure of a man was his name(187). Elviss father, Sunday, lives to take the family from being a nobody to carrying a name people spoke with respect(187). It is therefore untraditional for Elvis, as a future male object lesson of the family, to be named after his mothers, Beatrices, unaccredited passion. This act alone foreshadows Elviss inability to satisfy the conventional role pose upon him in Nigerias male-dominated society. Beatrice, meaning bringer of joy, invests her love and passion for symphony in Elvis. In the same way harmony acts as an escape from the slums grim conditions, Elvis is Beatrices symbol of hope-an innocent new beginning to life. Both Tsotsi and Elvis define their names through the strong connection with their mothers. When Beatrice dies, Elvis loses his source of inspiration, and the reader questions whether he will still be able to live up to his name. Both Tsotsi and Elvis found motivation and train in their mothers care, thus struggling to maintain paths of righteousness(171) after their loss.Although initially thriving in his self-adopted role as criminal, Tsotsi is eventually forced to come to terms with his align, restrained identity. In the beginning, he organizes crime with his followers capital of Massachusetts/Teacher-boy, Butcher and Aap (monkey in Afrikaans) at his heels. Together the meanings of the three names describe the characteristics symbolic of a stereotyped street gang an abandonment of education, a bandingbaric desire to hurt and kill, and the foolishness of reckless animals. in spite of the gangs obedience, it is not long before Bostons guilt consumes him after a murder, and he begins to question Tsotsis mysterious faade.He verbally tears at the mask Tsotsi has created Whats your name, Tsotsi? Your real name? Thug? Thats not a real name. The interrogation triggers Tsotsis angry past and fuels a brutal beating of Boston. In the following scene Tsotsi is fleeing the bar, and Hood parallels the event to the flashback of David originally running away from his father. Hoods cross-cutting implies a commonality in Tsotsis state of mind during these both events. Tsotsi has become exactly what he ran away from all those years ago-a bitter, drunk abuser. This inner realization forces Tsotsi to come to terms with his past and re-establish his true identity.After Beatrices death, Elvis struggles to maintain a source of identity. Beatrice has endured him with the role of her idol-she loved Elvis Presley(105)-and Elvis soon begins to physically embody this responsibility. His first job in the novel is socialise beachside tourists as an Elvis impersonator. While Tsotsi hides from his real name, Elvis tries to embrace the inspiration behind his. Unfortunately, in a life where money overrules passion, dancing is not seen as a sufficient job it is something everyone does in de bar on Saturday(5). Despite the disparagement, Elvis finds refuge in his physical transformation into the King of Rock.Make-up is a tool to success, metaphorically providing him with the opportunity to escape his menial reality. In this way, Elviss physical mask is similar to Tsotsis emotional shield. Real make-up, however, is seen as a dangerous option(11) because he could be mistaken for a cross-dressing prostitute(11). Elvis resorts to layers of talcum powder powder and is dissatisfied(11) with his end result. The conservative Nigerian culture deni es him freedom in expressing his genuine love for music and dance, and Elvis becomes afraid to define his impersonation as anything other than a materialistic occupation. His mother whitethorn have given him a name that carried her artistic inspiration, but she failed to raise him into a life where his true character could flourish without her. It takes Tsotsi years to accept his name, and Elvis a lifetime to try to live up to his.Together, film and novel act as a microcosm for urban African society-a culture in which names are carefully chosen as a representation of character. Hood and Abani use Tsotsi and Elvis to comprise the powerful role of names in influencing and molding developing characters. Author and director stress the indigence to take control and establish ourselves in a way that brings honor to our names, and that doesnt allow societys pre-prescribed connotations to define us.

Sunday, April 14, 2019

Schools Killing Creativity Essay Example for Free

Schools cleansing Creativity EssayIn this TED talk segment by Ken Robinson, an English born prof explains why the educational system in the U.S. is remaining stagnant and unfulfilling to bookmans needs. Robinson begins his arguments by stating, The educational system of the linked States has been accompanied by the same curriculum for the past 125 years. Schools be unknowingly bend creative minds into memorizing machines to meet the criteria of acceptance for colleges across the nation. The educational system has labeled failure as unjustifiable in return generations of children bring afraid to take a risk. Robinson implies, Failure is essential to success, when a scholar looks at failure as no option, they neglect their ability to grow and think for themselves. In some parts of the nation, high school drop outs exceed the number of graduates by a 60% margin. Robinson also states that, the period educational system is robbing schoolchilds of the creative minds we argo n all born with. Research proves your brains imaginative and creative lobes atomic number 18 most active during childhood years. Replacing this creativity with measuringization, results in a disengaged classroom. regularize testing produces a false evaluation of a childs capabilities, only basing statistics on the encumbrance subjects of math, science, and literacy.The average high school dropout rate in the United States remains a staggering 60% in the majority population. Within minority populations as much of 80% of students will fail to mother a high school diploma. Unaccounted for in these statistics are students who are disengaged in the classroom, and will get postcode out of it. America stands as a global leader in m peerlessy spent on education, yet we are displacing this investment of would-be graduates within our economy, to even more m superstary spent on repairing the result of a dropout generation. An estimated one trillion dollars of revenue within our economy c ould be salvaged if we could take the across the nation 60% and reduce this number to 30%.Professor Robinson touches on the fact that we as humans are instinctively creative. Creativity is essential for a child to achieve something that isnew, distinct, and imaginative. Education professionals are existence pressure to follow specific guidelines of standard testing, resulting in a conclusion of what a child is capable of conformist to. Without a broad spectrum of testing we are limiting the student to his or her adaptability rather than what they naturally outperform at. Good teaching habits, such as engaging students to think for themselves and motivating them to be creative, are beingness jeopardized by core curriculum. Robinson refers to education as a result of learning. Educating the students on how to learn, creates any environment the student is capable of thriving in. The system is lacking a variety of studies that engage creativity. Subjects such as the arts, humanitie s, friendly sciences and even things such as dance are not being recognized as crucial to a well rounded education.Studies show overall test scores are substantially land in schools that lack a variety of exploratory classes. Robinson argues, to fully understand math science and literacy, one must explore a diverse culture of learning. Without a variety of knowledge and creativity the learning taught in these core classes becomes meaningless. The subjects focused on by standard testing cannot be accurately measured as a generalization of a childs capabilities. He tells a figment of girl who couldnt focus in school. She was unable to sit still long enough to do any work she was being assigned. This behavior resulted in her being clinically classified as wo(e) from ADHD. While doing homework alone one afternoon, her parents examined her behavior unknowingly to her. After just minutes of session at her desk she would get up and begin to move around in a dancing fashion. Her pare nts wherefore realized that there was nothing wrong with her at all, she was meant to be a dancer. She went on to have one of the most successful dance careers of her generation. Robinson reinforces this story with the notion that all of us are created differently with laughable talents here stands the flaw of standardization. In all of the worlds greatest educational systems, there are similarities within the education culture that America has lacked. In these countries educators are being held to a higher standard and looked at as an investment. Here in the United States teachers are often looked at as a transportation of information.Throughout countries that thrive in education, it is realized that students are only as good as the teachers. Teaching curriculum is acknowledged at the school level where learning is actually taking home incomparison to state and government regulated districts, which are essentially disengaged with what is going on inner(a) the classroom here in the US. Without the pressure to meet the demands of a set curriculum, students are able to become engaged in interests and talents individually. Throughout the entire lecture, Robinson invokes the point that Americas educational system is in need of reform. Our system of testing should accompany an overall goal of learning and not be held as primary assure of a students potential. There are many variables that accompany a students capabilities besides what is being focused on as a means of evaluation. The standard testing should be held as partial review of capabilities, not as an entirety. Subjects that individual students find spark their interests are being deemed unimportant, leaving the student to feel as though they are incapable of success.Courses that students find passion in will create a sense of curiosity in learning. When the light of curiosity becomes a students motivation is when true self learning takes place. The tragedy is that more than 60% of Americans drop out o f high school feeling that they are unable to meet the requirements of life. Robinson makes clear of the fact, Not any-one human is build the same we are a world full of individuals. School systems should give students the tools necessary to find what they are best at and pursue those areas they excel in. The lecture is ended by a request that we climb up changing the way we approach education. Begin to put learning before standards with this movement we can hit into brilliant minds that otherwise would be ignored. Once this movement has begun we can in turn, start a revolution. kit and boodle CitedRobinson, Ken. Ted Talks.Ken Robinson How to Escape Educations Death Valley.YouTube. YouTube, 10 May 2013. Web. 17 Sept. 2013. Robinson, Ken. Ted Talks. Sir Ken Robinson Do Schools Kill Creativity? YouTube. YouTube, 06 Jan. 2007. Web. 17 Sept. 2013.

Thursday, April 11, 2019

Women in Tennyson’s Poems Essay Example for Free

Wo workforce in Tennysons Poems EssayIn The Lady of Shallot Tennyson portrays the lady as somewhat of a victim by being trap in her room weaving as if she leaves she will break an elusive curse she is under. In form 63 we see that she hath no loyal knight and true this implies to us that she is utterly alone in her world and whether she stays or leaves men have set up a world she is unsaved to fail by growing old alone or by dying. We go by the rime thinking that she is content with living in solitude looking out at the world by her mirror but when Sir Lancelot suddenly appears in Part 3 we see her look out the windowpane and break the curse, this shows that Lancelot ultimately brought her to her death. But this point can be contradicted by the point that Sir Lancelot did non until now know he was being watched and you could argue that her cause female weakness of sexuality led her to her own death. Following on the point that she is not entirely a victim it is shown i n the cables lengths she left the weave she left the loomTennysons repetition of the world left emphasizes the gravity of her actions and the fact that she has been trapped in the tower all her life and is now leaving implies a whizz of freedom, this is also shown in the line she loosened the chain Tennyson could be symbolising the fact she is breaking free from the constraints of a male dominate world. On the other hand we again come to feel pity for the lady at the land up of the poem due to the males and Lancelots curt attitude to her body and Lancelots comment that she has a beauteous face which suggest that the male world is ignorant and conceited. In Godiva we are first introduced by Tennyson to Godiva as being part of a legend this is then wildly contradicted when we get our first glimpse of Godiva as she is seen as being controlled by her husband the grim earl and is just a possession towards him which institutionalizes us the sense that this is in fact a male dominat ed world this is further shown when the Earl patronises Godiva by saying you would not let your little finger ache.But when we get to stanza 4 we see it is a somewhat transformative stanza as Godiva shekelss to break away from her husbands constraints, this is evident in the line unclasped the wedded eagles of her belt we start to see her transform into a strong, independent woman. Yet we still see that although she is defying her husband and ridingthrough town she is still made to feel extremely uncomfortable and still violated by men when she is looked at by a peeping tom this shows although she is doing a magnificent act of defiance she is still degraded by men. On the other hand this is contradicted by the peeping tom being instantly blinded. Tennyson has used Lines much(prenominal) as like a creeping sunbeam and like a summer moon to whitethornhap symbolise the fact that Godiva has huge power and capability such as the sun and moons ability to give out and create light inste ad of loathsomenessness. This could also signify the fact that Godiva is ending a dark time of high taxes.The last lines of the stanza express that she took the tax away and built herself an everlasting name. Tennyson uses the pronoun she to emphasize the fact that it was Godiva who took away the taxes and not the earl. Therefore showing how she is ultimately stronger than the grim earl. In conclusion some may agree with the fact that although in most of Tennysons poems he is describing predominately male worlds and the women are presented as victims, In Godiva and the Lady Of Shallot the main characters are women who appear victims in the beginning but then ultimately break out of their confinement as inferior people and become women who make their own resource and decide how their own lives are going to go for the first time, therefore I believe they peradventure are victims in some ways but the ways in which they are not rout them.

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Lists of input and output information and sources Essay Example for Free

Lists of input and turnout culture and sources EssayPrior to outlining the input and output information, the system development life cycle moldiness be in place so that the compendium is done accordingly. The correct nature of the inputs and the outputs would make the system design vary accordingly as it requires to recall in the information and put it into a frame to interpret in a decisive manner to take still decisions. The systems development life cycle for cliff Bar is as follows 1. Feasibility analysisThe newly proposed system and the present working system atomic number 18 analyze so that the ROI (Return On Investment) is obtained. The proposed system is further analyzed for economical, technical, schedule and other(a) feasibilities so that it stands in front of all difficulties in the development of the project. The Bead bar initiatives name management people are involved in the offset of feasibility analysis. All the inputs, outputs and external environment are studied in detail so that the central intricacies would be researched well for their impact and development.Inputs Bead Bars inputs are in the form of familiaritys short and long term objectives, its financial base and credibility for years to ejaculate, its worldwide strategical plans, consent of the advisors and directors, risk discourse strategies and some(prenominal) others. Outputs The feasibility has outputs in the form of higher management approbation for the sustenance of the systems development, its full length use to cover all business functions, risk mitigation strategies and many others. 2. Systems planning and requirements gatheringAfter the system is thoroughly check for all its inputs and outputs, the requirements phase takes the lead. All the key stakeholders of the departments and the users of the system essential be taken into account for gathering the crucial departmental functions, requirements and its interaction with other departments to achieve t he central goal of the enterprise. Input It must be in the form of the users of the system who are better-off to understand and figure out the exact ground level happenings in the business.Their view of the workings of the enterprise must be captured so that appropriate implementation can be done. Output The valuable information fetched from the users of the system must be given a representation and frame it accordingly to fix it into a system. 3. Systems Analysis and Design Bead Bars system requirements are studied and the system is analyzed and designed accordingly. The flow of data is analyzed so that the system captures the entire business cycle and their functions.Inputs It would come from the requirements gathering phase and the order of business flow. Outputs It would result in helping the analysts and designers in the process of database handling and further development of the system. 4. Database Model The database model for Bead Bar is as follows, which shows the interactio n of the different entities of the business. go in 1 Database Model 5. Coding The above design is given a representation of the business and the dissimilar functions are finally implemented at this stage.Inputs It is in the form of requirements gathered from the previous stages and the design documents. Outputs It results in material implementation of the system so that it can be viewed physically. 6. Implementation and Training This stage correlates with actual planting of the system at the Bead Bar so that the present system is replaced and the proposed system takes its place. The users must be trained to operate the business functions with the system, store and retrieve data whenever it is demanded. 7. System feedback and maintenanceThe general working of the system must be responded back so that any form of negative points would be highlighted and discussed to take advantage of the system and technologies involved. 8. Systems Review and Maintenance schedule The review and ma intenance schedule must include the following Preventative maintenance Maintenance schedules are a necessity for keeping the resources of a system in good health. The hardware, network equipments, communication programs and software must be periodically checked whether it is up and running (Mawer, 2000).

Monday, April 8, 2019

Lydia Peelle - Mule Killers Essay Example for Free

Lydia Peelle Mule Killers quizIn this short story Mule Killers by Lydia Peele we meet three generations of a family, grandpa, father and word of honor as well as the different women in the story. The story is told in present quantify by the son as a first person narrator, but almost everything in the story is a flashback of the fathers story ab show up his youth.The story is constructed in parts you get introduced to the lives of the father and the grandfather with no introduction of what has happened before, and then, the story jumps to the end in the present, without letting the reader know what has happened in among and what will probably happen after the story ends. The story takes place on a fire on the countryside near Nashville in the Southeast of United States. Though the story, you get an impression of an stray society where the church is central and people has got quiet and ordinary lives while they work hard to illuminate a living from their farms.The languag e in Mule Killers is observing, which we can see in the description of Eula ()her vibrissa swept up off her neck, thick purple-black and shining, the other girls hanging limply down, onion plant paper pale() In the story we hear the father tell the son about the events that changed their lives how he met the arrive of his son and also had to give up on his dreams of love and how the lovestory of what should have been innocent turned out to be the thing that shaped his future.The tragic love story represents the way the farmland was changed in the future. Firstly, the press from mules to tractors in the farming symbolises several things. For the grandfather, the shift to tractors and the following accident marks a new time that he does not accept and he does not take him. This we get an example of in this post youre gonna see a future I cant even stretch my bear in mind around. Not any of it. I cant even begin to imagine. For the father, the loss of his mule Orphan, which was u nrivaled of the things that he really cared about represents the end of his kidhood. The mules is a symbol of the future and the killing of them is a handsome sign for the future and also is the point of no return in this short story. The shift from child to grown-up is the main theme in this story, but also the fathers struggle to live up to his fathers ideals of what a macrocosm is, is an important aspect in the story.In his trying to be and act like a grown-up he supresses his fears and his sadness and also the things he love music and the mules. So its like he cannot naturalise these interests any longer. Another important theme in the short story is time. During the story you get a feeling of time passing by. The father goes from being a young man to having a son, who is twice as old as the father was when the son was born, the farming changes and goes from using mulls to tractors.

Sunday, April 7, 2019

Ppt About Forbidden City Essay Example for Free

Ppt About Forbidden City Essay1 Introduction The Forbidden City, also called the Palace Museum, which was the imperial palace during the Ming and Qing dynasties. The Forbidden City was built from 1406 to 1420 by the Yongle Emperor who was the third emperor of the Ming Dynasty. The English name of the Forbidden City is a translation of its Chinese name Zijin Cheng, which means that the Forbidden City is the residence of the emperor and his family, and no one could enter or leave the palace without the emperors approval. The Forbidden City is a rectangle 961 metres from north to south and 753 metres from east to west. Besides, it consists of 980 surviving buildings with 8,886 bays of rooms. It is seemingly the largest palace around the world. As the home of 24 emperors, 12 of the Ming Dynasty, and 10 of the Qing Dynasty, the palace was the political pump of China for more than 500 years, and this is one of the reasons why we interested in this topic. In the following sections, we willing introduce the Forbidden Citys three principal(prenominal) halls, The abode of Mental Cultivation, the historied emperors and the stories of the palace, famous music about the Forbidden City, online virtual Forbidden City, and the best time to travel.2 Descriptions 2-1 The three main halls There are three halls stand on top of a three-tiered white marble work bench of the square of the palace. They contain the residency of Supreme Harmony (Chinese ), the Hall of rudimentary Harmony(Chinese ), and the Hall of Preserving Harmony (Chinese ). The Hall of Supreme Harmony is the largest and highest level hall of the Forbidden City. Every emperors coronation, birthday ceremony, hymeneals ceremony, and other consequential ceremonies or political affairs had taken place in this hall.The Hall of Central Harmony is a smaller and square hall, used by the Emperor to rehearse and rest ahead and during ceremonies. Behind the Hall of Central Harmony, the Hall of Preserving Harmony, it was used by the emperor to banquet the nobility on every Chinese Eve, or other important festivals. In Qing Dynasty, the emperor had taken the most important imperial examinations, Dian Shi (Chinese ) in this hall. 2-2 The Hall of Mental CultivationThe reason why we introduce this hall apiece is that the Hall of Mental Cultivation is a particularly significant building of the Forbidden City of Qing Dynasty since 1722. The Hall of Mental Cultivation is well-known for the Yongzheng Emperor, who was the 5th emperor of the Qing Dynasty, and son of the Kangxi Emperor. He ruled the Chinese empire from 1722 to 1735. During his ruling time, the emperor lived in this hall. After his death, other emperors lived in this hall continually, thus the hall had been the developed dominate centre of the Chinese Empire from 1722 to 1911, the ruin of the Qing Dynasty.

Saturday, April 6, 2019

Googles Methods of Motivating Employees Essay Example for Free

Googles Methods of motivate Employees EssayWhat is life like at Google? After extensive research I found a wide variety of opinions about life at Google. Googles website portrays Google as the best of all places to work. They furnish many luxuries including on site massages and health clubs in addition to free dining and vending options. The guidance style of Google is very lackadaisical and far from serious. Their motto is search, search, and search. Googleplex located out of San Jose, California has a anomalous method of motivating employees vastly different from other corporate America companies. New hires ar dumbstricken by Googles reputation.If they pass the unorganized and exhausting interview process, they will be able to engage the extravagant perks that attract many to Google initially. Googles goal is to keep employees focused on work by eliminating anything that might interfere with production. Current employees make use of this concept depending on their lengt h of employment with the company. Ex-employees fool a different view of Googles culture and the driving forces that power it. Many of Googles archaic employees determine this atmosphere leads to 24/7 working days with no personal time.They feel overworked and underpaid with undersize advancement opportunities available. With that being say, my assessment of the working environment at Google is similar to that of former employees. I feel Google is mirroring the college environment by meeting the basic needs of their employees. By making the basic needs readily available within the working environment, they eliminate outside distractions thus hoping to increase production. However, I feel this philosophy is comparable to that of many cults.They entice employees with so-called spectacular benefits and average pay all the while neglecting to secure them how demanding the working environment is at Google. I am surprised that Google does not offer on-site life sentence arrangemen ts too. Robbins and Coulter (2009) state, Google has been named the best company to work for by Fortune magazine two years running. I pay no doubts they are not a fantastic company to call home, but they are not retaining life time employees. At some point these associates are losing motivation and decide to side for better opportunities.These situations tell me that Google is failing their employees at some point. I believe the break-down begins at the top of the organisational structure within Google. They emphasize their benefits but neglect to explain employee expectations or job demands to their staff. After the penchant phase, employees get the real taste of Google little time for the perks, exhausting hours, unorganized working environments, lacking instruction guidance, little advancement opportunities, minimal pay and a child-like atmosphere. This is the perfect recipe for burnout.Sequentially burnout creates Googles biggest challenge. It has been said that middle mana gement at Google might oversee over 100 people at one and only(a) time. How can this be effective? Management needs to be involved and become more hand on with their employees. They could start with career plans, training and promotable reviews. Also, I feel Google should balance their perks by offering less(prenominal) on-site and more down time or empathy to their associates on a personal level. The perks offered are large(p) but they are missing the most important factor-a sincere personal touch.If I were managing a police squad of Google employees I would try to implement a hands on type of approach. I would set up monthly meetings and give my staff appropriate feedback to help them grow and excel. A rewards and recognition program would be beneficial to them as well as a career plan. It would also be helpful to have training sessions when needed. Lastly, I would empathize with my employees by stressing balance between family and working time. Google has a nice chopine howev er, I feel these few changes could be vital assets to enhancing their working place while keep long term associates.

Supply and Demand Simulation Essay Example for Free

Supply and pauperization Simulation EssaySupply and make is the common sense principle which defines the generally observed relationship between demand, fork up and harms as demand increases the price goes up which attracts new suppliers who increase the supply speech the price back to normal (Law of Supply and Demand, 2010). A surplus in the market exerts a down(prenominal) mechanical press on price eyepatch a shortage in the market exerts an upward pressure on price. In the supply and demand computer simulation Goodlife has control of the apartment rental community is Atlantis. In the first year Goodlife wants to bring down the vacancy ordinate to about 15 percent while maximizing revenue. Goodlife must lower the make up of rent in order to lower the vacancy rate but they have to make sure they dont lower it too much or they go out decrease their revenue so they must find at what rental rate they will lower vacancy but no lose revenue. As the years go by several(pren ominal) things affect the supply and demand of the Goodlife Company, population increase, individuals wanting long-term housing and a price ceiling.Shifts in supply and demand affect decision making by causing the caller-out to look at how to get the greatest revenue with the changes. The supply and demand simulation went over several key points that were alike part of our textbook reading such as total revenue and demand, individual and market demand, bulls eye price elasticity and shifting supply and demand. Total revenue and demand is the ability for a company to tell whether the total revenue will go up or down when they raise or lower their prices (Colander, 2008).Individual and market demand refers to how individuals may stop buying a product imputable to a slight rise in cost, the market demand is influenced both by how many great deal drop out totally and by how much an existing consumer marginally changes his or her quantity demanded (Colander, 2008). pass across price elasticity of demand is when the price of a product goes up and it positively impacts the demand of another(prenominal) product. Shifting supply and demand is the ability of the company to shift supply to meet demand and hold up equilibrium.At Regence BlueCross BlueShield supply and demand affects the cost of premiums as well as the type of benefits addressable on plans. It is important in healthcare to figure out which benefits are sought after and what it will cost to cover those benefits, by slimming down on the benefits that are used less then they can win benefits that individuals want at a lower cost than if they supply all benefits. One example of this is position limitations of such benefits as chiropractic or physical therapy while increasing the benefits for preventive care.Price elasticity of demand affects the decision making of the consumer and of the organization by changing the amount of a product available as well as the price of the product. Consumers will swit ch products if they are unable to find the product slow or if the price is higher than a similar product. Organizations must continue to shift the supply and price of a product in order to stay competitive and still make revenue.In the simulation I learned how to maintain equilibrium with supply, demand and price while maintaining company revenue at the highest rate. Goodlife must keep changing the availability and price of the apartments in order to keep up with supply and demand and maintain revenue, one way they did this is by turning some of their apartments into condos this decreased the number of apartments available but brought in revenue in a different manner.

Friday, April 5, 2019

Vehicle ad-hoc Network (VANETS) Technology

fomite ad-hoc Network (VANETS) TechnologyChapter 1IntroductionNow a day, e actuallything is sorrowful away from wired engine room and take uping towards piano tuner. The fascination of mobility, accessibility and flexibility halts radio technologies the dominant mode of transferring all sorts of entropy. Satellite televisions, cellular ph hotshots and wireless Internet be well-known operations of wireless technologies. This work presents a promising wireless use and introduces a tiny contri stillion to its research community.Research in wireless talk field is growing faster, day by day, and so any early(a) field. It serves a rattling b street range or series of diverse kind of applications utilise different topologies. Every genius of these comes with roughly modernistic and specialized protocols. In this research, we will present an introduction to a wireless technology. This wireless technology directly affects car accidents and the sales of mavin of the ov ersizedst commercialises. It is the technology of building a strong net income in the midst of mobile fomites i.e. let fomites communicate to each different. This promising technology is literally called Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks (VANETs).1.1 soilSince the outgrowth invention of mobile fomites, governments and manufacturers turn over researched accidents to cut back the number of vehicle crashes in order to reduce costs, injuries and fatalities. First of all, VANET technology is going to reduce crashes by doing research in this field. Accordingly, related to governmental regimen initiated new projects to the learning institute for study, research, development in the field of wireless technology and VANETs also paying attention in its standards. The Dedicated brusk ramble Communications (DSRC) 1 is a pioneer ITS (Intelligent Transportation Systems which is a branch of the U.S. Department of Transportation 2) project dedicated to VANET standardization. Then, the acronym or short form DSRC becomes a spherical or familiar name of kind of standards that aim to put VANET technology into life. The DSRC mainly concerns with the intercourse that is how to make different communication links between vehicle-to-vehicle and vehicle-to/from- streetside units.1.2 MotivationIn the closing curtain few years, vehicular communicate has gained great attention in industry. Federal communication commission (FCC) has assigned 5.850-5.925GHZ frequency band to get along safe and efficient itinerary trips, which is planned for vehicle-to-vehicle and vehicle-to-infrastructure communication. Car manufacturers, e.g., Audi, BMW and DaimlerChrysler, also formed a Car2Car communication syndicate 3, in which the prototype development for inter-vehicle communications is underway.In near past, IEEE 802.11-based solutions for VANETs are also studied by IEEE 802.11p. IEEE 802.11p Wireless recover in the Vehicular Environment ( wrap) that defines turns to IEEE 802.11 to he lp Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) applications. IEEE 802.11p helps selective information exchanges between fast moving vehicles with each opposite and also exchanges information from vehicles to highway side unit or from road side unit to vehicles in the licensed ITS band of 5.9 GHz. The Dedicated Short-Range Communications (DSRC) at 5.9 GHz is here today to provide rubber eraser that is increasing safeguard in case of road accidents, reducing highway or road maintenance cost and also improving mobility. Inter second geartion and road departure collisions report for round about 50 percent of all crashes and victims on our roads. On an honest day in the United States, vehicular collisions kill 116 and injure 79008. More health care dollars are consumed in the United States treating crash victims than any some other cause of illness or injury 8, 10 the placement in the atomic number 63an Union is similar, with over 100 deaths and 4600 injuries daily, and the annual c ost of 160 billion 11. By getting rid from road victims and crashes, DSRC elicit provide or play important role in reducing road accidents, deaths, injuries, heavy traffic and increasing road safety by improving communication between vehicles and between vehicles and road side infrastructure. DSRC emerged from a partnership among automobile manufacturers, state and federal pane officials, toll transponder equipment suppliers and the Federal Communications Commission. There is a recognized need for on-the-go communication with motor vehicles and safe communication between vehicles to increment highway safety by providing prototypes and alerts that enable drivers to take corrective and/or evasive actions. At the same cartridge holder, it outhouse be able to provide information i.e. real time information to drivers so that to improve mobility and motorist convenience, such as information on congestion or traffic incidents. The car manufacturing industrys determination to roll o ut vehicle-to-vehicle communication in the near future and, on the other hand, to the increasing disillusionment concerning the need for the vast number of protocols developed for general Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks (MANETs) in the past few years while on the other side that is for VANETs, industry pressure has created a situation in which an overwhelming interest in solutions to problems leads to a preference for real-world research as strange to fancy theory. As the concept came from MANETs which totally depend on the subscribers motion as the motion is random it is difficult to cater it but this problem was very negligible when researchers observed it in VANETS. At highways vehicle move in an organized pattern with different revives so initially it seemed that VANET will easily be implemented. some other major reason for VANET fire be Traffic deaths and injuries which is a major health and mixer issue. While industrialized nations (e.g., the United States) have continuously reduc ed annual traffic deaths since 1970, annual traffic-related fatalities and injuries continue high (in the United States alone there were over 41,000 deaths and 5 million injuries in 2000, according to the NHTSA) 7. The sparing impact of vehicle crashes in the United States exceeded US$230 billion or 2.3 percent of the U.S. GDP in 2000 7. We want to remain connected with the world through net whether at home, airport, at work or even on the roads.ExampleDescriptionObstacle warningStopped/Skidding/Slowing down vehicle warning, road obstacle/object-on-road warning lane Merge/Lane replace AssistanceMerging/Lane changing vehicles communicates with vehicles in lane to safely and smoothly merge.Adaptive Cruise/ accommodative Driving automatically stop and go smoothly, when vehicles are in heavy roadway traffic cooperates driving by exchanging cruising data among vehicles.Intersection/Hidden Driveway Collision Warningvehicles communicates to avoid collisions at intersections without traf fic lights or hush-hush driveway.Roadway Condition Awareness vehicles communicates to extend vision beyond line of sight (e.g. beyond a big turn or over a hill)Table-1.1 Example of Vehicle Safety Communication 101.3 kitchen stove of ProjectSome of the industries and universities working on VANETs are as followDaimlerChrysler AGFraunhofer FOKUSNEC Europe Ltd.Robert Bosch GmbHSiemens AGTEMIC TelefunkenMicroelectronic GmbHUniversities of Mannheim, Hamburg-Harburg, Karlsruhe, and Hannover.1.4 Organization of ProjectThisthesisis mainly divided into four chapters. In the first two chapters (1-2) introduction and an overview over the topic and used technologies is given. In the following chapter (3), we have discussed the standards of IEEE and also discussed the mack Layer and PHY Layer of IEEE 802.11 in detail. In chapter 4, simulation analysis of our work is shown along with the results. In the last chapter, we have reiterated this whole thesis, what we have concluded from this proje ct and future work needs to be do are discussed. Finally, in appendix some additional information can be found. In chapter two, VANETs characteristics, some of its applications and the research challenges faced by governments and car manufactures are discussed, continued by mac Layer and PHY in chapter three. We have also discussed the stray architecture in chapter 2. From chapter three on, we have a look at some protocol improvements and extensions. Some thoughts, tests and their results on VANETs, those are related to our work, can be found in chapter 4.Chapter 2VANETsVANETs (Vehicle ad-hoc Networks) is a form of Mobile Ad-hoc Networks (MANETs), which provide a communication between the vehicles and also firm equipments, usually defined as road side equipments.2.1 What is VANETVehicle ad hoc vane comprises of three words.i. Vehicleii. Ad-hociii. Networksi. VehicleA machine such as a bus or car for transporting commonwealth or uprights. 4A lot of progress is happening in the field of vehicles since the invention of wheel. Development is collect to provide services to the people and make their task easier.ii. Ad-hocIt refers to dealing with special situations as they occur or else than functions that are repeated on a regular basis. For example you just meet someone remote your office and you exchange some words. On the other hand infrastructure organisation is a formation which is fully installed and deployed than it works according to some predefined rules and regulations.iii. NetworkA system, as in a parentage or university, consisting of a computer or computers and connected terminals, printers etc. specific, a local area earnings.3The concept of interlocking is introduced because resources are peculiar(a) and we have to implement them efficiently. As it is not possible for firms to provide printer, faxes and other machines to everyone so they just inter linked all the devices so that each one can utilize it keeping the cost at negligible. Vehicular connectivity can be fairly considered a future grampus application, adding extra value to the car industry and operators services. Taking into account the constant growth of automotive market and the increasing demand for the car safety, also driven by regulatory (governmental) domain, the potential of car-to-car connectivity is immense. Such system should be suitable for a wide spectrum of applications, including safety related, traffic and fleet control and entertainment. First, issues concerning architecture, protective cover, routing, performance or QoS need to be investigated. Standardization of port wines and protocols should be carefully planned to tick off interoperability, as vehicles coming from different vendors must communicate seamlessly. Having different competing systems would result in decreased market penetration and poor overall system efficiency, thus further one common system can be deployed. And finally, wise deployment scheme has to be proposed , as most(prenominal) application would become functional except after certain market penetration is reached. The first milestone of standardization process was the al post of 75 MHz of DSRC (Dedicated Short Range Communications) spectrum to accommodate Vehicle-to-Vehicle (V2V) and Vehicle-to- Infrastructure (V2I) communication for safety-related applications by US Federal Communications Commission (1999). commercialized applications are also allowed to operate in this spectrum.2.2 VANETs ApplicationsAccording to the DSRC, there are over one coulomb recommended applications of VANETs. These applications are of two categories, safety and non-safety related application. Moreover, they can be categorized into OBU-to-OBU or OBU-to-RSU applications. Some of these applications are as followed2.2.1 Co-operative Collision WarningCo-operative collision warning is an OBU-to-OBU safety application, that is, in case of any disconnected change in speed or driving tutelage, the vehicle is c onsidered abnormal and mobilizes a warning inwardness to warn all of the following vehicles of the likely danger. This application requires an efficient broadcasting algorithm with a very bitty latency.2.2.2 Lane Change WarningLane-change warning is an OBU-to-OBU safety application, that is, a vehicle driver can warn other vehicles of his intention to change the traveling lane and to book an empty room in the approaching lane. Again, this application depends on broadcasting.2.2.3 Intersection Collision WarningIntersection collision warning is an OBU-to-RSU safety application. At intersections, a centralized node warns approaching vehicles of possible accidents and assists them determining the suitable approaching speed. This application uses only broadcast messages. In June 2007, General Motors GM addressed the previously mentioned applications and announced for the first wireless automated collision avoidance system using vehicle-to-vehicle communication (Figure-2.1), as quote d from GM, If the driver doesnt respond to the alerts, the vehicle can bring itself to a safe stop by avoiding a collision.2.2.4 Approaching Emergency vehicleApproaching emergency vehicle is an OBU-to-OBU public-safety application, that is, high-speed emergency vehicles (ambulance or police car) can warn other vehicles to clear their lane. Again, this application depends on broadcasting.2.2.5 Rollover WarningRollover warning is an OBU-to-RSU safety application. A RSU localized at hypercritical curves can broadcast information about curve angle and road condition, so that, approaching vehicles can determine the maximum possible approaching speed before rollover.2.2.6 hold out Zone WarningWork zone warning is an OBU-to-RSU safety application. A RSU is mounted in work zones to warn incoming vehicles of the probable danger and warn them to decrease the speed and change the driving lane.2.2.7 Near bourne 5Traffic forecast Violation WarningCurve Speed WarningEmergency Electronic brak e Lights2.2.8 Mid Term 5Pre-Crash WarningCooperative Forward Collision WarningLeft Turn AssistantLane Change WarningStop Sign Movement AssistanceApplicationComm. typeFreqLatencyData genicRangeTraffic Signal Violation12V One-way, P2M10 Hz100msecSignal Status, Timing, Surface Heading, Light Position, conditions250mCurve Speed Warning12V One-way, P2M1 Hz1000msecCurve Location, Curvature, Speed Limit, Bank, Surface200mEmergency Brake LightVehicle to Vehicle Two-way, P2M10 Hz100msecPosition, Deceleration Heading, Velocity200mPre-Crash SensingVehicle to Vehicle Two-way, P2P50 Hz20msecVehicle type, Yaw Rate, Position Heading, Acceleration,50mCollision WarningVehicle to Vehicle One-way, P2M10 Hz100msecVehicle type, Position, Heading Velocity, Acceleration, Yaw Rate150mLeft Turn Assist12V and V21 One-way, P2M10 Hz100msecSignal Status, Timing, Position, Direction, Road Geom., Vehicle Heading300mLane Change WarningVehicle to Vehicle One-way, P2M10 Hz100msecPosition, Heading, Velocity, Acceler ation, Turn Signal Status150mStop Sign Assist12V and V21 One-way10 Hz100msecPosition, Velocity, Heading, Warning300mTable-2.1 Eight high- frontity vehicular safety applications as chosen by NHTSA and VSCC. Note that communication freq. ranges from 1-50 Hz and Max. Communication range spam 50-300 meters. P2M represents Point-to-Multipoint, 12V represents infrastructure to vehicle and V21 represents Vehicle-to-Infrastructure. 52.2.9 Comfort related applicationsTraffic efficiency bankrupt navigationInternet accessThe whole theme of these applications is improving passengers comfort and traffic efficiency. That includes nearest POI (Points of Interest) localization, up-to-the-minute traffic or weather information and interactive communication. All kinds of applications might be applied here. Another application is reception of data from commercial vehicles and roadside infrastructure about their businesses (wireless advertising). Enterprises (shopping malls, fast foods, gas stations, h otels) can hatful up stationary gateways to circularize marketing data to potential customers passing by.The important deliver of comfort/commercial applications is that they should not interfere with safety applications. In this context traffic prioritizing and use of crystallise physical im part is a viable solution.2.2.10 Safety related applicationsAccidence avoidingDanger warningsIntersection coordinationCooperative drivingSafety-related applications may be grouped in three main classes assistance (navigation, cooperative collision avoidance, and lane-changing), information (speed limit or work zone info) and warning (post crash, obstacle or road condition warnings). They usually demand direct communication due to their delay-critical nature. One such application would be emergency notifications, e.g. emergency braking alarms. In case of an accident or sudden hard breaking, a warning is sent to the subsequent cars. That information could also be propagated by cars driving in the opposite direction and, thereby, conveyed to the vehicles that might run into the accident. Another, more advanced example is cooperative driver assistance system, which exploits the exchange of sensing element data or other status information among cars. The basic idea is to broaden the range of learning of the driver beyond his field of vision and further on to assist the driver with assistance applications. communicate this data to cars following on the same road, drivers get information about hazards, obstacles or traffic advert ahead hence driving is more efficient and safer. Some applications of this kind are in operation(p) only when certain penetration of VANET enabled cars is reached. 62.3 VANETs CharacteristicsAlthough VANETs, Wireless Sensor Networks and Wireless Mesh Networks are special cases of the general MANETs, VANETs stimulate some noticeable characteristics that make its nature a unique one. These properties present considerable challenges and requir e a laid of new especially designed protocols.Due to the high mobility of vehicles, that can be up to one hundred fifty kilometers per hour, the topology of several VANET changes frequently and unexpectedly. Hence, the time that a communication link exists between two vehicles is very short especially when the vehicles are traveling in opposite directions. A one solution to increase the lifetime of links is to increase the contagion power, but increasing a vehicles transmission range will increase the collision probability and mortify the overall throughput of the system. The other solution having a set of new protocols is employing a very low latency.Another effect of these high speed nodes is that the good of the broadcasted messages is very critical to latency. For example, if we assume that a vehicle is unexpectedly stopping or suddenly stops, it should broadcast a message to warn other vehicles of the probable danger. Considering that the driver needs at least 0.70 to 0.75 se c to initiate his response 7, the warning message should be delivered at virtually zero sec latency.In VANETs, location of nodes changes very quickly and unpredictably, so that, building an efficient routing table or a run of inhabit nodes will tire out the wireless channel and reduce the network efficiency. Protocols that rely on prior information about location of nodes are likely to have a poor performance.However, the topologies of a VANET can be a benefit because vehicles are not expected to leave the covered road therefore, the running direction of vehicles is predictable to some extent.Although, the design challenge of protocols in wireless sensor networks is to besmirch the power inlet, this is not a problem in VANETs. Nodes in VANETs depend on a good power supply (e.g. vehicle battery and the dynamo) and the required transmission power is small compared with power consumption of on-board facilities (e.g. air-condition).It is predicted that, as VANET is deployed in the b eginning, only a small percentage of vehicles will be outfitted with transceivers. Thus, the benefits of the new technology, especially OBU-to-OBU applications, will not go up until many years. Furthermore, the limited number of vehicles with transceivers will lead to a numerous fragmentation of the network. Even when VANET is fully deployed, fragmentation may still exist in rural areas, thereupon, any VANET protocol should expect a fragmented network.Privacy, safety and security are of thoroughgoing effect on the public receiving of this technology. In VANETs, every node represents a specific person and its location tells about his location.Any requirement of privacy can ease a third party monitor persons daily activities. However, from the other point of view, higher authorities should gain access to identity information to ensure punishment of illegal actions, where, there is a fear of a possible misuse of this feature. The tampering with messages could increase false alarms and accidents in some situations defeating the whole purpose of this technology.Finally, the key difference between VANET protocols and any other form of Ad-Hoc networks is the design requirement. In VANETs, the key design requirement is to minimize latency with no prior topology information. However, the key design requirement of Wireless Sensor Network is to maintain network connectivity with the minimum power consumption and the key proposed design requirement of Wireless Mesh Network is reliableness.WE can summarize the main characteristics of VANETs as followsHigh mobility of nodesNo prior information about the exact location of neighbor nodesPredictable topology (to some extent)Significant latency requirement especially in cases of safety related applicationsNo problem with powerSlow migration rateHigh possibility to be fragmented important effect of security and privacy2.4 Research Challenges in VANETsWhen deploying of a vehicular networking system, a number of issues have to be determined, often from distant fields of expertise, ranging from applications improvement up to efficient issues. VANET could be considered as an instantiation of MANETs (Mobile Ad hoc Networks) however their behavior is fundamentally different. These unique characteristics of these networks are as followsRapid topology changes and fragmentation, resulting in small effective network diameterVirtually no power constrainsVariable, highly dynamic scale and network densityDriver might adjust his behavior reacting to the data received from the network, inflicting a topology changeHere we briefly mention some of the core research challenges that need to be discussed.2.5 Wireless Access technologyThere are several wireless access standards that could be used as a foundation for VANET technology. In general the major seek is to provide a set of air interface protocols and parameters for high-speed vehicular communication by mean of one or more different media.2.5.1 cellular technology (2/2 .5/3G)The key role of 2/2.5G i.e. cellular technology are coverage and security, and 3G, slowly but steadily coming over 2/2,5G, provides enhanced and better capacity and bandwidth. Several telematic and fleet heed projects already uses cellular technology (e.g. SMS reports), on the other hand it is comparatively more expensive, together with limited bandwidth and latency make it impossible to use as a main communication means.2.5.2 IEEE 802.11p based technologyIEEE is working on a variation of 802.11 standards that would be applied to support communication between vehicles and the roadside, or, alternatively, among vehicles themselves, operating at speeds up to 200 km/h, handling communication ranges as high as 1,000 meters. PHY and MAC layers are based on IEEE 802.11a, shifted to the 5.9 GHz band (5.850-5.925 GHz within US). The technology is promoted by the car industry both in Europe and US. Estimated deployment cost is foreseen to be relatively low due to large production volu mes. C. Combined wireless access one of the most significant and important efforts in corporate trust those wireless access technologies is done by ISO TC 204 WG16. It builds on the top of IEEE 802.11p, using additional set of interface protocols. Currently supported standards include Cellular Systems GSM/GPRS (2/2.5G) and UMTS (3G), Infrared Communication and wireless systems in 60 GHz band. Using all those interfaces in a single, uniform system would result in increase flexibility and redundancy, thus improving applications performance. Apart from interoperability issues, CALM is also engaged in the standardization of the protocols, network layer and the management services.2.6 WAVE ArchitectureWAVE system architecture is totally a set of WAVE standards that describes the communication stack of vehicular nodes and the physical air link between them. Any RSU may have two interfaces, one for the WAVE stack or architecture or wireless networks and the other for external interfaces li ke wired line Ethernet that may be used to get access to internet and for connection to internet it is mainly used. Similarly, each OBU may have two interfaces, one for the wireless WAVE stack and the other for sensor-connections and human interaction.OBU is not full-duplex so, therefore, it cannot transmit messages simultaneously, so DSRC is half-duplex. The RSU and OBU can send messages only when the channel becomes idle and also confirmed that it is idle. If the channel is busy, RSU and OBU need to wait and if the channel is idle then RSU or OBU will send the signal Request to Send (RTS) to control channel. The control channel will share the channel on the basis of high antecedence first followed by low priority. The high priority messages are those messages related to public safety.The WAVE architecture is defined by the IEEE 1609 family of standards and uses the IEEE 802.11p amendment to extend the use of 802.11 to vehicles. The IEEE 1609 family is undisturbed of four stand ards describing the resource manager, security services, networking services and multi- channel operations.WAVE standard consists of five complementary parts802.11p Wireless Access in Vehicular Environments (WAVE) 8 which is an amendment to the well known IEEE 802.11 Wireless LAN Standard and covers the physical layer of the system.1609.1 imaging manager 8 that covers optional recommendations for the application layer. 13, 141609.2 Security Services for Applications and Management Messages 8 that covers security, secure message formatting, processing and exchange. 13, 141609.3 Networking Services 8 that covers the WAVE communication stack. 13, 141609.4 Multi-Channel Operation 8 that covers the arrangement of multiple channels and how they should be used. 13, 14The most evident part is its dual stack. Whereas there is a well-known stack, called TCP/IP stacks and on the other hand there is a stack, called WAVE Short Message stack. The function of the WAVE Short Message stack is to p rovide a connectionless transport protocol i.e. without checking the connection that whether connection is made or not, similar to UDP but on a single-hop basis. The safety applications are supposed to use this stack only while non-safety applications can use both. It should be noted that the devise or design of this approach is cogitate on non-safety applications and considers safety as a black box.2.6.1 IEEE 1609.1 Resource ManagerThe IEEE 1609.1 standard defines the architecture and data flows of WAVE. It also describes command messages and data formats. 9, 8. The standard explains how data communication between road side units and vehicle on board units occurs. The discussion of this standards operation will be based on the standard defines applications residing on the on board unit as Resource Command Processors and those residing in road side units or elsewhere as Resource Manager Applications. The Resource Manager is the focus of this standard and is also the application th at is responsible for managing communication between multiple Resource Manager Applications and Resource Command Processors. 9, 8WAVE communication imitates a client- legion architecture that is managed by the Resource Manager. For example, in the case where a company wants to provide traffic updates by analyzing vehicle speed statistics in a stretch of highway, the application that analyzes the traffic data (a Resource Manager Application) would reside on the road side unit or a remote server that is connected to a road side unit. When the Resource Manager Application sends a request for the speed of the vehicle the Resource Manager application in the road side unit receives the request then forwards it to the vehicles Resource Command Processor application using WAVE. The vehicle then replies to the Resource Manager which forwards the message to the Resource Manager Application. If another passing vehicle asks for traffic updates by displace a request to the road side unit, the r oles of client and server from the previous case are switched.WAVE is designed to provide secure communications and minimize the cost of on board units by minimizing the join of processing required by them. All only desired information relevant to road safety will be transferred.2.6.2 IEEE 1609.2 Security ServicesThe IEEE 1609.2 standard defines secure message formats and processing and infers circumstances for using secure message exchange. 13, 8. It deals with security services for applications and management messages. Security is important in WAVE because vehicles transmit sensitive information that could constitute a violation of privacy if accessed by unauthorized parties. The efficacy and reliability of a system where information is gathered and shared among autonomous entities raises concerns about the authenticity of the received data. For example, a bad actor could misrepresent its observations in order to gain advantage (e.g. a vehicle V falsely reports that its desired road R is stopped with traffic, thereby encouraging others to avoid R and providing a less-congested trip for V on R). More malicious actors could impersonate other vehicles or road-side infrastructure in order to trigger safety hazards. Vehicles could reduce this threat by creating networks of trust, and ignoring, or at least distrusting, information from un-trusted senders. 13, 8A trusted communication generally requires two properties are metThe sender is conclusively identified as a trusted source.While in transit, the contents of the senders message are not tampered.WAVE maintains security by ensuring confidentiality and authenticity in message transmissions. The final standard is expected to address privacy issues with the topical version. WAVE ensures confidentiality