Friday, May 31, 2019
The Internet :: essays research papers
The Internet The Internet is a wide-open argonna for public discussion and interaction that needsto be regulated protective rules, including censoring if necessary, must be instituted toensure that this environment is kept hospit adapted to whole(a). Recently a month ago, I got hooked up to America Online (AOL). I withstand that theInternet is a wide-open arena for public discussion and interaction but, I disagree that itneeds to be regulated. The Internet is a place where anything crowd out(p) occur. It is just like talking to someoneon the phone instead you are typing to them. You can have a conversation aboutanything you wishing to talk about. It doesnt need protective rules or censorship. If it getscensorship then it will be taking away our freedom of speech. Everybody has the right tosay whatever they want. Thats what they are doing on the Internet. When I am loggedonto AOL, I sometimes go into a cha t room. In the chat room you meet people form allover the world. In there sometimes there is some profanity used. People also say stuffthat might offend you right away. This has happened to me. unmatched night, when I was in achat room, the room went into a conversation about relationships. We were all talkingabout previous boyfriends and girlfriendfriends how many, names and ages. Some girl that Ididnt even know told them, "Garrett32 (my screen name) had 100 girlfriends by the timeI was 18. Loveem and leaveem. He is a jerk." My immediate answer was to cursethe girl out but, I didnt. I just left the chat room. That was the best thing I could havedone. If I had cursed her out he probably would have notified AOL. Nobody told me thatI had to sit there and listen to what she was saying. If I had stayed and listened to her thenthat would have been my fault. I would have been the one staying there to get the abuse.America Online gives you the option to notify them if someone s aid somethinginappropriately or not to your liking. They check on the problem to see what reallyhappened. If it is dead on target that persons account is canceled. That is a good way of keepingthe Internet hospitable. I think that someone should go on line only if they are able to put up with all thethings that occur on it. If someone isnt then they shouldnt be online. I am not saying thateverything that occurs on line it all right, but you cant get offended about everything.
Thursday, May 30, 2019
Purpose :: essays papers
PurposeThe purpose of this paper is to review and understand the different ship canal technology can enhance sensual educational activity. The exercise of technology has a great influence on the st appreciategies and teaching methods utilise by physical educators.method acting/ResultsOne way is to use electronic pedometers. Electronic pedometers allow students to determine the distance they walked ran or used other locomotor skills to move. Pedometers are widely used in fitness evaluations.With the use of these digital electronic pedometers, students can understand how far they have moved using the various locomotor skills done in physical education. It also allows students to determine the various distances for each activity they have completed in Physical education class.That technology can enhance physical education is with the use of hearth rate monitors. Students will check up on how to wear, use and gather data form the heart rate monitor.With the use of heart rate monit ors students will become knowledgeable of how and where they should be with their level of fitness against the fitness level of other students. Heart monitors provide a way to measure improvements in fitness levels, below maximum effort, and recovery.Online technology for physical education keeps students and teachers up to date with the latest developments in the use of technology in physical education. (Siedentop, 2004, p.274)The internet also gives students different ways to interact in physical education they can look up spots, games, and fun things to do when they are non in the classroom. It is important that students continue to participate in physical activity even when they are not in school.The computer revolutionized the way we live, work, and go to school. The use of a computer is very important to the physical education teacher. The greatest value of computers may reside in the ability to provide improved can to classroom instruction, and the variety of software progr ams that can be used in conjunction with physical education. Some programs are available to track grading, student fitness performance.Technology is such a big resource to physical education, and the reason that we need to have these forms of technology in physical education, is due to the fact that the earth is staggering through life with the worst health problems that it has ever faced. Cardiovascular disease is the number one killer in America. Lack of exercise is considered to be one of the major risk factors for heart disease.ConclusionAdopting a physical lifestyle early in life increases the likelihood that young children will learn to move and become more physically fit.
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
Free Essays - Analysis of the Maltese Falcon :: Movie Film Essays
Idont recall if Gutman said it in the movie about the Falcon being coated by decorate to obfuscate that its really made of gold and jewels. I say it was implied that nothing is what they really seem to be. This is what I believe Dashiell Hammett was trying to communicate by his novel, The Maltese Falcon. In this paper I will write about why I believe what is Hammett trying to convey through his cast of characters. These characters be unlike the image and stereotype cast upon their roles. Sam Spade isnt exactly the typical (stereotypical?) main character or rather a police detective character (I think for any main character.) By his looks/appearance, He Spade looked rather pleasantly like a blond satan (p. 3). Suggesting he is not seraphic looking like lets say Humphrey Bogard (an indication that the movie isnt true to the novel). The film ruined the ironic un-charming hero concept the novel have and so do I as one of my first example of the things-are-not-what-they-seemed-theor y-for-Hammetts message. Spade is callous, avaricious, and shares a similarity with Mike from The House of Games. Why I think Mike and Spade are similar? For one thing Brigid OShaughnessy gave Spade a talk/speech about him using her pretty overmuch the same thing hybridisation asked Mike in the airport. Brigids comment (p. 211-212) Youve been playing with me? Only pretending you cared-to trap me like this? You didnt-care at all? You didnt-dont-I-love-me? Fords You utilise me... speech is strikingly similar to Brigids including the reaction from Mike/Spade. The two men both refused to show sympathy and they did both had ride with their respective victims women except Mike ends up dead and Brigid ends up in jail. Ford and Mike and Spade and Brigid share many similarities from the two women being used and the men conning these women. We know what Mike did already and Spade used his devilish charm to get Brigid to solve the case. He conned her into giving him money, win his tru st, and played with her feelings. The compare between Mike and Spade is to show that Spade is more of a con men than a detective which I hope are (usually) render as law-abiding, straight-arrow, gentlemen. Spade is a proto-badass character. I think Hammett is trying to convey that heroes arent always good. Brigid OShaughnessy (whom I will refer as Brigid because her outlast name is long) is a complex character in which that she appears to be a typical damsel-in-distress but suppose to be a beautiful and treacherous fair sex whose loyalties shift at the drop of a dime.
The World According to Gump: All Nuts and Gooey Centers Essay -- essay
The World According to Gump All Nuts and Gooey Centers Life is like a box of chocolates, says Forrest Gump (as played by Tom Hanks) to anyone who will listen.You never know what youre going to get. This homily introduces us into the world of Forrest Gump, both the random strangers Forrest encounters on his greenness bench, as well as the films potential audience.Its folksy wisdom is meant to characterize for us the commonsense, down-to-earth, accepting and exceptional attitude supposedly unique to Forrest Gump an attitude we will better understand once we have, as the advertisements put it, seen the world through the eyes of Forrest Gump.Thus this dictum about chocolate is meant to capture what we exponent cite the Gump Worldview life is full of surprises, some of them odd or funny looking, but all of them enjoyable. Yet, if we can pull ourselves away from the tempting treats for a reflective moment, we exponent ask ourselves is a box of chocolates really all that full of surpris es?Is it really the case that you never know what youre going to get?If your experience with chocolates is anything like mine, you might agree that, finally, there are ultimately very few surprises to be had this way that in fact chocolates exist in a fairly impartial world where everything is either full of nuts or conceals a gooey center.And so this epigraph does indeed capture the Gump ideology--and a sugary, binary ideology it is. Yet it for sure does not capture the philosophy or mood of the book upon which the film is based.Forrest Gump, by southern writer Winston Groom, begins with the line, Let me tell you this being a dimwit is no box of chocolates.Thus the film takes what is in the book a statement of protest and cynicism and... ...historical events in which it deals and that ideology is disturbing.To protest the war is seen as apocalyptical of a personality disorder in fact, to protest anything is characterized as a psychological flaw, a self-destructive, self-indulg ent neurosis.The epigraph for the film reads The world will never await the same after youve seen it through the eyes of Forrest Gump.How true.How troubling, for it suggests that if our vision of history were as blinkered and our impulses as ideologically vaccuous as are Forrests, then all of our dreams (which we shouldnt have) will fall out true, and all of the worlds conflicts (which are mere shams) would be solved.For Forrest Gump the film, life is indeed a series of chocolate-coated surprises--as long as you forget each chocolate the moment it is consumed and you desire nothing more than a steady diet of nuts and gooey centers.
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
Macbeth :: essays research papers
Historical MacBeth compargond to Shakespeares MacBethAlthough most of Shakespeares play " MacBeth " is not historicallyaccurate,MacBeths life is the subject of the tragedy. there are charactersand eventsthat are based on true events and real persons but, Shakespeares"MacBeth" differs significantly from historys MacBeth. The first example of a differencebetween the Shakespeare "MacBeth" andhistorical MacBeth is the death of DuncanI. In Shakespeares " MacBeth ",Duncan I was rack uped by MacBeth. A prophecysaid to MacBeth by one of thethree witches "All hail, MacBeth, that shaltbe King hereafter1 ." was whatprompted Gruoch, MacBeths wife to plot themurder of Duncan I as he sleptin their castle. In history, MacBeth establishedhimself as the King ofScots after killing his cousin Duncan I, in battle roughElgin not as inShakespeares play by killing him in his sleep. Duncan I waskilled on August14, 1040. MacBeth then reigned as king for seventeen years. Aspreviously stated Duncan I and MacBeth were cousins, a fact notbrought outin the play. Shakespeare loosely based the play," MacBeth " onevents he foundin Raphael Holinsheds Chronicles of England, Scotland, andIreland. " RaphaelHolinsheds Chronicles of England, Scotland, and Ireland,are the materialsthat furnished Shakespeare with his plot2. The chronicleswere an account ofthe history of the country of which they came from. Another major difference,is that Duncan I was not the ageing andrespected king Shakespeare makes himout to be, In real life, Fiona Summerset churl author of History of Scotlandsays " He was actually an impetuous and spoilt young man whose sixyears ofkingship brought glory neither to Scotland nor to his family3." In the playslast scene, McDuff kills MacBeth and automatically becomesthe new King ofScots. In actual hi story MacBeth is killed by Malcom IIIbut Lulach, MacBethsstepson, becomes the king after the noblemen of Morayfight for his succession.Lulach reigned for seven months and was thendethroned by Malcom III of Caenmore. MacBethis presented in the play as clumsy and unorganised. In realitythough, hewas one of the best kings that Scotland ever had. " During hisreign, he wenton a pilgrims journey to Rome for several months4." His kingdom wasin well enoughorder and he was in high enough regard with his nobleman thathe could buryfor a long period of time. Another way you could tell thatMacBeth was a good
Macbeth :: essays research papers
Historical MacBeth compared to Shakespeares MacBethAlthough most of Shakespeares play " MacBeth " is not historicallyaccurate,MacBeths life is the subject of the tragedy. There are charactersand eventsthat are based on reliable events and real persons but, Shakespeares"MacBeth" differs significantly from narratives MacBeth. The first example of a differencebetween the Shakespeare "MacBeth" andhistorical MacBeth is the death of DuncanI. In Shakespeares " MacBeth ",Duncan I was murdered by MacBeth. A presagesaid to MacBeth by one of thethree witches "All hail, MacBeth, that shaltbe King hereafter1 ." was whatprompted Gruoch, MacBeths wife to plot themurder of Duncan I as he sleptin their castle. In history, MacBeth establishedhimself as the King ofScots after killing his cousin Duncan I, in battle nearElgin not as inShakespeares play by killing him in his sleep. Duncan I waskilled on August14, 1040. MacBeth then reigned as king for seventeen years. Aspreviously stated Duncan I and MacBeth were cousins, a event notbrought outin the play. Shakespeare loosely based the play," MacBeth " onevents he foundin Raphael Holinsheds Chronicles of England, Scotland, andIreland. " RaphaelHolinsheds Chronicles of England, Scotland, and Ireland,are the materialsthat furnished Shakespeare with his plot2. The chronicleswere an account ofthe history of the country of which they came from. some other major difference,is that Duncan I was not the ageing andrespected king Shakespeare makes himout to be, In real life, Fiona SummersetFry author of History of Scotlandsays " He was actually an anxious and spoilt young man whose sixyears ofkingship brought glory neither to Scotland nor to his family3." In the playslast scene, McDuff kills MacBeth and automatically becomesthe new King ofScots. In actual history MacBeth is killed by Malcom IIIbut Lulach, MacBethsstepson, becomes the king after the noblemen of Morayfight for his succession.Lulach reigned for seven months and was thendethroned by Malcom III of Caenmore. MacBethis presented in the play as bumbling and unorganised. In realitythough, hewas one of the best kings that Scotland ever had. " During hisreign, he wenton a pilgrimage to Rome for several months4." His kingdom wasin healthful enoughorder and he was in high enough regard with his nobleman thathe could leavefor a long period of time. Another modal value you could tell thatMacBeth was a good
Monday, May 27, 2019
Fantasy vs. Reality Essay
Blanche is sufficiently self-aware to know that she can buoynot survive in the world as it is. Reality is similarly harsh, so she must somehow create illusions that will allow her to maintain her delicate, fragile hold on life. A womans charm is cardinal percent illusion (scene 2) she acknowledges to Stanley. Later in the story line when Mitch wants to switch the light on so that he can get a practical look at her, she tells him that she does not want realism, she wants magic.When Mitch turns on the light during that scene it reveals much more to the audience than just what she really looks like, but it shows that all this age she has been living her life in the dark, hiding herself in the murky shadows of her promiscuity. Her ultimate goal was to manipulate reality until her fantasy becomes reality. She wants life to be lived in a permanent romantic glow, like the light that lit up the entire worlds when she first fell in love. But in this play, reality dominates. The realism o f the setting, with its gross characters and the sounds of the busy life of this corner of New Orleans, suggests that Blanches illusions are not going to be sufficient.The fact that Blanche is probably aware of this too is what wins her the sympathy of the audience. Eventually, her turn out hold on reality disappears altogether and she takes refuge in an illusory world in which she is about to go on a trip with her imaginary number rich beau. The more desperate Blanche becomes in her loneliness, the more deeply she digs herself into an alternate reality, where she is the author of her own demise. Fantasy can be a life-threatening mind set to overcome for most people. The more a person repeats a liethe more that person starts to believe it is reality. This is one of many themes that can be related to everyday life.
Sunday, May 26, 2019
Global Warming Essay Essay
The idea of planetary became prevalent when the world began industrializing. As the popularity of cars grew and industrial factories began to spring up the air quality suffered. The problem was not recognized because, aside from a few orange skies, there were no manifest effects. Although in this day and age we can fulfill what global heating is doing to our Earth, there are still those tidy sum who believe that humans are too littler to make an impact.Global thawing is too often put on the back burner, and things that seem to be more important are made priority. that global warming is tied back to those things that seem to be a priority. The Earth is our home and should be put first. New York Times, Marjorie Connelly quotes Bernice Schneiderman, Economic growth is important, just if we dont take care of the environment, we wont be here to enjoy it, If we are constantly focusing on the economy or other issues, the Earth will get to a point when it is no longer inhabitable. A lthough this is a serious issue 31 percent considered global warming to be a natural phenomenon, and 10 percent did not accept the idea of global warming at all. (Marjorie Connelly).Over forty percent of the race does not realize that our planet is in trouble. This percentage is very much so politically tied. 18 percent of Republicans did not think global warming was real and sixty-one percent of democrats said global warming was causing an impact now,. Typically the conservative Republican Party t residuums to be an older meeting of battalion, musical composition the Democrat Party is made up of a much younger group of people. Of course those 65 and older expected to see no impact from global warming, their time is short so they feed no reason to care intimately the mood modification. However interestingly, Many younger people did, (expect to see impact from global warming) including 50 percent of those under 30. It is the younger people who care, because they are the ones who will suffer if something is not done to persevere climate diverge.Although the democrats are not taking notice to the climate change, the Pentagon is. Lisa Freidman and Climate Wire report that The Pentagon released a landmark report (yesterday) declaring climate change an nimble risk. If the g overnment feels this strongly about climate change why dont we? Not only do they care, but they are doing something about it. Defense secretary Chuck Hagel embraced upcoming U.N. negotiations in Lima Peru, aimed at developing a new global agreement and leaders hope to see a draft emerge at the Lima Climate talks in December. Officials such as Chuck Hagel are aware that climate change does not just mean warmer temperatures, but that climate change is a threat multiplier. One of the chain reactions that will occur is the obvious rising of sea levels.Rising sea levels means that costal military bases will be flooded, leaving them vulnerable and it will complicate surveillance and reconna issance capability. What would our nation come to if every costal military base was gone? Countries would be more vulnerable to terrorism and attacks and, those few, but powerful people who do not believe in global warming are allowing this to happen. Besides terrorism and attacks, global warming would also create limited resources. 2014 climate Change Adaption Roadmap warms that climate change could leave already weak nations more vulnerable, from restricting food and water to compelling mass migration. This is why it is crucial for us to do something about the global warming crisis. This is not a matter of warmer summers and colder winters, it is life and possible death for millions of people.Climate change is a largely debated subject, but there is clear and tangible proof of its effects. Although the change is not occurring overnight, Brad Plumer in The Washington Post writes the global average is changing over a longer period. The effects of global warming are apparent in the Annual Global Temperature Anomalies the records kept from 1950-2012 show an obvious upward course (The Washington Post). Although winters still exist, every ice shelf has not melted, and we still have La Nia years, the ultimate trend shows that the Earth is acquiring warmer. The question is, what is causing this overall increase in temperature? The answer is that humans are adding excess carbon dioxide to the atmosphere and Climate scientists are quite authoritative that if we keep adding carbon dioxide to the atmosphere, thatwill trap more heat in the Earths surface and the global average temperature will continue to examine over time. (Brad Plumer).Carbon dioxide is a large factor in the climate change but it is not the only cause. Other things that effect the Earths temperature are natural events such as El Nio and La Nia cyclesvolcanoes air pollution. There are changes in solar activity and so forth. (Brad Plumer). Although humans are not the only cause of global warming we a re making the climate change more drastic. Since we brood on this planet it is important for us to take care of it, so that whatever nature throws at us will not be the end on humanity. The IPCC says that heavy precipitation events in the Northern Hemisphere are expected to increase as the planet heats up. But that prediction is for all seasons, not just winterWhat this means is that is there will be extreme weather conditions it will be raining heavily in one character of the world and another part experience an intense drought. This will effect resources, food and clean water for people, and the overall wellbeing of the humanity. Another effect of global warming is that it will cause the jet streams that help to heat and cool our planet to change entirely. This again will cause our planet to heat up even more, well still see record cold snaps in the United States as the planet heats up. Theyll just become less frequent over time, while record heat waves will become increasingly common. The certainty of global warming is right in front of us.On the flip side, although many people whole heartedly believe in climate change, their seam is about as sturdy as the so called melting glaciers. The first of many faults in the climate change theory and campaign is that they do not disclose all information. In Donna Edmunds article Man-made Climate Change is a legend she quotes weather channel founder John Coleman saying your only speakers are two people who continue to present failed science as though it is the final examination and complete story, in regards to the Hammer Forum on Climate Change. The fact that these forums and organizations are neglecting to acknowledge scientific information against their argument is extremely concerning.Could they be designedly hiding things from the public? When Edmund brings up the important topic that The polar ice is increasing, not melting away. Polar Bears are increasing in numbers. Heat waves have actually diminished n ot increase. The people whoare arguing for climate change do not have a leg to stand on. This shows that the bit to prove climate change is more of a political movement rather than an attempt to save the environment. Before any of that sounds remotely convincing, where is their factual evidence? Those arguing against the fact of global warming have no concrete facts, but many opinions, some may even say ignorance.Climate change is something that will be debated as long as there is money to have and power to be gained. However it is important to know the motives behind and argument before you side with one. The motive behind proving climate change and doing something about it is to save the Earth and everyone on it. This is matter of loving one another tolerable to protect our planet. What lengths would you go to, to protect the future of your children and your grandchildren?BibliographyConnelly, Marjorie. Global Warming Concerns Grow. The New York Times 22 Sept. 2014 Edmunds, Donn a R. Man-made Climate Change Is a Myth. The Weather Channel, 24 Oct. 2014 Efforts to End Shark Finning Make Progress. 19 Sept. 2012. Web. 11 Nov. 2014. Friedman, Lisa. Immediate Risk to National Security Posed by Global Warming. ClimateWire 14 Oct. 2014 Plumer, Brad. The Washington Post. gutter Global Warming Be Real If Its Cold in the U.S.? Umyes (January 6)
Saturday, May 25, 2019
Equity and Trust
Cy pres doctrine. Initial failure General charitable intention. Re Rymer 1895 1 Ch. 19, Re Harwood 1936 Ch. 285, Re Satterthwaites W. T. 1966 1 W. L. R. 277, Re Spences W. T. 1979 Ch. 483, Re Jenkins W. T. 1966 Ch. 249. Re Faraker 1912 2 Ch. 488, Re Fingers W. T. 1972 Ch. 286, Re Koepplers W. T. 1986 Ch. 423 1985 2 All E. R. 869. Re Lysaght 1966 Ch. 191, Re Woodhams 1981 1 W. L. R. 493, Harris v.Sharp, unreported (noted 1988 Conv 288, but the case has since bypast to the C. A. ). Subsequent failure. Re Slevin 1891 2 Ch. 236, Re King 1923 1 Ch. 243, Re Moon 1948 1 All E. R. 300, Re Wright 1954 Ch. 347. But see also join Devon and West Somerset Trusts 1953 1 W. L. R. 1260. Why not automatically subsequent failure? And why initial failure in Ulverston? Modernisation of charities. Re Weir infirmary 1910 2 Ch. 124, Re Robinson 1923 2 Ch. 32, Re Dominion Students Hall Trust 1947 Ch. 183, Re J. W. Laing Trust 1984 Ch. 143, Oldham B. C. v. A-G 1993 2 All E. R. 432. Charities Act 1960 ss. 1 3,14. 1983 Conv. 40 (Wilson). Re Leptons unselfishness 1972 Ch. 276, Varsani v. Jesani 1998 3 All E. R. 273 (CA). Charities Act 1993, ss. 74-75. Michael Sladen Charities Act 1985 1986 Conv. 78 (noting that the provisions of the 1985 Act were re-enacted with only minor alterations in 1993).
Friday, May 24, 2019
Ethical Law Enforcement Officers
The paper deals with the significance of ethics and integrity in law enforcement officers. It explains the constitute for the structure of professional good responsibilities briefly describes the basic requirements of applied ethics and explains the course of ethical reason.Ethical law enforcement Officers An IntroductionIn the past few decades, law enforcement ethical doings has been caused to experience much analysis across the body politic. With the distrust of law enforcement police and community relationship suffer and the status of good, assiduous and ethical law enforcement officers and their organizations ar stigmatized. Even the most enthusiastic advocates of law enforcement question about the credibility of the police and the police department.Despite the fact that prominent cases attract the nations focus, law enforcement departments across the country employ an increasing amount of time examining, penalizing and prosecuting officers for unprincipled or unlawful condu ct that never become famous in the headlines in the media.Regrettably, the events that have make these headlines have damaged the standing and question the performance of the whole law enforcement community. These extremely hyped events do not, on the other hand, deal with the more delicate ethical quandaries that law enforcement agencies and officers have to confront daily. Law enforcement agencies in America deal with the concerns of ethics that have to be studied and modified.Ethical FactorsIn the last couple of years, ethical concerns in law enforcement have been influenced by three critical factors namely the increased level of temptations developing from the illegal drug trade, the problems posed by decentralization, and the potentially conciliative nature of the police organizational traditions. These factors make management for ethics nowadays far more diverse and difficult than it was long ago.Greater TemptationsPolice officers confront bigger temptations than they had a c ouple of decade ago. A number of these temptations can be as a result of the volatile and rewarding unlawful drug trade. A swell quantity of illegal cash generates this market. Prospective earnings for drug dealers persist to rise as unlawful endorsements develop rigid.Thus, the law enforcement officers may be tempted by great bribes from delinquents and tempted by prospects to embezzle great amount of illegal money. The prospective for dishonesty in drug field may be intensified by the personality of officers who do extremely well in this field. Drug studies are placed amongst the most rapid and practical of any in which officers take part. covert work makes up an essential part of these cases.
Thursday, May 23, 2019
History of furniture Essay
The meaning of domesticatedity in The Middle Ages took on a variety of interpretations. It normally encompasses eachthing from the family building block, their d nearlying put up and their fri halts and neighbors to rulers and their castles. The home, as the axis of domesticity could be viewed as a structure together with its con ten-spotts and lay out. Naturally the growth and study of piece of piece of furniture runs parallel to the growth and develop custodyt of domesticity throughout The Middle Ages. Nomadic shade was prevalent during The Middle Ages and domestic furniture was constructed to reflect the demands of transient lifestyles.Wealthy land stimulateers together with nobility rarely remained in one place for an extended pointedness as they often traveled between their domains. Heavy, bulky furniture was wholely undesirable in the circumstances. Therefore the furniture was designed for mobility and easy disassembly. The chest was perhaps the most common item of household furniture and reflected the nomadic culture of The Middle Ages more effectively than any other item of furniture. The chest proved to be a diverse item of domestic furniture.It was ideal for storing and transferring goods from one destination to another. Upon arrival at a destination the chest could be used as a circuit card or a mantle. The Middle Ages which stretched over a period of about one thousand years commencing with the fall of Rome in 476 A. D and ending with the conquest of the Turks Constantinople in 1453 B. C. It was the age of monasteries and convents, of religious persecutions and of heroic struggles of the Christian Church. (Litchfield. 2004) The period was also marked by a progression of feudalism and war as well as chivalry.However, towards the close, a conviction of comparative civilization and progress, of apparition giving way to the light which followed the night of the Middle Ages preceding the dawn of the Renaissance. (Litchfield. 2004) Const antinople, the capital city of the Eastern Empire began to grow in popularity and as a result the migration to the capital city, of families of respectable means grew. When they left their homes for Constantinople they carried with them all of their valuable possessions. The wealth homeowners gravitated toward more ornamental household furnishings and fittings.This represented a departure from the wee Classic Greek to a more Byzantine style. (Rowling. 1973 p 17) The dictates of a prevalent Christianity significantly influenced the role of women in The Middle Ages. Ladies were permitted to be seen in chariots and contribute carriages, the designs of which, therefore, improved and became more varied. (Litchfield. 2004) And there was a cessation of the old tradition of reclining at meals (Litchfield 2004) was replaced by having guests occupying benches.Until the turn of the fourteenth atomic number 6 the ordinary dwelling house was simplistic in its furnishing, reflecting a slow gro wth in domesticity with the emergence of the well off merchandiser mentality. In France, for instance, the main room in a given home contained a bedstead and a prie dieu leave, a table with plain slab supported on shaped standards. (Litchfield 2004) The rest of the furniture featured in the main room would typically be comprised of the signature Middle Ages chest which would have been carved from oak or chestnut with a series of benches or stools.A basic table resembling a supported and elevated slab of timberland also formed a typical part of the furniture arrangement in an ordinary dwelling house of The Middle Ages. It was around thirty inches in diameter permitting guests to sit on one side plot of ground the other side was reserved for the issuing of the meal. While there would be no family discussions across the table, family members and guests would be in a position to rub elbows, so to speak. This is indicative of socialization and explains the origins of the social term rubbing elbows. The period spanning the 11th -13th centuries was the hallmark of civilization in The Middle Ages.Religious reform fortified the popes position in the church and Medieval society but conflict between the pope and the emperor was unavoidable. Towns and farms witnessed a population explosion with the resulting merchant or middle classes. An unmistakable growth and development in culture and economics prevailed. By the thirteenth century Gothic architecture reflecting the religious culture and a shift toward education and the university had reached its peak. The Medieval peasant however was slow in domesticity although he formed a large part of the noble nobles domestic find-up.The peasant population, primarily make up of farmers comprised about nine-tenths of the Medieval population and were serfs and villeins. ( Nurmiainen 1998) A typical peasant village was comprised of anywhere from ten to sixty families. (Morrison. 1970 p. 57) Their accommodations were dreary and rather dank in appearance, to say the very least. Their dwelling houses were usually consisted of a dark, dank hut made of wood or wicker daubed with mud and thatched with straw or rushes. (Litchfield 2004) Sharing their homes with caudex such as pigs and chicken, the straw/reed layered floors were often defiled by livestock droppings.Dried leaves and straw represented a typical bed and animal skins were utilized as blankets. The stove was merely a fire made of wood and sometimes peat which burned continuously on a dirt patch which was cleared out on the floor of a hut. The stagnant domesticity among the peasants reflected resonantly in the typical furnishing of the village huts. It was a simple plank table on trestles, a few stools, perhaps a chest, and probably a loom for the women to make their own framework. (Litchfeild 2004) If peasants did anything for the growth of domesticity throughout The Middle Ages, they did it for the nobility.They existed for the sole purpose of supp orting their lord and master who in turn illustrated a steady growth toward domesticity as bear witness by the unwavering commitment of the peasant. They gave about half their time to work in his fields, cut timber, haul water, spin and weave, repair his buildings, and wait upon his household. In war, the men had to fight at his side. (Litchfield 2004) The idea and determine of domesticity are saliently present in the development and retention of the domestic servant. In this vein, the peasantry can be viewed as a founder of the latter day domestic servant.Arguably, the dictates of the master/servant mentality takes its roots back to the feudalism system that reached its peak in The Middle Ages. (Keen. 2006) gushing(prenominal) of domesticity was the ever present table. It was a shrine to refuge and an escape from the abrasive outside world. The table represented a coming together of family and friends at the end of a day primarily dedicated to bringing meals home. The Anglo-Sax ons were no exception. Often a hall which was usually dimensionally off balance because its height was disproportionate to its largeness and length was occupied by a long table made of oak.The table was formed of planks rough hewn from the forest, and which had scarcely received any landstood ready prepared for the evening meal. (Litchfield 2004) A typical Anglo-Saxon apartment had walls change with war relics, a representation of triumph and defeat as well as a desire to be reminded of those events within the snug confines of a domestic setting. The Anglo-Saxon decorum was simple with a floor made up of a earth and lime concoction not unlike todays barn floorings. It might even be viewed by young standards as acrid and crude.Be that as it may, it was the Anglo-Saxon taste and they obviously saw it divers(prenominal)ly. The Anglo-Saxon dwelling house contained a floor which had a increase step about a quarter of the length of the apartment. This dais was reserved for important visitors and family members and represented the hub of domestic activity. Typical of Medieval domestic leaning, a table richly covered with scarlet cloth was placed transversely across the platform, from the middle of which ran the longer and lower board, at which the domestics and inferior persons fed, down towards the bottom of the hall. (Litchfield 2004)The entire setting of the Anglo-Saxon apartment was reflective of an escape from the outside world. It represented a warm and dry refuge and the T shaped table reflected domestic harmony and socialization in the home. The dais functioned to harvest a coming together, a calming of the minds and an escape from toil. Huge chairs occupied the dais and a cloth canopy hung over the collection of chairs and tables as a means of protection from leaks as rain often escaped the poorly built roof tops. (See discover 2) The dais was domesticity personified.At the speeding level of the hall, the walls were shrouded by curtains and the floor was covered by carpet of some embroidery or tapestry, although the color was rather harsh on the eyes. This color choice by no means operated to keep occupants out of the home. It was merely a matter of the fashion of the times. Its primary function was to make the home a fashionable and comfortable place as more and more time was spent at home with the emphasis on the family unit and fostering close relations with ones friends, relatives and neighbors. See figure 3) The table is deserving of further comment in that it speaks to the importance of feudalism and its infiltration of domesticity. Litchfield observed that over the lower range of table the roof had no covering, the rough plastered walls were left bare, the rude earthen floor was uncarpeted, the board was uncovered by a cloth, and rude massive benches supplied the place of chairs (Litchfield 2004) More telling however was the two chairs that occupied the upper tables center.These two chairs were elevated more so than the other chairs and was reserved for the male female heads of the household. To each of these was added a footstool curiously carved and inlaid with ivory, which mark of distinction was peculiar to them. (Litchfield 2004) The Norman civilization began to infiltrate Medieval times and the citizens found themselves warring with neighboring communities. This, together with the move toward trade and migrant farming obviated the need to change residence from time to time.As noted previously this nomadic lifestyle encouraged light furnishings and the ability to travel lightly if one wanted to secure valuable possessions. The Anglo-Saxons were adamantine in their perception of the necessity for a bed. The bed was reserved for royalty and ladies of nobility. However, as the Medieval period settled into a more stable give tongue to the gradual growth into domesticity became more grounded. Ladies began to dress more formally, and the upper classes became more polished. New and more pronounced domestic furnishings sprung up in the Medieval home.For instance, upper floors were added and stairs would follow this alteration. Domestic socialization reached its peak with the introduction of the parloir or talking room. (Gella 2002 pps 5-10) Completing this domestic setting fire places made of brick or stone were inserted refining the overall decorum where previously a gaping hole was utilized for escaping smoke. Even the sleeping quarters took on a in the raw look, one of domestic harmony and comfort. Bedsteads were carved and draped with rich hangings.Armoires made of oak and enriched with carving, and Presses date from about the end of the eleventh century. (Litchfield 2004) Medieval France was no different from Anglo-Saxon decor. The domestic chamber was similar to that of the Anglo-Saxons and typical European knight and lady bedroom settings. (Kauper 1996 p 146) The prie dieu chair was generally at the bedside, and had a potty which lifted up, the lower part forming a b ox-like receptacle for devotional books then so regularly used by a lady of the time. (Litchfield 2004) As the fourteenth century came to a close Medieval France and much of Europe witnessed a propensity toward loud colors. A typical room in a castle or palace was adorned with cloth of gold, bordered with scarlet velvet embroidered with roses. (Litchfield 2004) A Dukes room would contain trimmings of gold material of embroidered windmills whereas a Duchesss room would contain similar trimmings of an embroidered crossbow.Carpets were generally glossy and cushions of gold or some other rich coloring were typically placed on the floor during summer months. The time spent at home was evidenced by the detail and attention given to arm chairs of the time. Litchfield describes a typical chair for a princess as . a chamber chair with four supports, painted in fine vermilion, the seat and arms of which are covered in vermilion morocco, or cordovan, worked and stamped with designs representi ng the sun, birds, and other devices bordered with fringes of silk and studded with nails. (Litchfield 2004) As commerce developed through the Empires of The Middle Ages there was a development of the middle classes. The domestic values of the middle classes are also manifested by the furnishings and fittings of a typical home of a dealer. The retail dealers wife dressed in silk and was provided pillows adorned with buttons made of Oriental pearls for resting her arms and head. (Boissonnade 2002 pp 3-8)The chair which represents comfort and stability is prominent throughout Medieval Europe also had a place in the German community. (See figure 1) Litchfield pays homage to a typical chair of German construction of the times. The famous choir stalls in the Cathedral of Ulm, which are considered the finest work of the Swabian coach of German wood carving. The magnificent panels of foliage on the front, the Gothic triple canopy are adorned with the busts of Isaiah, David, and Daniel. (L itchfield 2004)
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
Servervault Case
ServerVault Case Servervault is a company in the hosting manufacture regain in the United States which has been in operation since December 1999. A hosting company provides its customers with physical space for servers and gageing run. Servervault chooses only to operate in the managed hosting section which gives much value-added run to customers. ServerVault attracts Internet-reliant and security-savvy customers. It also provides end-to-end solutions to customers. Servervault differentiates itself from competitors by offering high level of security protection.It also has enough bandwidth and power supply to ensure the Internet price of admission is always available. Servervault has three sources of revenue one-time setup fees for impertinent customers, monthly hosting fees and fees for additional value-added function. Although the variable cost of serving an additional customer is relatively low, it requires large property to build facilities upfront. Recently, the preside nt/CEO and CFO want to raise some upper-case letter for its expansion. The potential investors want to learn more about ServerVaults communicate cash inescapably to make the investment decision.Macroeconomic analysis Economic background As it dejection be seen from accessory A(1), the NASDAQ confused peaked at 5048. 62 in March 2000 before dropped dramatically to 3205. 11 in April. The major contributor to the loss is the lucre bubble. The increasing stock prices over the last few years made some investors too confident in IT companies. However, the collapse of the bubble took place in 2000, when a lot of IT companies failed. As a result, the NASDAQ composite witnesses a huge loss in the stock market. Hence, it is a good opportunity for ServerVault to get more market shargon.On the some other hand, Appendix A(2) illustrates that the US gross domestic product has kept growing during the last six years, which suggests that the loss whitethorn only occur in the IT sector. The g rowth in GDP brings more seam cracking exceeding. ( disport see Appendix A(3)). Some of these capital spending may be used to hire third parties to strengthen firms IT departments. Therefore, it is a good lates for ServerVault since it may have more customers in the future. Social background An analysis in social background get out help ServerVault to determine what customer take.The number of internet users planetary was only about 30 million in 1995, but it increases to around 280 million in 2000. Please see Appendix B. The popularity of internet offers condescensiones a new way to advertise and sell their products. Nowadays, people like to shop online so that more and more companies need safe internet servers to handle decomposable transactions. Since ServerVault specializes in this area, the increase in the number of internet users is definitely good. Microeconomic analysis Competitors Competitors are a major threat to the business.Therefore, to gain some insights of c ompetitors businesses can help ServerVault to determine where it stands in relation to the industry. According to the information from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, ServerVault faced intensive argument in 2000, as the number of establishments in the data processing and wind vane hosting industry was approximately 28000. However, that number decreases by 46% to around 15000 in late 2011. (Appendix C(1)). As the demand for entanglement hosting services has kept growing, during the 10-year period, some firms in the industry become very large while a lot of them failed.In 2000, the leaders in the managed section of the web hosting industry were Digex, IMB and Data Return. The major service provided by Digex is largely the same with the one offered by ServerVault. However, Digex also has revenues from value-added services including firewall concern, stress testing, consulting services. It also provides computer hardware, software program, net naturalise engineering, and systems ma nagement necessary to customers. In the year of 2000, it had revenues of 168 million and a net loss of 143 million. As it can be seen from its balance sheet, it has huge investment in capital assets.Its property and equipment account for 77% of its total assets. (Please see Appendix C(2)). IBM operates in five business segments. tissue hosting services would fall in the system and technology segment, which provides clients with business applications requiring computing power and storage capabilities. The total number of signed strategic outsourcing contracts valued at more than $100 million increases from 24 in 1997 to 58 in 2000. In 2011, the system and technology segment had revenue of 20 billion with pre- revenue enhancement income of 1. 6 billion. (Please see Appendix C(3)).Data return also offers ongoing maintenance of hardware and software, including content back-ups and system upgrades, in addition to its web hosting service. It has total revenue of $7. 1 million and a net l oss of $12 million in 2000. (Please see Appendix C(4)). Customers Customers are very important to ServerVault, because they are the source of revenue. Small companies usually have simple internet needs and can be satisfied by shared hosting services. Those who already owned and managed their own servers but lack a suitable space and a reliable internet connection are customers of the co-location segment.The customers in the managed section would be companies with significant internet presence and high volume e-commerce. E-commerce in the United States grows at a fast speed during the last decade. Please see Appendix D(1). Since each e-commerce company has the possibility to outsource their web host, the demand for managed web hosting service will also grow at a fast pace. In addition, globalization, deregulation, and technological innovation force companies to find outsourcers to get ready for the future. Please see Appendix D(2).Therefore, ServerVault can attract lots of customers with custom services that fit customers needs at reasonable cost. Substitute If there are many substitutes, the demand for the managed web hosting service will decline as customers are able to switch between different services. Therefore, it is important to determine if there are any substitutes to the managed web hosting industry. To operate internet-based applications, companies only have two options. They can either outsource that work to a third party or do it by themselves.Outsourcing has some(prenominal) advantages. Firstly, companies should focus on the goods and services that they sell or provide. The time spend on developing internet-based application could be better spent to make their products and services more competitive. Secondly, there is financial advantage to outsource the work to a third party. Digex, one of the major competitors, spent around $170 million to leverage property and equipment. (Please see Appendix E). For many companies, it is a significant amount o f cash flow.In addition, companies can cut the number of employees required in the IT department. Meanwhile, the outsourcing expense is tax deductible under tax law. Lastly, the technology used in the web hosting industry is usually far from clients core business area. It is not wise to spend time and money in this technology. Suppliers Since server is an important input to the business, the server price will have an impact on the profit. There is much competition in the server market, as the total number of the server manufacturer amounts to 14132 worldwide.The majority of them are located in China and other Asian countries. Please see Appendix F(1). However, IBM, HP, Dell, Oracle, Fujitsu have almost 90% of the total market share. Please see Appendix F(2). Therefore, it is likely that ServerVault will choose to buy servers from these manufacturers, and it needs to carefully monitor the market price to make wise purchase decision. New entrants To learn more about the possibility of new entrants is beneficial to ServerVault, because new entrants will have voltaic pileward pressure on prices which may affect the earnings negatively.The major factor that will prevent new entrants to the industry will be labor shortage. Please see Appendix G. In 2000, the labor shortage of computer professionals may limit the growth of the IT industry. As college graduates prefer to work for large companies, newly-founded companies will find it very hard to hire suitable employees. Therefore, it is very unlikely that the web hosting industry will have many new entrants in the next a few years. Appendix A A(1) Source http//www. google. com/finance/historical? q=INDEXNASDAQ%3A.IXIC&histperiod=weekly&ei=cKBjULDdL4mQkwPTwwE A(2) Source the raw data come from US Department of Commerce-Bureau of Economic Analysis http//www. bea. gov/national/index. htmgdp A(3) Business capital spending. U. S. corporations are primary purchasers of information technology, and they often require the hel p of computer services vendors in order to use it effectively. Therefore, any long-term decline in the level of business capital spending would result in fewer computers be set up and maintained and would have a negative impact on the computer services industry.Figures for U. S. business capital spending (categorized as nonresidential fixed investment) are available quarterly from the Bureau of Economic Analysis. During the past few years, business spending has risen faster than the economy. In 1999, much(prenominal) spending was up 8. 3% over 1998. Source http//www. netadvantage. standardandpoors. com. myaccess. library. utoronto. ca/NASApp/NetAdvantage/showIndustrySurvey. do? polity=ccs&date=/ccs_0600/ccs_0600. htm Appendix B Source http//www. netadvantage. standardandpoors. com. myaccess. library. toronto. ca/NASApp/NetAdvantage/showIndustrySurvey. do? code=cox&date=/cox_0300/cox_0300. htm Appendix C (1) Source http//www. bls. gov/ces/data. htm Calculation (28000-15000)/28000= 0. 46 C(2) Co. is a provider of managed Web hosting services to businesses operating mission-critical, multi-functional Web sites. In addition, Co. offers Web hosting services to the rapidly growing number of application service providers, enabling them to more efficiently deliver their application services to their customers over the Internet.Co. also offers related value-added services, such as firewall management, stress testing and consulting services, including capacity and migration planning and database optimization. Co. services include providing the computer hardware, software, network technology, and systems management necessary to offer Co. s customers omnibus(prenominal) outsourced Web site and application hosting solutions. http//www. new. mergentonline. com. myaccess. library. utoronto. ca/companyfinancials. php? compnumber=90285 C(3)International Business Machines operates in five business segments global technology services, which provides information technology inf rastructure services and business process services global business services, which provides professional services and application management services software, which consists of middleware software that enables clients to integrate systems, processes and applications, and operating systems software engines that run computers systems and technology, which provides clients with business applications requiring computing power and storage capabilities and global financing, which facilitates clients acquisition of Co. s systems, software and services. http//www. new. mergentonline. com. myaccess. library. utoronto. ca/companyfinancials. php? compnumber=4427 C(4) Co. provides Microsoft-based Internet hosting services to businesses, web site developers, application service providers and other organizations. Co. s advanced hosting services enable its customers to establish and maintain e-commerce and other applications through which they can conduct transactions and manage information on a worldwide basis over the Internet. Co. rovides management services for its customers hosting needs, including consultation and recommendations on standardized system architecture installation, configuration and stress testing of hardware and software ongoing maintenance of hardware and software, including content back-ups and system upgrades a broad array of system and network monitoring and reporting services and technical support designed to respond to both simple and complex system issues. http//www. new. mergentonline. com. myaccess. library. utoronto. ca/companyfinancials. php? compnumber=98629 Appendix D(1) Source www. destevenwhite. com D(2) According to IDC, slightly more than half of all outsourcing worldwide occurs in the United States. Demand is being driven by globalization, privatization, deregulation, and technological innovation. These factors are leading to increased global competition, which is forcing companies to focus more on cost-cutting measures.However, compan ies arent using outsourcing just to cut costs and get out of trouble. Now they are also turning to outsourcers to prepare for the future and to avoid trouble down the road. Source http//www. netadvantage. standardandpoors. com. myaccess. library. utoronto. ca/NASApp/NetAdvantage/showIndustrySurvey. do? code=ccsdate=/ccs_0600/ccs_0600. htm Appendix E http//www. new. mergentonline. com. myaccess. library. utoronto. ca/companyfinancials. php? compnumber=90285 Appendix F(1) http//www. alibaba. com/trade/search? SearchText=SERVERIndexArea=Productsfsb=y F(2) http//www. fool. com/ drop/general/2011/03/12/server-market-share-the-strong-get-stronger. aspx Appendix GHowever, a major impediment to sustained growth is the shortage in skilled technology labor. Computer professionals, including programmers and system designers, are in short supply. Computer and data processing added 8,000 jobs in March 2000, a rise of only 0. 4% (or 4. 8% on an annualized basis), representing a lag in the rate of growth from 1999. Over the next few years, demand for talented computer services professionals is expected to outstrip supply, leaving many positions unoccupied overall. Source http//www. netadvantage. standardandpoors. com. myaccess. library. utoronto. ca/NASApp/NetAdvantage/showIndustrySurvey. do? code=ccsdate=/ccs_0600/ccs_0600. htm
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
Land Acquisition
* FDI will lead to job losses. Small retailers and other small Kirana store owners will suffer a large loss. titan retailers and Supermarkets like Walmart, Carrefour, etc. will displace small retailers. * Supermarkets will establish their monopoly in the Indian market. Because of supermarkets fine tuning, they will get goods on belittled price and they will sell it on low price than small retailers, it will decrease the sell of small retailers. Jobs in the manufacturing sector will be lost because foreign giants will purchase their goods from the international market and not from domestic sources. This has been the experience of most countries which have allowed FDI in retail. Although, our country had made a condition that they must source a minimum of 30% of their goods from Indian micro and small industries, we give the axet stop them from purchasing goods from international markets as per WTO law. So after coming to India, they can reduce this 30% by litigating at the WTO.So f ar India has not allowed FDI in retail and allows these giants to operate stores which can fold only with registered business. For e. g. , Metro, a well known retail giant of Germany is allowed to sell only to businesses which serve the front end customers like us. The retail industry can be divided into organized and unorganized sector. The organized retailing is which are backed by corporate giants like Reliance, Future etc. Unorganized retailing refers to the traditional shops which are basically no frills business.Organized sector can be compared to premium airlines whereas unorganized sector can be compared to low cost ones. stock-still like in airline industry the unorganized sector contributes 98% of the total trade. However inspite of being well served by our home grown retailers, the government is toying up with the idea of opening retail for foreign companies. That brings us to the question on what exactly do they bring to the table. The answer is a down of heartburns and a little respite to the country in terms of managing the food produce in the country.
Monday, May 20, 2019
Education And Capitalism
Max weber was a German sociologist and economist who contributed precise much on economic and quite a long-wearing and brilliant work on administrative system. Maxweber tried to provide ways to the community through which they could quash oppression by suggesting ways and subject matter worry inciting battalion to encourage others to work hard and bring out enterprises as well as making investments. This could enable them to grow economically. He in interchangeable manner naturalized theories like bureaucracy that addressed to better administrative methods that involved no authoritarianism.capitalist economy. This can be defined as a means through which economic relations involving production means are organized. These may embarrass enterprises, firms, know directge or factories. A theory is a systematic organized knowledge as apprehension that explains some phenomena. It is an endeavour to understand each and a sagacious explanation of how something is put to featurehe r or why it works and why it works that way. An idea is a concept, notion that one has on something. capitalism according to weber came into existence when the Protestants put bend on so many people to get motivated in working and work hard, developing so many big and prosperous enterprises.They in addition encouraged the people to participate largely in trade and make savings for investment. I also suppose that availability of free markets and opportunities for innovation are guaranteed. This essay is going to express the theories and ideas that were manifested on instruction and capitalist economy by Max Weber. Discussion. Max Weber suggested that strength of capitalist economy in a rural or state is determined mainly by the power manifested by the country or state. This means that more powerful countries bugger off muscularer controls over their teaching and and then their cultivation systems are well established and very worth.They also have a wide control over their worker regulations and therefore in relation to reading, educational staff is well treated and motivation is ensured. This leads to improvement in education. According to Weber, capitalism evolved when the protestant ethnic influenced large numbers of people to engage in work in the sacrilegious world, developing their own enterprises and engaging in trade and the accumulation of wealth for investment. If a few constrain systematic in pursuit of money, others impart end up as their employees.Max Webers theory of capitalism being a very smashed tool used by the people to develop economically as well as socially has a very strong influence on education. This is related in that more educational institutions will be established in banknote with strong and stable economy. In addition, more people will be able to access education and this dissolvent to a more learned indian lodge where technology and innovation will be in abundant. Max Webers idea that bureaucracy should be ended in firms and such as industries and educational institutions that impacted a lot on education.Workers in educational institutions could now work freely without intimidation and even merit was employed in employment. Max Weber also is for the idea that capitalism in a major power system that any society or organization adapts. When competent by a school which is an organization, a lot of activities like research and teaching will be on their way up. The capitalists also have a strong influence on the government and keep will be provided to the learning institutions. Funding to research activities will also be possible and hence growth in the learning institutions will be experienced.According to Max Webers ideas, capitalists were very hardworking people committed to seeing growth in economy and investing widely. Job opportunities were hence provided to those who acquired education and this led to very fast growth of learning institutions, both lower and higher. Generally, Max Web ers ideas and theories have revealed that capitalism had many positive outcomes on education. The fact that it involved strong education to working hard towards economic and social growth, suggests that a strong base was built for development of education. by dint of establishment of strong economic base, it has been established that funding to the educational institutions was easy and this enabled conducting of researches building of learning resources like laboratories and acquisitions of learning materials to be very easy (Weber, 1978). He also goes further to address on the social, political and economic functions that resulted as evidenced in the increasing sense of conflict between individuals and organizations like schools.He used bureaucracy theory to do this and this led to a fairer, more impartial, more predictable, more rational and orderly organizational systems (Whimster, Sam, & Lash, 1987). The workers in the educational systems could now be comfortable in their work. Authoritarianism in the capitalistic institutions was very much avoided. For a state or country that has a very strong capitalism, it has been established that their education background knowledge and development is quite easy since financial support is readily available. Mawebers theories and ideas on education and capitalism are bland relevant to presently society.This is evidenced by the fact that those countries and states that have a strong economic growth are the ones likely to have prospered well in education. This is show in the technologies and innovations that are available in a country or a state (Political Writings, 1994). However, this does not lock out those developing countries. Capitalism is still taking effect in this countries and education on way up. This suggests that at one point t, these countries will be well established and education systems and background will be strong.Capitalism is a very strong tool in every society and it is this capitalist that influ ences the formation of policies and rules in any organization, institutions like schools as well as the entire governments. (Joseph, & Jonathan (2003). They do this in capacity of politicians in the presently society making laws, policies and implementation still have a very strong influence from the politicians. Capitalism according to Maweber led to a strong economic base, which proverb establishment of so many business enterprises and organizations.This led to increases need for labour and as a result many people had to provide labour in the enterprises something, which led to most people dropping their education. This is a negative effect of capitalism on education. Capitalisms also according to Maxweber insisted on division of labor (Runciman, 1972). This led to participation of the workers and consequently decline in performance. Conclusion. Capitalism as have been found out had and still has a very strong impact on education. Through capitalization, education finds a very st rong base on which it grows to reach most of the people.This is ensured by strong economic ground that capitalism establishes whereby people as a result can access all the requirements necessary for acquiring education. Resources like learning materials are easily available and also schools and other learning institutions are widely established. Through capitalism, education is able to thrive very well and this means that people get educated which can be explained in terms of technological advancement of a country or state. This educated people will be able to discover new things through conducting researches as well as innovating new ideologies.Capitalism has also contributed to job opportunities through education. For example people learn new ideas and ways of doing things from maybe industries or other business enterprises. Those who pass knowledge to these people are themselves employees of these organizations and have acquired their jobs through intensified capitalism. Although capitalism somehow affected education earlier in that most people ended into providing labour in developing enterprises and industries failing to access education, the positive impacts are much more. Capitalism thus have a very great positive impact on education.
Sunday, May 19, 2019
Enhanced Reading Instructions Essay
Differentiated Instructional demand of pupils makes it imperative for a instructor to be afterward out her direction in lower-ranking groups and separate reading Centres to give pupils ample pattern. Teachers form little flexible groups of pupils. meeting twice or thrice a hebdomad for a specific clip. The instructor draws up similar structure to bring forth thoughts. stimulate thought. do programs and make a desire . ( Cited in Steering authorship and Observing Reading. p. 385 ) . Teachers find to a greater extent chance to utilize their cognition and accomplishments more to the full and effectively . ( cited in Making Instructional Decisions. p. 461 ) .Many usage alternate schemes in show to run into the particular demand of the students ( Modifying Lessons. p. 461 ) Alternative lesson structures recommends the usage of at least two types of lesson constructions. One manoeuvre Reading and the other Skill Focused Lessons. It follows a form where the text is selected. introduce d. read and discussed. In a Teacher- led- Centre. the option most favored today. Centre on incorporate course of study. an attempt to link the lingual communication humanistic disciplines with other capable countries. often through subjects. Integration is encouraged across every(prenominal) capable countries. including math . ( Basal Readers and Instructional Materials. Chp13. p. 0 )Skill development and pattern activities are frequently interspersed with originative enrichment thoughts in the teachers usher. ( Chp13. p. 460 ) Students who need focused acquisition to go fluid and consummate in their use. Skill Focused Lessons are planned out by a instructor. like writing. speaking. . . cerebrate function playing. doodling. pulling. cartooning. jotting ain thoughts. taking notes. interviewing and even organizing mental images through visual image and in writing organisers. ( Steering Writing and Observing Reading p. 385 ) . Thus guidelines are set. which help heighten profo und reading composing in a schoolroom.Mentionhypertext transfer protocol //www. fcrr. org/assessment/pdf/smallgroupalternativelessonstructures. pdf
Saturday, May 18, 2019
Weekly accomplishment report in tourism department
voyageism Management-III Marketing Section Weekly Accomplishment Report ensure April 16, 2013- Tues sidereal sidereal daytime Name of Company Tourism charge On this day there were many clients went to our mail to inquire regarding on tarpaulin. More so, I was capable to learn how to use fax machine. conflict April 17, 2013- Wednesday On this day I was depute to earn photocopies of principal(prenominal) filed documents. And the rest of the day I learned to answer and transfer head audio calls properly. Date April 18, 2013- Thursday For this day I was assign to answer and transfer phone calls for the whole ay.Date April 19, 2013- Friday On this day I was assigned to answer phone calls and receive Inquiries from clients the whole morning. In the afternoon, Kohl and I together with our supervisor went to Treetop threaten wherein we experienced their superman ride, treetop and parachute fall. And as well as were went to JEST camp to see their mini zoo, nonsectarian, and ski rt sanctuary. Date April 20, 2013- Saturday For this day I was assigned to answer phones calls. And we talked Mr De to the highest degree Tourism in the Philippines. He also gave us knowledge round his tour guiding quenches and how to be effective outrider.Fay Ann B. Toleration (Trainee) Julius M. Macaw (JOT Supervisor) XEBEC Date April 22, 2013- Monday For this day I did most office works and should be our last day at Marketing Section. Date April 23, 2013- Tuesday On this day, I was assigned to answer phone calls and Ms. Esther asked me to make photocopies an important filed documents. Date April 24, 2013- Wednesday On this day we moved on to XEBEC headed by Ms. Niacin Orzo, but before that we started oriented by Mr Sham Malawi or so tour guiding and how to be effective tour guide.He discussed everything we need to know about Cubic bespeak Freeport Zone. Date April 25, 2013- Thursday For this day Mr Sham continued tackled about Cubic Bay Freeport Zone and he gave us a short qu iz. He also discussed us about the whitethornhap Host. Date April 26, 2013- Friday My business for this day was to answer phone calls and to make photocopies an important files given by our supervisor. By the afternoon, Mr Sham told us that were assigned at Travelers Hotel for tomorrow. Date April 27, 2013- Saturday On this day we were duty at Travelers Hotel as Information assistant for theTriathlon Championship 2013. Ms. Nadia Linda DC. Roll Date April 30, 2013- Tuesday We have a seminar together with different department of SABA employees about diplomatic Protocol and Etiquette social graces and how to eat in a fine dining restaurant and the guest verbaliser was MR Leo Prostate. Mr.. Leo is a very good speaker we learned a lot from him and we glad because we have been given an opportunity to be part in that seminar. DateMay 1, 2013- Wednesday It was Labor solar day but we still choose to get in the office to lessen our training hours.We were assigned to answered phone calls and inquiries for the whole day. Date May 2, 2013- Thursday On this day, I was assigned to answer phone calls and Ms. Esther asked me to geek and prints an important documents. Date May 3, 2013- Friday On this day, I was assigned to answer phone calls and helped in office works. Adman Date May 6, 2013- Monday For this day we were assigned to duty at Painkilling Forest Trails, we went to Pastoral with kayak Anthony and we took almost 2 hours Just to get there. He told us different medicinal plants found on a Jungle and I learned a lot from him.Date May 7, 2013- Tuesday Our 2nd day at Painkilling Forest Trails. kayak Samson taught us how to make fire using a bamboo and they also do us spoon and fork, drinking glass using a bamboo. Date May 8, 2013- Wednesday My Last solar day at XEBEC and I was assigned in Adman together with ate Charlene and Dizzied. We were assigned to answer phone calls and to make photocopies an important files given by our supervisor. Date May 9, 2013- Thursd ay On this day, I was assigned to answer phone calls and Ms. Mona asked me to make photocopies an important filed documents. Date Malay, 2013- FridayWe have a seminar at Harbor transport about Personal Development and Cervical Cancer and also we tackled there about the art of neat and the guest speaker was Ms. Beagle Arenas. She is very good speaker and I learned a lot from her. Date Mall 1, 2013- Saturday Ms. Del Deal Cruz Date May 13, 2013- Monday Election Day Date May 14, 2013- Tuesday We were preparing for our mock tour with Sir Errol. He discussed everything we need to know about Cubic Bay Freeport Zone. Date May 15, 2013- Wednesday We were continued to tackled about SIBS with Daddy Sham and he encourage us o study and to research more about Cubic Bay.Date May 16, 2013-Thursday For this day I was assigned to answer phone calls and we Joined to the route of Mr Gadding extraneous the office. Date May 17, 2013-Friday For this day, it was my first time to Join in a sit-in tour w ith Kayak Bryan I saw his techniques and how he speak in front of tourist. Hes a very good outrider and I learned a lot from him. Date May 18, 2013-Saturday Date May 20, 2013- Monday practiced us on how to deliver and conduct a tour properly. Date May 21, 2013- Tuesday On this day was our Mock Tour.It was booming although Ive got really nervous because I wasnt familiarized those areas we scrolls. Date May 22, 2013- Wednesday We have our evaluation meeting w/ Mr Role Vulgar. And we move to reservation section. Later on, Ms. Theresa asked me to encode the monthly income of Cubic Gym facility. Date May 23, 2013- Thursday I was assigned to answer phone calls and Ms. Elaine asked me to checked the daily and weekly income and also Ms. Magma asked me to logged and to make photocopies an important files. Date May 24, 2013- Friday I was assigned to answer phone calls and inquiries for the whole day.
Friday, May 17, 2019
Issues in Scottish Curriculum Design Essay
The itinerary that any curricula is broken up into is two main musical modes one beingnessness the political platform in action, where the aims, content and experiences of the course of study on newspaper publisher be implemented in practice. The other is the computer programme on paper which is the political orientation of what should be implemented in education across the board. The ideology in curriculum can be split up into four main categories. Most papers on this topic, curb to an extent what the four ideologies constitute of, but Schiros (2008) ideologies be the most commonly known. The Scholar pedantic, the kindly strength, the Learner Centred and the Social Reconstruction ideologies are the four main categories explained in the course Theory that entrust be discussed in this paper in relation to The program for Excellence, the current curriculum in Scotland. The oldest of the four ideologies is the Scholar Academic ideology which foc utilizations on the ac cumulation of experience and sense.The aim of this ideology is to pass on the acquaintance of certain(a) disciplines (subject areas), to allow on that point to be rising scholars in that special(a) area and therefore, further move up understanding. The academic disciplines are the result of the cultures compiled intimacy and understanding of each area, and with this in mind, the purpose of education is to assist pupils to learn this knowledge. The next ideology is Social Efficiency. This is evenhandedly dominant in our curriculum today and means to prepare the assimilator for becoming an efficient and add member in fiat. The learners objective is to learn certain skills that give in publish achieve certain objectives that get ahead companionship (Lorrie A. 2000). The watch overive(prenominal) will learn a mixture of knowledge and skills that can be endow together, therefore making the skills more efficient and more beneficial to society. The learner centred ideo logy focuses more on the needs and interests of the individual rather than the content they are to learn.The idea freighter this theory is that learning will take place due to the interactions between the individual and their environment, therefore being more down to the experiences rather than the content. The newest of these ideologies is Social Reconstruction. This is where the social reconstructionists are aware of the problems in society and identify the job of the educator to correct these problems in the classroom, hoping that it will reconstruct their society as it is (Groenke, S. 2009). The focus of the curriculum would not be based on knowledge but more of values and opinions that would good the society and discombobulate it attain the greatest satisfaction of its members. In mental synthesis the program 3 A example for learning and commandment it has examples of all four of the classifications of the curriculum ideology provided by Schiro (2008).It has examples o f Academic ideology as it discusses the importance of knowledge and the ability and opportunity to increase the depth of knowledge already acquired as it states throughout a young persons learning there will be increasing specialness and greater depth, which will lead to subjects increasingly being the principal means of structuring learning and delivering outcomes. (page 20, Building the Curriculum 3). From this quote we can relate the academic ideology through the concentration on developing knowledge further to specialisation in certain subjects, therefore being fitted to pass on the knowledge and allow it to grow from there.There are many examples of The Social Efficiency Ideology in the paper as it focuses on health and wellbeing experiences and outcomes where the individuals get the opportunity to gain skills that benefit the individual in life and work, but also the community around them. This is to help them become efficient contributors in society support all children an d young pot in developing skills which they will use throughout their life and in their work, including the development of pre-vocational, enterprise and employability skills, personal skills, high levels of cognitive skills and the opportunity to put learning into a practical context. (page 15, Building the Curriculum 3)This example shows that the curriculum is aiming to encourage the learning of certain skills that will amend chances of employability and life skills that will help the young people settle into society and be able to play their part within it. The Curriculum for Excellence sees itself as being centred on the learner, and their individual needs. There are plenty examples throughout the paper of this ideology where the child is involved in what they are learning and setting themselves goals to achieve and having choice in what they learn within the curriculum, All children and young people should experience personalisation and choice within their curriculum, includi ng identifying and planning for opportunities for personal achievement in a range of incompatible contexts (page 17, Building the Curriculum 3). This quote shows that the idea of the curriculum is to pass water young people freedom to mystify their own declinationisions in what they are learning and at their own level.There are four capacities that brand name up the purpose of the curriculum that are described in this paper. Successful learners, confident individuals, responsible citizens and efficacious contributors, are the capacities that the curriculum aims to enable young people to become. Responsible citizens is a good example of The Social Reconstructive ideology as it explains how they will learn respect and about different cultures and how to behave responsibly within the community in all aspects (political, cultural or otherwise). As Building the curriculum states able to develop knowledge and understanding of the world and Scotlands place in it, understand different beliefs and cultures make informed choices and decisions evaluate environmental, scientific and technological issues develop informed, ethical views of complex. (page 22, Building the Curriculum 3)Here in this example, it shows that the curriculum wants to provide young people with varied knowledge so that the decisions they make in the future will help to create a better society. The idea is to teach them about values and respect so that they may make better informed decisions as to what is best for the society around them. Building the Curriculum 3 contains examples of all four of the ideology categories, but there are two that are most prevalent, Learner Centred and Social Efficiency. Upon examining the evidence in more depth it seems that the Social Efficiency ideology is the most dominant within this paper. Its main focus is on preparing and equipping individuals for future endeavours. For instance, the skills require for future work prospects upon which Kridels (ed.2010) sum mary, of David Sneddons idea of social efficiency, explains the curriculum as a way to make individuals efficient for work.As discussed by Arnoldy (online), social efficiency in education is more for the benefit of the social economy than for the individual, but contradicting that theory in this paper, are the examples of learner centred ideology that is dotted throughout. Though, combine these two theories, Valades (online) talks about the idea that to help out society, educating young people to learn and improve their skills and capabilities to help the community in the future, is the way forward. From Building the Curriculum 3 and having summarised that the main ideology tardily it is focusing on preparing the individuals to become more efficient and productive for contributing to our society, we can see that there will be some implication for teachers. Teachers who have been teaching for years under the same curriculum will struggle to accept the new curriculum, if it is as co mpletely different way to how they have been teaching before.Although the main focus of the curriculum in Scotland has been focused on preparing individuals for the future, it has not been focused on the more individual level. This may cause implication for teachers as they only have particularised allocated times to be with classes and it will be hard to offer each individual, the time and attention they need to develop specific skills to the point of being efficient. The teacher will have to focus more on the experiences and outcomes the learners are objected to, to develop the skills needed for the real world. This causes some problems as it depends highly on what the schooling can afford to give in ways of experiences, as most of these will probably be met outside of school.So, teachers need to go out a way of achieving the outcome of making the individual a more effective contributor to society by combining what they learn in and outside of the classroom. This would be a task for teachers, as the environment each individual they teach will be different and this therefore means that the teacher will have to find a way to combine these different environments or find a law of similarity and focus on that. Building the Curriculum 3 has some implication for teachers, but the focus being on social efficiency means that in some ways there are not so many changes from the past as at least for the last hundred years the school curriculum has been focused on making learners that will have skills that will help them achieve objectives that will make the society a more efficient place.A Comparative Overview of the Curriculum Ideologies Chapter 6 http// (visited twenty-ninth dec 2012) Critical Pedagogy and Teacher Education in the Neoliberal Era Small Openings pp 3 Springer Netherlands, 2009 volume 6 Susan L. Groenke http// Social Efficiency Theory SAVE SOMETHING TODAY Rodrigo Valades vis ited 29th dec 2012 The Role ofAssessment in a Learning Culture Lorrie A. Shepard Vol. 29, No. 7 (Oct., 2000), pp. 4 American Educational Research Association http// Chapter 6 A Comparative Overview of the Curriculum Ideologies visited 29th dec 2012 encyclopedia of Curriculum Studies edited by Craig Kridel SAGE Publications Inc 2010 Pg 4-7 Curriculum Theory Conflicting Visions and Enduring Concerns, Schiro, M. (2008a) SAGE Publications, Inc Pg 199-245 Curriculum Theory Conflicting Visions and Enduring Concerns Second Edition, Schiro, M. (2012b) SAGE Publications, Inc Building the Curriculum 3 A modelling for learning and teaching, The Scottish Government, 2008
Thursday, May 16, 2019
Week 5 Quizzes – Eco/Gm 561
Week 5 Quizzes ECO/GM 561 Your Results for manners Assessment Quiz grade this page Site patronageEconomics UOP custom CW Book TitleUOP-custom course for Economics Book AuthorCase compendium of Results 100% Correct of 7 Scored items 7 Correct 100% 0 Incorrect 0% much information about scoring ________________________________________ 1. gross domestic product includes all transactions in which money or goods change hands. Your swear outFalse ________________________________________ 2. gross domestic product is suitable to the value of total sales in an economy. Your AnswerFalse _______________________________________ 3. I bought a record polish year. I dont like it any more and am going to sell it to my cousin for $2. This sale should be included in GDP. Your AnswerFalse ________________________________________ 4. Consumption, investment, government purchases, and net exports are the four components of total expenditures. Your Answer consecutive _________________________________ _______ 5. Households have all of their personal income to spend or save. Your AnswerFalse ________________________________________ 6.When economists calculate titulary GDP it means they are calculating GDP only approximately. Your AnswerFalse ________________________________________ 7. Per capital GDP is a countrys GDP divided by its population. Your AnswerTrue ________________________________________ Your Results for Readiness Assessment QuizPrint this page Site TitleEconomics UOP custom CW Book TitleUOP-custom course for Economics Summary of Results 100% Correct of 8 Scored items 8 Correct 100% 0 Incorrect 0% More information about scoring ________________________________________ . The twin evils of macroeconomics are unemployment and inflation. Your AnswerTrue ________________________________________ 2. Recessions last sise months. Anything time-consuming is called a depression. Your AnswerFalse ________________________________________ 3. To be considered employed a person mu st be running(a) for pay for at least 20 hours per week. Your AnswerFalse ________________________________________ 4. You need to be 14 historic period old to be considered part of the labor force. Your AnswerFalse ________________________________________ . A discouraged worker is not actually working. Your AnswerTrue ________________________________________ 6. People distinctively are unemployed for at least six months. Your AnswerFalse ________________________________________ 7. Recessions have a good side to them because they help reduce inflation. Your AnswerTrue ________________________________________ 8. The consumer price index is based on a bundle of goods and services purchased yearly by the typical urban consumer. Your AnswerFalse ________________________________________
Wednesday, May 15, 2019
The Comfort Women of Nanking Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
The Comfort Women of Nanking - Essay ExampleThe arguments are based on the reasons that thither are no definite evidences that link the Japanese government to the maintenance of brothels of comfort women during WWII. Aside from this, prostitutions and energise slaves were considered legal during that time.Although it is admitted based on records that there were about 200,000 comfort women and that they went through pains, disease, and humiliations, the Japanese were not unaccompanied to be blamed. Some of the women were prostitutes who volunteered and others were sold by their families. The concern of the government at that time was the needs of the army soldiers that prompted them to act accordingly. The comfort women kept silent about this for a while, but recently, there is a re-create interest globally of justifying the wrongdoings committed to them. Some groups ask for compensation, others ask for public apologies. Governments, more specifically Japan, amenable groups and p oliticians look at the come out, and weigh things whether to compensate or not.There has been great interest on the issue of compensation for comfort women for supposed rapes and hardships they went through during World War II. International womens group as well as the affected countries pressure Japan to apologize and issue just compensation for these women as it is argued that this is the least thing that they could do to correct the damage on these women. These comfort women who are now on their eighties still believe that they deserve to be paid because of the agony they had experienced
Tuesday, May 14, 2019
Earnings per share FASB project on convergence with the IFRS Essay
Earnings per share FASB project on convergence with the IFRS - Essay ExampleThe fiscal Accounting Standards Board (FASB) avers to serve the investing public by means of transparent information resulting from high-quality monetary describe standards (FASB, Home Page)The International Accounting Standards Board (IASB) and the FASB acknowledge that the convergence of International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and the U.S. Generally, recognized Accounting Principles (generally accepted accounting principles) is the primary objective of both boards. The FASB has taken up several projects to address issues where differences sustain been represent in reporting standards and have successfully concluded umteen some are under topical scrutiny. One of the current issues is the reporting of Earnings per Share or EPS as it is popularly known.Different tools are available for making financial analysis of stocks and range from the very simple and elegant to the very complex and dif ficult to understand. The financial carrying into action of the association, and therefore, its future prospects and stock performance, is better understood through the calculation of some important balances that assist us in a detailed appraisal. The EPS method looks at the financial performance of the order focusing on the earnings recorded per ordinary share in a particular accounting period. This number provides a clear picture of the actual profitability of the company and is used to calculate the Price to Earnings (PE) ratio which represents the ratio of the commercialise price of the share compared with EPS. Since the share price changes almost continually this latter ratio also keeps changing and needs to be calculated on real time basis at the time of making investment related decisions. This is the most important ratio used by the market generally to assess the relative rating of a share and the companys prospects and, of course, is the easiest to understand. It iden tifies the number of years earnings needed to cope the current market price of the share. This paper presents the results of a detailed study of this project and its immediate and abundant term implications for the accounting fraternity as well as the users of accounting line of reasonings, viz. the management, shareholders and other stakeholders of the company as well as auditors, potential suitors (for takeover bids) and public.The StandardsIAS are a set of financial reporting policies that typically require increased disclosure and restrict managements choices of measurement methods relative to the accounting standards of the local GAAP standards (Ashbaugh & Pincus, 2001). With regard to the Earnings per Share the FASB issued a statement (Statement No. 128 Earnings per Share) and the IASB its statement IAS-33. Both boards have been working together to resolve the differences in order to bring convergence in the ii statements and scheme to make their final recommendations ope n for public comment in the first quarter of 2008. This draft entrust be open comment for 120 days and will then be adopted, with modifications, if required through public opinion. This draft will represent the third such exposure draft on the subject, the earlier ones required many changes based on public comment and had to be revised. The earlier drafts were based on the comments on the statement 128 in 2003 and the first exposure draft in 2005.The description of EPS i.e. The prefatory earnings divided by the average number of ordinary shares outstanding during the period (IAS33-R.10) leads us to the immediate issues involved a) How are the basic earnings to be calculated, and b) what is the number of shares the earnings must be divided by to arrive at the EPS. We examine how these are considered under the IFRS and GAAP to arrive at the differences between the current practices under the two regulations. Basic EarningsThe concept is to arrive at the profit of the company that is attributable to the ordinary shareholders of the company and therefore the basic earnings must be calculated as net profit (or loss) little preference dividends
Monday, May 13, 2019
GLOBAL ECONOMIC Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1
GLOBAL ECONOMIC - concession ExampleThe other reason for the difference s in gross domestic product per capita is differences in productivity among countries with the take of productivity in a outlandish being depicted by high gross domestic product per capita symbolized by Australia and UK in the chart above. chinaware, Indonesia, and Russia have the same level of labour productivity explaining the similarity in GDP per capita. The other reason that could be the cause for the differences in the GDP per capita is the working hours of the workers in the given countries with the country that has the highest GDP per capita having high working hours compared to the other countries. Australian and UK could have high working hours compared to the working hours in China, Russia, and Indonesia depicting the difference in GDP per capita in the graph.Four reasons can explain the differences between the GDP of the five countries including amount of physical resources, quality and quantity o f human resource, the surface of the work force, and the technology level (WORLD BANK, 2013). China could have been increasing the amount of physical capital, promoting highly skilled and trained human resource, increasing workforce size, and advancing technology from 1994 to 2012 as depicted by the rise in GDP over the years. The size of workforce, advancement in technology, training and equipping the human resource, and amount of physical resources seems to have been almost constant quantity in Indonesia, Australia, and Russia due to the slight changes in GDP growth from 1994 to 2012. There are, however slight corroboratory changes in skills, technology, workforce, and physical resources in UK showed by the increase from 1994 to 2007, but these factors may have slightly move to result in the down ward trend in the GDP in UK from 2001 to 2012.The possible economical effects for the differences in the GDP growth are three including the quality of governance, which are the mechan isms and institutions that aid in decision-making and authority dispensation in a
Sunday, May 12, 2019
None Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 5
None - Essay ExampleIn china, looking back historically, women underwent much humiliation and prolonged oppression from the society as they were viewed as being lesser than their male counterpart. They neer had get even rights as men, both in the social, political and economic spheres of the society. In this regard, the women become economically dependent and were never accorded any property or inheritance rights with no possession of an independent income source. Socially, the women were forced to subordinate to their fathers, husbands and sons, obey their fathers before marriage, and after marriage, their husbands and their sons in case they became widows. They had no rights in marriage and were forced to do unexpended and less important jobs. These marriages in the old-fashioned times were arranged and were not in any port dependent on the couples decisions. Once the females had moved into the marriage, they would then be denied any matrimonial freedom with their task rest ricted to carrying out the household chores such as cleaning, preparing meals and looking after their children (Wang and Theodore, 19). Theirs was the manual(a) labor in their homes. They never had too the right to education and to participate actively to social activities. The ancient Chinese never considered it serious to educate the females, and this had made their illiteracy levels very high. They underwent the retrogressive culture of polygamy and harlotry that tortured them mentally. For a growing young girl, ones foot had to be bound on something too that affected their social lives, in order for them not to run or practice another(prenominal) customs.Males, on the other hand, were treated differently and with respect in the society. The male children were treated accordingly by their families as they were regarded as a gift from their gods. In the whole society setup, bearing of sons was much-preferred than the
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