Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Japanese Economics Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Japanese Economics - Research Paper Example Most of the workers on the short-term basis worked hard to get long-term employment. This helped in post war Japan takeoff in terms of economics (Ohno, 2006). The transition from 1970 to 1980 saw Japan catch up with the other industrial economies of the world. However, this trend was not to remain due to unchanging policies. There was a lack of modern investment opportunities and poor management (Sakisaka & Gaimusho, 2007). This led to business firms, real estate and financial institutions falling prey to speculation. This finally led to the ‘bubble’ economy (Ohno, 2006). The effects were to be felt in the 1990s. Japan continues to struggle to get out of these effects until now. This will only be possible through sweeping reforms. This paper seeks to focus on the Japanese economy. Japanese Geography, Language, Population Japan is one of the countries of East Asia. It is made up of thousand of islands. However, there are crucial islands. They include Honshu, Hokkaido, Kyu shu and Shiloku. These are the largest of those islands that make up Japan. Japans neighbors are Korea, Russia, and China. It has a size equal that of Germany or California (Japan Guide, 2013). The language of most of the population is Japanese. However, there has been infiltration of foreign languages. The population is estimated to be 125 million (Japan Guide, 2013). In this estimate, two million are foreign residents. Most of the foreigners are the Korean. This place is also vulnerable to earthquakes and volcanoes. This is because this country is mostly mountainous. There is also variation in climate due to different islands that make up the country. Economy Japan economy ranks high in the world. In fact, Japan rank second among the most... Japan has been struggling with inflation for a long time. However, inflation is expected to slow down. For example, the central bank has introduced an inflation target of 2 percent (Einhorn, 2013). Various initiatives have been taken to curb inflation are already in place. The current one has been buying Yen to issue bonds. This will help by weakening the Yen and hence reviving inflation rate. However, Japan trade deficits have declined significantly. It stands at 362.4 billion yen that is half of what was reported at the beginning of the year (Einhorn, 2013). Moreover, in Japan there has been an increased in the number of unemployed individuals. For example, in March the unemployment rate was 4.10 percent as compared to the onset of the year when it stood at 4.3 (Trading Economics, 2012). For the last six decades, unemployment rate in Japan has averaged 2.68 percent. However, it was at its highest level in July of 2009 at 5.60 percent (Trading Economics, 2012).Japanese Openness, Cur rency, Current Exchange Rate, Primary Exports, Imports, Current Account Balance, Major Trading Partners, AgreementsThe rate of openness of a country influences its economy in myriad ways. There is a role and importance of this trend to economic growth. This openness is reflected in terms of international knowledge streams and international movement of people, resources and technology (Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry, 2011). Openness can also lead to failure of some key sector of the economy.
Monday, October 28, 2019
Pre-Destination V.S Free
Pre-Destination V.S Free Will Essay For years Christians have argued about what role God has in humans attaining salvation. The most popular belief in American culture is the concept of free will. Free will is the belief that coming to Christ and being saved is a freewill choice of the person. Most churches believe this concept to be true at least to some degree. The other belief is the concept of Predestination. Predestination is the belief that God chooses who to save and who to damn. The biggest denomination in the United States that believes this is the Calvinists or more commonly known as the Reformed denomination. The debate will probably continue for many years to come. By reading Romans 9:1-29 we can tell clearly which concept Paul believes to be true. While I read Romans 9:1-29 I kept clearly in my mind the two beliefs of freewill and predestination. After reading it was apparent to me that Paul believes strongly in predestination. This, in my opinion, goes against human nature. I, at least, find it very hard to believe that if God chooses not to extend grace to a person that person cannot attain salvation no matter what they believe or what they do. Paul uses an example about Jacob and Esau. In Romans 9: 10-13 Paul uses Malachi 1:2-3 that says that â€Å" I have loved Jacob, but I have loved Jacob†Paul then says that God had decided that before they were even born so as it says in verse 11-12 â€Å" that Gods purpose of election might continue, not by works, but by his call. †If Paul is right about this and you interpret the Bible literally than predestination has to be true. It is completely possible that Paul is biased though when writing about predestination. Paul believes strongly in salvation by faith not works. In Romans 3: 27- 28 Paul says â€Å"Where, then, is boasting? It is excluded. Because of what law? The law that requires works? No, because of the law that requires faith. For we maintain that a person is justified by faith apart from the works of the law. †This is just one of many examples of how much Paul hates the idea of faith by works. There are many other examples of this in books written by Paul outside of Romans that convey the same message. Since Paul believes strongly in salvation by faith this would, in theory, make him lean towards predestination. Freewill means that we as humans make a choice to believe in God and be saved. Paul would see this as an example of justification by works and he clearly states in Ephesians 2:8-9 â€Å"For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God not by works, so that no one can boast. †Paul believes that nothing we can do nothing to save ourselves which is the main idea of freewill. This makes Paul potentially biased toward predestination. I believe that this passage isnt trying to address personal salvation as a main point, but I think we infer Pauls view on personal salvation through the verse. I believe that Paul was more trying to point out that we can do nothing to save ourselves. It is completely up to God. Paul was trying to stress that firstly, but then through that seems to make a case, as far as personal salvation goes, for predestination. He specifically mentions how he picked Jacob over Esau. If God chooses individually like that then I, at least, deduce from this passage according to Paul that God must choose who to save on a personal level. My rational human side tells me that predestination cannot be right, but then I read Romans and Paul says that predestination is right and freewill is wrong. The question then is if I believe Paul just because that is his opinion, even though it is most likely biased, or do I believe what seems right to me? Im still torn between the two because what I want to believe is contradicted by Paul. Maybe well never know for sure because the concept of God is impossible for our minds to completely understand in the first place.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Kubla Khan and Ode on Grecian Urn Essay -- Comparative, Coleridge, Kea
Although both â€Å"Kubla Khan,†by Samuel Coleridge and â€Å"Ode on Grecian Urn,†by John Keats are poems originating from the poets’ inspiration from historical figure, the two poems convey different messages through their respective metaphors. While Coleridge emphasizes on the process of creating a Romantic poem, Keats expresses his opinion about art by carefully examining the details of the Grecian urn. In â€Å"Kubla Khan,†Coleridge expresses his desire to use the inspirations from nature to create his own â€Å"Paradise†of poetry (54, p.1634). In the first stanza, Coleridge creates an exotic oriental garden, where the trees, gardens, hills, and the â€Å"Alph†river, together present the beauty of Mother Nature (3, p.1633). Here, the poet carefully observes his surroundings, as the nature will serve as the source of inspiration for his poetry. The â€Å"pleasure dome†(2, p.1633) in line two has two functions, one representing the creation of human beings on earth, and the other being the foundation of Coleridge’s poetic paradise. As the clash between nature and humans takes place in the second stanza with a â€Å"woman wailing for her demon-lover†(16, p.1633) the poet calls upon nature for his inspiration, represented by the powerful activity of nature. The energy of nature is released in forms of â€Å"a might fountain†(19, p .1633), â€Å"rebounding hail†(21, p.1633), or â€Å"dancing rocks†(23, p.1633) and eventually the natural disasters will accompanied by man-made destruction as â€Å"Kubla heard from far Ancestral voices prophesying war†(29-30, p.1634)! Coleridge on one hand reinforces that man and nature are inseparable and one the other uses the energy of nature to represent the spontaneous spurring of emotions in the poet’s mind. In the third stanza, all o... ...storal†(45, p.1848). The urn’s eternity only exists artistically and does not reflect human life because only the urn â€Å"shou remain†forever (47, p.1848). Keats contrasts the ephemeral nature of human life with the longevity of the urn. In last two lines, Keats declares, â€Å"beauty is truth, truth beauty†(29, p.1848) embodying both sides of his perspective. By establishing a relationship between beauty and truth, Keats acknowledges that like truth, the beauty of the Grecian urn is unchangeable and that the ability accept reality is beautiful. While Coleridge describes the process of creating Romantic poetry and encourages poets to use the combination of nature and imagination in this process, Keats is more focused on reality and is well aware of the limitations of the Grecian urn. With the poets’ admiration of nature present in both poems †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ to be completed.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Business Presentation :: GCSE Business Marketing Coursework
Business Presentation Techniques for a Perfect Business Presentation Technicalities are all too often to blame for miscues and failures in today’s Business world. How often do you hear about some on not getting a Job because there was a technicality problem with his or her resume? Unfortunately it happens all the time. I plan on presenting the skills and knowledge from start to finish for a perfect business presentation. Listening is not a skill that most people perform well; on average a person listens at only 25% efficiency (Curtis, 1997), making listening even more important to develop this skill. As human interaction goes, listening is the most important skill in communication. So many opportunities are lost by poor listening skills, not to mention losing valuable time. The importance of listening is immeasurable. Listening is a heavy element of communication, speaking well is not worth anything unless the receiver in a conversation listens just as well. Listening is basically a form of comprehension, if you do not listen than you cannot comprehend what is being said. According to a study by J.D. Johnson (1971) found that listening affects the understanding of a problem, the retention and attention of an individual, and the overall moral of the group (p. 297). As a consequence a good listener has more confidence and is able to have a vision of self-promotion. This is especially important in a job interview, and creates a more positive social environment for ones self. People are always more re4spected when they listen and demonstrate a good attention span. Listening habits are gradually and naturally inhibited over our entire lives. According to Curtis (1997) however, most of these acquired listening habits are undesirable (p. 64). They are generally described as second nature, or performed with out thought of even doing so. Nevertheless, they can be overcome by observing the common causes of such ineffective listening. These causes are: Talking rather than Listening, The entertainment syndrome, giving into bias, Uncritical listening, Giving into distractions, fear of difficult material. Most of these are self-explainable, but some are not. The entertainment syndrome for example is a significant one. It includes the basic need for people to be entertained. If such a speaker does not entertain it is easy for us not to give him or her our attention (Curtis 1997).
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Identity and Belonging Karen Ford May 14, 2012 Skin – directed by Anthony Fabian Skin has so much power on so many levels. It is both empowering and disabling. Protagonist Sandra Laing proves to be a survivor, but at what cost? She is alienated from her family, her home and her identity because of South Africa’s ‘‘Population Regeneration Act’’. For a long time xenophobia, fear and racism have been enmeshed and hidden within government policy. The issues explored in Skin are no different to those sometimes raised in connection with British settlement of Australia, the stolen generation and Australia’s asylum seeker policies.More specifically, a court case last year in which commentator Andrew Bolt was accused of racial vilification touched on attitudes reflected in Skin. Mr Bolt’s comments regarding ‘‘fair-skinned Aboriginal people’’ were found to be in breach of the Racial Discrimination Act. A theme in b oth the Bolt case and Skin is the way skin colour is used as a weapon against individuals and their rights as human beings. One of the ‘‘disabling’’ elements of Skin is that so much of the South African landscape looks so much like the Australian outback.It is ironic that the beauty of the landscape is countered by the ugliness of racism where the rights of individuals to belong are less valued than the fear of those powerful few. Is the landscape the only aspect we have in common? Sandra’s question  What did I do wrong?  could also be the question posed by any person rejected and isolated on the basis of ‘‘difference’’. Sandra is neither white nor black, and as a result is denied a happy life. Though the film traces her life over 30 years, with legislative change along the way, a more entrenched culture of discrimination remains.Though the end of the film brings happiness to Sandra, with her tuck shop, doesn ’t the fact that her two brothers refuse to have contact with her suggest a lamentation for true equality and the existence of persecution? In some ways, Skin is more about Sandra’s father than it is about her. He is a very complex character who insists justice be pursued. But what kind of justice is it that is based on denial? Abraham’s insistence on having Sandra reclassified ‘‘white’’ is not so much for her benefit. He admits he is doing it ‘‘for all of us’’.To have the young Sandra attend a white school and be subjected to furious media inquiries and to drag her to face a courtroom does not suggest an understanding of her needs as much as his pursuit of legal justice. Abraham needs her to be ‘‘white’’ to assuage his own ‘‘black genes’’ and racist philosophy. Working with the Text Skin is all about identity. Sandra is ‘‘born’’ one thing but ‘‘taught’’ she is another. Throughout the film she is ‘‘punished’’ for committing a crime  that of being neither black nor white.Perhaps the greatest tragedy is that her own family rejects her because she does not conform to the ‘‘Afrikaans’’ ways inherent in the National Party to which her family belongs. The nature-nurture divide is reinforced throughout the film and the idea that ‘‘without connection to others there is no me’’ (2011 VCAA English Exam) can be linked to the film in many ways. It is skin that causes tension with her father; it is skin that causes her to be humiliated in school and to gravitate towards the black workers on her farm.It is skin that forms an attachment to Petrus, the black employee and first male to show her any sense of happiness and comfort; it is skin that ultimately causes her to be abused by her husband and which made her a ref erence point for the multiracial elections of 1994 and the victory by Mandela’s African National Congress. Living among the black community, Sandra is confronted with racism from within  a racism created by racism. After the Government Issue destruction of the homes, Sandra and Petrus are exiled into the bush along with the many others exiled on the basis of their skin.One can understand Petrus’ frustration and malaise as he rejects Sandra because she is white. There is truth in his alcohol-infused dirge: ‘‘They treat us like animals †¦ and we’re supposed to believe we’re human †¦ ’’ The audience must wonder how anyone is this predicament would feel a sense of belonging. Indeed, several instances in the film reinforce Sandra’s literal and metaphorical nomadism. She is shown coming to and leaving an environment; she is shown walking over the country and back again to find a place where she can belong.Sandr a is constantly moving or being moved to find a ‘‘home’’. Even at the end of the film, when Sandra is shown happily working inside her rainbow-coloured tuck shop, it is a makeshift add-on to her brick unit. So where does that leave the text and the prompt? What does Sandra have connection with? How does the film reflect the idea of connection and identity? Sandra wants only to connect. It is those around her who prevent her connection  hence preventing her happiness and sense of belonging.Prejudice and bigotry  even from her own family  are endemic in those who believe there is something wrong in being different, something to scorn and deride. Throughout the film, though, there is one place where Sandra finds a connection, and that is with other women. Sandra is supported and empowered by the women in the film, including the black workers on the family property. The bond of motherhood connects them and, regardless of location, women find support in other women. The women pass on her letters.It is her mother who struggles to maintain a relationship with her; it is Petrus’ mother who supports and cuddles her during their exile and it is her mother she seeks out following her abuse. It is the women who reflect the importance of belonging through kindness, compassion and nurturing. The power of women to override the political and cultural divide, and embrace connection, is the empowering force in Skin. In the end, the film confirms that connection does not have to mean a physical or even emotional connection. It can be a spiritual one, and this is what Skin celebrates.Sandra’s struggle is less about skin colour than it is about knowing that where we find happiness is where we belong. And for Sandra, that is a simple life helping, caring and supporting those less fortunate from her Rainbow Tuck Shop. Identity and Belonging – Sample prompts * Conflicts can strengthen our understanding of where we belong. * Belonging enriches and challenges identity. * Choosing not to belong may be detrimental but rewarding. ‘Identity and Belonging’ quotations list An identity would seem to be arrived at by the way in which the person faces nd uses his experience. (James Baldwin – Actor)) From the beginning each human embryo has its own genetic identity. (Robert Casey) The value of identity is that so often with it comes purpose. (Richard Grant – US writer) We all need a past – that’s where our sense of identity comes from. (Penelope Lively – English writer) I think history is inextricably linked to identity. If you don’t know your history, if you don’t know your family, who are you? (Mary Pipher) We are shaped by our thoughts, we become what we think. (Buddha)You can’t change the past but you can change the way you view it. (Anon) To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greates t achievement. Ralph Waldo Emerson What a man can be he must be. Abraham Maslow Sticks in a bundle are unbreakable. Kenyan Proverb Yes, your home is your castle, but it is also your identity and your possibility to open to others. David Soul – US writer We may have different religions, different languages, different coloured skin, but we all belong to the human race. Kofi Annan – ex President of the United NationsBeing human signifies, for each one of us, belonging to a class, a society, a country, a continent and a civilization. Claude Levi-Strauss Man is made by his belief. As he believes, so he is. Baghavid Gita The value of identity is that it so often with it comes purpose. Richard R. Grant Our deeds determine us, as much as we determine our deeds. George Eliot Topic ‘Sometimes we learn more about ourselves from our enemies than from our friends. ’ ‘When you know who you are, you know where you belong. ’ ‘Without connection to other s there is no me. ’ ‘Having a sense of being different makes it difficult to belong. ’
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Chapter 6 Solution Ops Management Essay
Chapter 6 Solution Ops Management Essay Chapter 6 Solution Ops Management Essay CHAPTER 6 PROCESS DESIGN AND Facility LAYOUT Answers to Problems 1. Longest task = 2.4 minutes Total task times = 18 minutes OT = 450 minutes per day a. Minimum cycle time = length of longest task, which is 2.4 minutes. a. Maximum cycle time = ï “ task times = 18 minutes.CT = 450 / 180 = 2.50 minutes per unit N = 18 / 2.5 = 7.2, round to 8 b.b. CT = 450 / 125 = 3.6 minutes per unit Range of output: e. c i. output = 450 / 9 = 50 units per day ii. output = 450 / 15 = 30 units per day 2. Desired output = 33.33 units per hour Operating time = 60 minutes per hour CT = Operating time = 60 minutes per hr. = 1.80 82 minutes per unit Desired output 33.33 units per hr. a. Station Time left Eligible Will fit Assign (time) Idle 1 1.82 0.42 a b a a (1.4) 0.42 2 1.82 1.32 0.52 b c, d, e c, d b c, d, e b (0.5) e* (0.8) 0.52 3 1.82 1.12 0.52 .02 c, d c, g g, f g c, d c, g f d* (0.7) c** (0.6) f (0.5) .02 4 1.82 0.82 0.32 g h g h g (1.0) h (0.5) 0.32 1.28 * is tied in no. of followers, but is longer(longest) ** has more followers b. Efficiency = 1 – [1.28 / 4(1.82)] = .82 or 82%. 3. Desired output = 4 units per hour Operating time = 56 minutes per hour CT = Operating time = 56 minutes per hr. = 14 minutes per unit Desired output 4 units per hr. a. Station Time left Eligible Will fit Assign (time) Idle 1 14 9 6 a, d, f a, d, g b, d, g a, d, f a, d, g b, g f* (5) a** (3) g* (6) 0 2 14 7 5 1 b, d b, e c, e c b, d b, e c, e d* (7) b** (2) e*** (4) 1 3 14 10 1 c h i c h c (4) h (9) 1 4 14 9 i i i (5) 9 11 * is tied for no. of followers, but is longer (longest) ** has more (most) no. of followers *** tied in no. of followers and time; choose randomly b. Efficiency = 1 – Total idle time = 1 – 11 = 80.4% CT x no. of stations 14(4) 1. CT = 1.3 minutes per unit Time [no. followers] .3 [3] a. i .2 [4] .4 [3] 1.3 [2] 1.2 [0] .1[3] .8[2] .3[1] a. ii Station Time left Eligible Will fit Assign (time) Idle time 1 1.3 a, c, e a, c, e a* (.2) 1.1 b, c, e b, c, e b** (.4) .7 c, e c, e c** (.3) .4 d, e e e (.1) .3 d, f 0.3 2 1.3 d, f d, f d** (1.3) 0.0 f 0.0 3 1.3 f f f (.8) .5 g g g (.3) .2 h 0.2 4 1.3 h h h (1.2) 0.1 0.1 0.6 * most followers ** tied in no. of followers, but longer (longest) a. iii Percentage idle time: ï “(idle time) = .6 = 11.5% N Ãâ€" CT 4(1.3) a. iv Output: OT = 420 min./day = 323.1 units/day CT 1.3 min./unit b. i. Total time = 4.6 min., CT = Total time = 4.6 = 2.3 minutes. N 2 Assign a, b, c, d, and e to workstation 1: 2.3 minutes Assign f, g, and h to workstation 2: 2.3 minutes ii. Percentage idle time = 0 iii. Output = OT = 420 = 182.6 units per day. CT 2.3 5. Output rate = 240 units per eight-hour day a. b. CT = OT = 480 min/day = 2 minutes per unit output 240 units/day c. N = ï “t = 4.6 = 2.3 (round up to 3) workstations CT 2.0 d. Station Time Left Eligible Will Fit Assign (time) Idle time 1 2 a, c, e a, c, e a* (.2) 1.8 b, c, e b, c, e e** (1.2) .6 b, c, f b, c b** (.4) .2 c, f c c (.2) 0 .0 2 2 d, f d, f f** (1.2)
Monday, October 21, 2019
Life of Constatnine essays
Life of Constatnine essays In the year 324 CE Constantine became the ruler of the entire Roman Empire. For the first time a Christian emperor had ascended the throne, although there is some dispute about the depth of his faith. Some see him as a statesman who exploited Christianity for political purposes, while others maintain that the emperor believed wholeheartedly that the Christian God had chosen him, and that Jesus was his protector and guardian, and the cause of his victories in battle. Although proclaiming tolerance for the old religions, Constantine asserted that ritual purity and sanctity were conditional on obedience to God's sacred laws that is, within the church. Constantine uncovered the site of the crucifixion, burial, and resurrection of Jesus in Jerusalem, and built on it the Church of the Holy Sepulcher. As a result of his policy combining legislation and impressive building projects Jerusalem was transformed from a pagan town into a flourishing Christian city and became a powerful magnet for pilgrims from the whole Roman Empire. Constantine died at Nicomedia on May 22, 337. It is believed that he was baptized a Christian on his deathbed. The book Eusebius of Caesareas was sort of an autobiography of the way of Constantine. It spoke of the divine authority of a monarch, meaning that the leaders words (in turn his words) came directly from God. God was the supreme authority, and his word was to be spread throughout the land, through himself. Eusebius stated that the status of the emperor was that of a Universal sovereign monarch, with authority from the co-ruler, God. Eusebius duty to God, was to ensure the laws of the land, were installed into the Holy Roman Empire, and to ensure that the joyous word of Gods benefits, binds the race of mankind to the Ruler of All. Bringing the news that God is gracious and loving to his sons on earth. His duty to his subjects was to ensure safety, and allow the free...
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Biography of James Buchanan, 15th U.S. President
Biography of James Buchanan, 15th U.S. President James Buchanan (April 23, 1791–June 1, 1868) served as Americas 15th president. He presided over the contentious pre-Civil War era and was considered a hopeful and strong choice by the Democrats when he was elected. But when he left office, seven states had already seceded from the union. Buchanan is often perceived as one of the worst U.S. presidents. Fast Facts: James Buchanan Known For: 15th U.S. president (1856–1860)Born: April 23, 1791 in Cove Gap, PennsylvaniaParents: James Buchanan, Sr. and Elizabeth SpeerDied: June 1, 1868 in Lancaster, PennsylvaniaEducation: Old Stone Academy, Dickinson College, legal apprenticeship and admitted to the bar in 1812Spouse: NoneChildren: None Early Life James Buchanan was born on April 23, 1791, in Stony Batter, Cove Gap, Pennsylvania, and his family moved when he was 5 to the town of Mercersburg, Pennsylvania. He was the second and oldest surviving son of the 11 children of James Buchanan Sr., a wealthy merchant and farmer, and his wife Elizabeth Speer, a well-read and intelligent woman. The senior Buchanan was an immigrant from County Donegal, Ireland, who arrived in Philadelphia in 1783, moving to Stony Batter (batter means road in Gaelic) in 1787. He moved the family several times over the next few years, buying up real estate and establishing a store in Mercersburg and becoming the wealthiest man in town. James Buchanan, Jr. was the focus of his fathers aspirations. James, Jr. studied at Old Stone Academy, where he read Latin and Greek, and learned mathematics, literature, and history. In 1807, he entered Dickenson College but was expelled for bad behavior in 1808. Only the intervention of his Presbyterian minister got him reinstated, but he did graduate with honors in 1810. He then studied law as an apprentice to the eminent lawyer James Clemens Hopkins (1762–1834) in Lancaster, and was admitted to the bar in 1812. Buchanan never married, although he was considered Lancasters most eligible bachelor as a young man. He got engaged in 1819 to Lancastrian Anne Caroline Coleman, but she died that same year before they wed. While president, his niece Harriet Lane took care of the duties of first lady. He never fathered any children. Career Before the Presidency By the time he was elected president, James Buchanan was an experienced politician and diplomat, one of the most experienced of individuals ever chosen to be president of the United States. Buchanan started his career as a lawyer before joining the military to fight in the War of 1812. While still in his 20s, he was elected to the Pennsylvania House of Representatives (1815–1816), followed by the U.S. House of Representatives (1821–1831). In 1832, he was appointed by Andrew Jackson to be the Minister to Russia. He returned home to be a senator from 1834–1835. In 1845, he was named secretary of state under President James K. Polk. In 1853–1856, he served as President Franklin Pierces minister to Great Britain. Buchanan was highly esteemed in the Democratic Party: both Polk and his predecessor in the White House John Tyler had offered him a seat on the Supreme Court, and he was proposed for high appointments by every Democratic president from the 1820s onward. He explored running for the presidential nomination in 1840 and became a serious contender in 1848 and again in 1852. Becoming President In short, James Buchanan was considered an outstanding choice for president, with an extensive dossier of national and international service who believed he could resolve the cultural divide created by the slavery issue and bring harmony to the nation. In 1856, James Buchanan was chosen as the Democratic nominee for president, running on a ticket that upheld the right of individuals to hold slaves as constitutional. He ran against Republican candidate John C. Fremont and Know-Nothing Candidate, former President Millard Fillmore. Buchanan won after a hotly contested campaign amid Democratic concerns that the threat of Civil War loomed if the Republicans won. Presidency Despite his promising background, Buchanans presidency was riddled with political missteps and misfortunes that he was unable to alleviate. The Dred Scott court case occurred at the beginning of his administration, the decision of which stated that slaves were considered property. Despite being against slavery himself, Buchanan felt that this case proved the constitutionality of slavery. He fought for Kansas to be entered into the union as a slave state but it was eventually admitted as a free state in 1861. In 1857, an economic depression swept the country known as the Panic of 1857, driven by the collapse of the New York Stock Exchange on August 27 from a rush to unload securities. The North and West were particularly hard-hit, but Buchanan took no action to help alleviate the depression. In June 1860, Buchanan vetoed the Homestead Act, which offered 160-acre plots of federal land in the west to small farmers and homesteaders. Buchanan interpreted it as a Republican effort to reactivate the slavery issue: he and the southern Democratic states felt that the addition of thousands of small farmers would upset the political balance of slave states and free states. That decision was very unpopular across the country and is considered one of the main reasons the Republicans took the White House in 1860: the Homestead Act passed in 1862 after the South seceded. By reelection time, Buchanan had decided not to run again. He knew he had lost support and was unable to stop the problems that would lead to secession. In November 1860, Republican Abraham Lincoln was elected to the presidency, and before Buchanan had left office, seven states seceded from the Union, forming the Confederate States of America. Buchanan did not believe that the federal government could force a state to remain in the Union, and, afraid of civil war, he ignored aggressive action by the Confederate States and abandoned Fort Sumter. Buchanan left the presidency in disgrace, condemned by Republicans, vilified by northern Democrats, and dismissed by the southerners. He is considered by many scholars as an abysmal failure as chief executive. Death and Legacy Buchanan retired to Lancaster, Pennsylvania where he was not involved in public affairs. He supported Abraham Lincoln throughout the Civil War. He worked on an autobiography that would vindicate him for his failures, a book he never finished. On June 1, 1868, Buchanan died of pneumonia; the official biography including the fragment was published as a two-volume biography by George Ticknor Curtis in 1883. Buchanan was the last pre-Civil War president. His time in office was full of handling increasingly contentious sectionalism of the time. The Confederate States of America was created while he was the lame duck president. He did not take an aggressive stance against the states that seceded and instead attempted reconciliation without war. Sources Baker, Jean H. James Buchanan: The American Presidents Series: The 15th President, 1857–1861. New York, Henry Holt and Company, 2004.Binder, Frederick Moore. James Buchanan and the American Empire. Curtis, George Ticknor. Life of James Buchanan. New York: Harper Brothers, 1883.Klein, Philip Shriver. President James Buchanan: A Biography. Pennsylvania: Pennsylvania State University Press, 1962.Smith, Elbert B. The Presidency of James Buchanan. Lawrence: University Press of Kansas, 1975.
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Challenge of leading a diverse workforce Assignment
Challenge of leading a diverse workforce - Assignment Example Diversity maximization in most companies, have become a significant role to play for the management to date. Researchers have reported that there is a higher prospect to a significant increase in adaptability to diversity in years to come (Noe, 2012 p. 34). For an organization to be rendered successful, it has to recognize the urgency of taking remedial action and be willing to put in a lot of effort in diversity management. In recent years, most organizations have consistently faced immense challenges in leading a diverse workforce. The human resource professional s in many companies has been confronted with a lot of setbacks which they have to address at workplace. Communication barriers among employees in an organization are one of the major challenges to diversity. Workers find it difficult to understand one another especially is they are from different countries of origin (Gordon & Whit, 2010 p.56). For instance, an employee from United Kingdom might find it difficult to interac t with a fellow employee from Germany who doesn’t understand English properly. ... A large populace of employees has failed to accept the significant revolution of cultural composition at workplace. Resentment s has accompanied the idea of incorporating people from diverse background and races. Indirect racial discrimination has been evident in organization leading to a poor workers relation. Workers find it uncomfortable relating with their fellow employees from difference race. Others prefer the top management to be composed of individual from a certain race of preference regardless of their skills. For example, in an organization structure composed of many blacks, most workers will prefer their managers to be black for comfort ability (Brislin, 2008 p.45). These conflicts kill the idea of effective management strategy for the best interest of the entire firm. People have resorted to concealing new ideas as a result, which is an impediment to a company’s ‘progress. Religious segregation is another challenge that ought not to be overlooked. Many firms have failed to give freedom to their employees to freely express their cultural beliefs and practices. Subjecting Muslim women to wearing skirts which reach a particular length by management as a dress code portrays unfair treatment. Their norms require full cover of their body. They should be allowed to wear long attire in accordance with their beliefs and practice (Henderson, 1994 p. 21). It has proven to be difficult in implementing diversity at workplace. Advertisement made by organization in media can pose a negative impression to people from different races. Images depicting of only the whites in top management produce a negative impression to some black people who might perceive that the organization does not entertain diversity
Friday, October 18, 2019
Marketing of Service Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Marketing of Service - Essay Example In the food industry, customer satisfaction and loyalty are largely influenced by the frontline service providers. Therefore, the employees who come into first contact with customers in the Tony Roma hotel have been empowered with skills to handle multiple clients. The company has invested in professional recruiting and selection programs1. These investments are essential to the provision of world-class services at to the customers at the frontline. The company is intentional about providing quality services to both internal and external customers2. Tony Roma hotel is keen on conducting research with an aim to reinforce the brand image and facilitate marketing. The selection procedure of the frontline employees entails checking the emotional intelligence of the workers. Data mining has been an effective method of ensuring high class services are offered by the frontline employees3. Frontline services have to be scripted if professionalism is to be enforced. Studies show that the most effective organizations have structures of picking employees and a culture of excellence4. This includes the frontline services. Tony Roma has been careful to manage customer expectations. The company has used developed marketing communication to shape customer expectations. Training has significantly reduced the roles ambiguity and conflict that can affect the quality of services at the front office5. Transparency in communications has raised the morale of the frontline workers at the Tony Roma hotel. In the food industry, understanding cultural differences play a crucial role in attracting and retaining customers. The company offers training that significantly reduces ethnocentric attitudes among the workforce. The ethnic diversity among frontline employees is harnessed to become an advantage to the company. Tony Roma is heavily investing in service innovations that are unique and customer oriented. The services are aimed at giving the organization a competitive edge at the front office. In most companies, frontline employees have the least voice since they are viewed as mere front office attendants6. However, the strategic policy of Tony Roma appreciates the enormous influence of the FLEs to the mindset of the potential clients. This is the reasoning behind the empowered, competent and energized frontline employees in Tony Roma. SERVQUAL dimensions of Reliability, assurance, empathy and responsiveness The company wants the frontline office to create brand experiences and not mere services. Frontline employees are trained to engage customers in lively and professional dialogues. The frontline officers are dependable when it comes to strategic planning, liaising the necessary departments and the external environment. The employees are expected to be eloquent and courteous while dealing with clients. They are required to conduct follow up of the customer requests and services. The company emphasizes on soft skills and likable personality traits as opposed to experienced and hardened personalities7. According to the company’s management, frontline employees are the face of the hotel8. Therefore, frontline employees are supposed to have natural social skills and authenticity while dealing with customers9. The company insists that the facial expression of joy must be perceived to be authentic and
FOUR TOP EXPERIMENTAL FILM MAKERS FROM UK AND AMERICA - Essay Example Well, that last part isnt exactly true.†(Filmmaker, 2008, p.62) Robin had previously made three 16mm short films that were all semi-autobiographical. He employs a unique narrative angle in the making of My Olympic Summer: â€Å"I wanted to try to figure out a different point of entry. My parents had given me these old Super 8 home movies several years ago so I decided to create a fictitious storyline about them. Theres no relationship with the Olympics at all. There are kernels of truth throughout, but I wanted to create a more lyrical truth than a literal truth." (Filmmaker, 2008, p.62) Hence, what emerges is the experiment to combine literary aspects of Jorge Luis Borges to Woody Allen’s Zelig, whereby he’s pushing the boundaries of the documentary genre. Matt Wolf is another promising experimental filmmaker, who came to prominence through his Wild Combination: A Portrait of Arthur Russell. This artistic documentary craftily weaves together the scarce video footage of iconoclastic New York composer Arthur Russell. This made Wolf to invent â€Å"his own visual language to bridge the gaps in the recorded history of Russells story. Lyrical and emotional moments-listening to mix tapes on the Staten Island ferry, running through Iowa cornfields, the act of musical composition itself - are represented with elements as disparate as Super 8 re-enactments and abstract VHS inserts.†(Filmmaker, 2008, p.63) The plot follows key moments in Russell’s life, from these early days as a sensitive country boy to his sudden interest in music to Buddhist influences in his life to the influence of Timothy Leary. The film is in a way a tragedy, for though Russell’s compositions are now seen as avant-garde and he received fame posthumo usly, he met a premature death due to AIDS. In Wolf’s own assessment of the film: "Im not an identity politics
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Small Business Enterprise Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Small Business Enterprise - Essay Example The next part describes the strategies of the business, like the pull and push factors used. Then the project tries to explore the future prospects of the business. It identifies the areas in which the small business could venture and provides reasons for its success in those areas. It tries to identify the market that should be the main target of the business. Lastly, the project makes an analysis of the managerial strategy that should be employed for the success of the business Small Businesses Small businesses are essentially required in an economy as they support and enhance industrialisation of the nation. They help to acquire competitive gains and catalyse the process of development. These organisations primarily focus on research and development which results in the production of new and innovative products and the use of new and superior technologies (Berte, Rodrigues & Almeida, 2010, p.1). The workforce remains low as compared to the large enterprises. These businesses gener ally employ less than 500 employees (Headd, 2000, p.1). However, these firms are characterised by shortage of resources. Resource shortage influences their strategy formulation, especially the marketing and positioning strategies. Small businesses are often the young firms and are likely to be located in the rural areas. They are predominantly present in industries â€Å"with lower economies of scale†(Headd, 2000, p.1). The educational requirement for such firms remains different from the large ones. A large percentage of the employees have degrees below the level of graduation. Very few of them are said to have reached beyond the graduation level. These businesses are generally risk averters and their possibilities if failures due to taking risks also remain high. They also tend to be short sighted and aim to gain in the short term (Trevisan, 2009, p.3). History and Background of the Business The wood processing enterprise was set up in the Ondo state which is a place where a number of small enterprises have been established. The wood based small enterprises accounts for 44% of the total labour force in this rural region. The common characteristics of these enterprises are that they are extremely small and heavily reliant on the entrepreneurs and family labour. The operations are also carried out using simple and common technology. Logging, furniture and carpentry were among the predominant and commonest professions in the place. This provided the basis on which the wood processing enterprise was set up (Adedokun, Oyun & Adetogun, 2005, p.2). The place is also characterised by the presence of a large market where the large scale forest industries are unable to reach. This increases the requirement of the small businesses and consequently creates a large market for them. For a long time the small industries in the region were neglected. The world was undergoing industrialisation aggressively and the major focus was on the large enterprises. However, no w the situation has changed. The attention has now shifted towards the wood based enterprises in the rural regions. This is the reason why this particular enterprise was chosen to be established in the area. Brief Information about the Business Because of the increase in
Define and analyse the key features of global brands. What strategies Essay
Define and analyse the key features of global brands. What strategies should global brands adopt to be successful internationall - Essay Example The paper comprehensively explores the features of global brands along with the strategies adopted by successful global brands. 2. Features and strategies of successful global brands Various lists of top global brands have been accomplished. Companies such as Coca Cola, Sony, Microsoft, Google and IBM have since long been ranked as the top global firms. Managers are, therefore, confronted with the question of what features distinguish successful global brands from the rest? According to one study, various factors have been identified. Firstly, almost all successful global brands have dominant sales positions in their home market (Quelch, 1999). Even though these companies may be popular internationally, it is the home market sales that form their backbone. Secondly, global brands, by definition, are recognized in almost every part of the world and have at least some sales in these areas (Quelch, 1999). In other words, global brands achieve a â€Å"geographical balance†as far as their sales are concerned. ... Next, global brands must have consistency as far as their brand image and positioning is concerned. In other words, they must be perceived in a similar way by customers and must not have conflicting images in customers’ minds. For instance, Disney connotes identical family values across the globe (Quelch, 1999). Furthermore, most successful global brands have the same brand name as their corporate name. Although exceptions exist, this strategy allows such firms to gain greater awareness and stronger and consistent brand identity across the globe. However, global corporate giants such as Unilever and P&G could practically not use a single brand name owing to the myriad of brands under their umbrella. Next, most global brands are known for making something or being associated with a single product category. For instance, Microsoft is best known for its Windows software, Coca Cola has been associated with the Coke beverage and Phillip Morris has been associated with cigarettes. E ven, companies such as Samsung that have diversified their product offerings may stand holistically for product categories such as electronics. Finally, the country of origin effect plays a crucial role in making brands global (Pharr, 2005). Brands such as Mc Donald’s or Marlboro, for instance, reflect the American lifestyle and customer values of Americans. These values in turn drive greater brand loyalty towards the brand. This is exactly where global brands become recognized by virtue of their association with customers of a particular (home) country. For instance, Japanese electronics, French perfumes and German cars all enjoy country of origin effect (Quelch, 1999). Consistency in brand image of global brands is quintessential to deliver a coherent marketing message across the
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Small Business Enterprise Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Small Business Enterprise - Essay Example The next part describes the strategies of the business, like the pull and push factors used. Then the project tries to explore the future prospects of the business. It identifies the areas in which the small business could venture and provides reasons for its success in those areas. It tries to identify the market that should be the main target of the business. Lastly, the project makes an analysis of the managerial strategy that should be employed for the success of the business Small Businesses Small businesses are essentially required in an economy as they support and enhance industrialisation of the nation. They help to acquire competitive gains and catalyse the process of development. These organisations primarily focus on research and development which results in the production of new and innovative products and the use of new and superior technologies (Berte, Rodrigues & Almeida, 2010, p.1). The workforce remains low as compared to the large enterprises. These businesses gener ally employ less than 500 employees (Headd, 2000, p.1). However, these firms are characterised by shortage of resources. Resource shortage influences their strategy formulation, especially the marketing and positioning strategies. Small businesses are often the young firms and are likely to be located in the rural areas. They are predominantly present in industries â€Å"with lower economies of scale†(Headd, 2000, p.1). The educational requirement for such firms remains different from the large ones. A large percentage of the employees have degrees below the level of graduation. Very few of them are said to have reached beyond the graduation level. These businesses are generally risk averters and their possibilities if failures due to taking risks also remain high. They also tend to be short sighted and aim to gain in the short term (Trevisan, 2009, p.3). History and Background of the Business The wood processing enterprise was set up in the Ondo state which is a place where a number of small enterprises have been established. The wood based small enterprises accounts for 44% of the total labour force in this rural region. The common characteristics of these enterprises are that they are extremely small and heavily reliant on the entrepreneurs and family labour. The operations are also carried out using simple and common technology. Logging, furniture and carpentry were among the predominant and commonest professions in the place. This provided the basis on which the wood processing enterprise was set up (Adedokun, Oyun & Adetogun, 2005, p.2). The place is also characterised by the presence of a large market where the large scale forest industries are unable to reach. This increases the requirement of the small businesses and consequently creates a large market for them. For a long time the small industries in the region were neglected. The world was undergoing industrialisation aggressively and the major focus was on the large enterprises. However, no w the situation has changed. The attention has now shifted towards the wood based enterprises in the rural regions. This is the reason why this particular enterprise was chosen to be established in the area. Brief Information about the Business Because of the increase in
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Peer review for a resume Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Peer review for a resume - Essay Example The appearance of the resume can be improved by increasing the using a line spacing of 1.5 and increasing the font to 12 so that the white space can be reduced and make it easier to read and find the important information. The action verbs used effectively show and demonstrate what the writer did in regards to employment descriptions but he fails to state the results of his actions. Additionally, the writer uses the same verbs repeatedly; there are numerous synonyms to the verbs used by the writer that could have been used so that the wordings do not recur in the resume. The writer should also have considered using verbs like attained, balanced, compiled and communicated among others. According to Markel’s criteria, the writer should have stated his education before stating the employment history and this should have been done in a manner that is clear and honest. However, the education section was done in a comprehensive manner that included clearly stating the grades that the writer acquired. In the employment history section, the writer should have stated the equipment that he had to operate, the funds that he controlled if any as well as the documents, clients and personnel he might have been responsible for. From this resume, it is highly likely that the references section will catch the eye of the employer since the writer provides referees who work at the same place but does not provide a referee from his first place of employment. It is likely that the employer will want to know why there are no references from his or her previous employment. The cover letter is clearly addressed and the introduction is short and precise as it states plainly the manner in which the writer became aware of the position being applied for. In the introduction, the writer also states that position that was advertised but it would have been relatively clearer if he had provided a subject with the position
Gallaudet University Essay Example for Free
Gallaudet University Essay Gallaudet is a premier and the only university dedicated to educating and broadening the career choices of deaf, hard-of-hearing and a minority of hearing students as well. Duly accredited, it currently offers 40 Bachelor of Arts or Science degrees in its undergraduate program as well as certificates, masteral, specialist and doctoral degrees in its graduate program (Gallaudet, 2008). Gallaudet’s strong commitment to the education of the deaf is also evident in its accomplishment of high-quality research on various aspects of the lives of deaf people. It also maintains the Laurent Clerc National Deaf Education Center catering to deaf and hard-of-hearing children. It is through this center that the university fulfills its federal mandate to pioneer the development, implementation and dissemination of educational strategies for the deaf (Gallaudet, 2008). Gallaudet began as the Columbia Institution for the Instruction of the Deaf, Dumb and Blind, incorporated by Congress in 1857 (Gallaudet, 2008). The original school building was situated on two acres of land in Northeastern Washington, D. C. which was donated by the businessman Amos Kendall the year before. The first set of students was composed of six blind and twelve deaf individuals. The first school superintendent, and later president of the corporation, was Edward Miner Gallaudet whose father, Thomas Hopkins Gallaudet, founded the first institution for the deaf in the country (Gallaudet, 2008). In 1864, Congress permitted the school to grant college degrees through a law enacted by President Abraham Lincoln and the first commencement happened in June, 1869 where three young men received their diplomas signed by President Ulysses S. Grant (Berke, 2007). Up to the present, the incumbent U. S. President signs the diplomas of Gallaudet graduates. From then on up to the 1950’s, the college underwent many developments as enrollment steadily rose which necessitated the expansion of its physical structure as well as enhancement of the capacity of its faculty and other personnel. Through another act of Congress, the college was renamed Gallaudet College in 1954, in honor of Thomas Hopkins Gallaudet and in 1969, the two schools that today make up the Laurent Clerc Center were established with the support of the U. S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare and President Richard Nixon (Berke, 2007). The evolution and expansion of Gallaudet as an institution continued on to the following decades. Finally, in October 1986, Congress conferred to the 122 year-old college its university status so that in the succeeding semester, the total number of students enrolled in all programs reached a peak of nearly 2,000 (Gallaudet, 2008). Two years later, students launched the Deaf President Now (DPN) to persuade the Board of Trustees to appoint a deaf president, a position that has always been held by hearing people. The DPN campaign’s major impact on the community, the country and even beyond was the greater consciousness it created with regards to deaf people. The pressure that the protest created led to the appointment of I. King Jordan as Gallaudet’s first deaf president while the appointment of Philip Bravin as the first deaf chair of the Board followed fueling changes that today allowed 51 percent of the members of the Board to be deaf (Jordan, 2007). Gallaudet is also renowned for organizing and hosting international gatherings the Deaf Way I in 1989 followed by Deaf Way II in 2002, to â€Å"honor the history, language, art, culture, and empowerment of deaf people†(Gallaudet, 2008). Further, it has pledged its commitment to promoting environmental protection as well as respect for diversity (greenreportcard. org, 2008). Finally, the university also employs and adapts modern technology to the needs of the deaf as can be witnessed at the James Lee Sorenson Language and Communication Center and the Student Academic Center (Gallaudet, 2008). List of References Berke, J. (2007). Deaf History – History of Gallaudet University. Retrieved 14 October 2008 from http://deafness. about. com/cs/featurearticles/a/gallyhistory. htm. Gallaudet University (2008). History, Diversity, Fast Facts. Retrieved 14 October, 2008 from http://www. gallaudet. edu/Diversity. xml. Greenreportcard. org (2008). College Sustainability Report Card: Gallaudet University. Retrieved 14 October 2008 from http://www. greenreportcard. org/report-card- 2009/schools/gallaudet-university. Jordan, I. K. (2007). Deaf Culture and Gallaudet. Retrieved 14 October 2008 from http://www. washingtonpost. com/wp- dyn/content/article/2007/01/21/AR2007012101118. html? sub=AR.
Monday, October 14, 2019
Chinese Education System: An Analysis
Chinese Education System: An Analysis China is a country which owns a long history. Therefore, Chinese education system is developing continuously. The education heritage is particularly rich. The purpose of this essay is to analyze the development of Chinese education system. This essay firstly will give a literature review. Then the essay will explain the phase of Chinese education system as well as the education system in different social phases in details so that it can be understood that the change of Chinese education system clearly. After that, this essay will discuss how Chinese education system contributes to the Chinese economic growth. At last it concludes that knowing the development of Chinese education system is very significant to the current development of education. Literature Review Education plays a critical role in the development of a country. China has a long history, and then the education heritage is particularly rich. Therefore, China has been accumulated a tremendous wealth of information and experience of education system. Before 1990, China was in the feudal society. It did not have public schools and students went to primary schools. In the feudal society, females were not permitted to accept the education. Since 1900, China has entered the end of Qing Dynasty, which means that China has entered Modern History phase. (Alitto, 1999) With the change of the nature of Chinese society, education system also changed accordingly. From then till 21st century, the change of Chinese education system can be divided into three phases. The first phase is the education system in the modern history, that is, the end of Qing Dynasty; the second period is the education system in the Republic of China from 1915 to 1949; the third is the education system in the Peoples Republic of China from 1949 to now. (Burton, 1996) In each phase, the education system has developed much and made progress at that time, which offered great experience that is rather helpful to current education. Currently, Chinese education system is consisted of four parts, including basic education, secondary vocational and technical education, higher education and adult education. (Rui, 2003) Basic education refers to the pre-school education, general primary education and secondary education General primary education lasts for six years. Secondary education is divided into junior education and senior education. Chinese government attaches great importance to basic education. Since 1986, most areas of the country are universalized in general primary education. Major cities and some economically developed regions are accepted secondary education. Secondary vocational and technical education includes general secondary schools, technical schools, vocational secondary education, as well as various forms of short-term vocational and technical training. Since 1980s, Chinese secondary vocational and technical education had rapid development. In 1997, all types of secondary vocational and technical schools reached 33,464 and the number of students reached 1.8 million. (Geoff, 2005) There were more than 2,100 training centers in the end of 1990s. General higher education refers to college, undergraduate, graduate and other higher educational levels of education. In the higher education, college usually has two or three years for education. Undergraduate usually lasts 4 years and medicine undergraduate usually lasts 5 years. (Sianesi, 2003) In addition, postgraduate education system lasts 2 or 3 years and doctoral education system is 3 years. Through 50 years, the country has made great progress in the development of higher education. Since 1991, China began to implement the degree system. From then, the degrees are divided into bachelor, master and doctorate. After a series of reforms and restructuring, higher education increased energy and had the development in the scales. The structure has become more reasonable and education quality and school effectiveness notably improved. Adult education includes the teaching education, literacy education and other forms of education which aims at the adults. Adult Education has developed rapidly. In 1999, there are 891 adult colleges in China. After entering 21st century, more adult education colleges have opened. More people choose to accept the adult education because they realize the importance of education. Chinese government thinks that education socialization is the main way to build the economic growth. (Krueger, 2001) Only if the comprehensive education is improved, the economic level will grow. Nowadays it has entered the information and technology times, education is especially to the development of a country. Only if the country has rich education, the country can be strong. Therefore, to know the change of education system will be helpful to find out which kinds of education systems should be applied to the development of China. The Phase of Chinese Education System Education System in Different Historical Phase Since 1900, China has entered the end of Qing Dynasty, which means that China has entered Modern History phase. With the change of the nature of Chinese society, education system also changed accordingly. From then till 21st century, the change of Chinese education system can be divided into three phases. The first phase is the education system in the modern history, that is, the end of Qing Dynasty; the second period is the education system in the Republic of China from 1915 to 1949; the third is the education system in the Peoples Republic of China from 1949 to now. In each phase, the education system has developed much and made progress at that time, which offered great experience that is rather helpful to current education. If learning the change of Chinese education system, it will be very necessary to know the education system in different historical phase. The change of Chinese education system can be discussed from three phases. Education System in the Modern History In 1901, Liu Kunyi and Zhang Zhidong put forward to change the school system and imitate the Japanese education system. In 1905, the government of Qing Dynasty repealed KeJu education system, which is a traditional education system and has last many years. From then on, new education system developed fast all over the areas of China. In China, women traditionally are not approved to access to school. Therefore, before the modern history, there are no formal educational institutions for women. However, when China was at the end of Qing Dynasty, it began to build women school so that women could accept education from then on, which is a large change comparing to traditional education system. In modern history, more and more people chose to go to foreign countries for education. It is estimated that the increasing number of students in the United States had reached more than 600 in 1910. Education System in the Republic of China After the republican revolution, the new education system of the late Qing Dynasty has been basically complete. The government of Republic of China basically inherited the education system in the Qing Dynasty. Beijing government of Republic of China kept the original charge of education, changing the Culture Division to the Ministry of Education to retain the same subordinate bodies. In the education sector, it began to imitate the education in the United States in the early years, not Japan. In 1918, the Church School in China increased to 6000 and owned 300,000 students. Between 1920s and 1930s, Civilian education and rural education were developed by a group of people. During the period of Republic of China, the government has implemented to establish a large number of specialized schools and colleges. According to related references, there are totally 32 stated-owned universities all over the countries. At that time, private schools began to rise, which has never existed in the p ast. Education System in the Peoples Republic of China In 1949, China has an important historical change, that is, Peoples Republic of China was established. After that, China became a socialist country, so the education system was changed to develop towards Soviet Union. The government of Peoples Republic of China decided to split some completed universities. As Peoples Republic of China was at the beginning stage of establishment, it required a large number of industrial and technical personnel. Then the government created a large number of Chinese technology institutes. At the same time, college entrance examination has also formally established in 1955. In 1950, China has provided nine-year compulsory education for a fifth of the worlds population.(Geoff, 2005) Nine-year compulsory education operates in 90 percent of Chinas populated areas, and illiteracy in the young and mid-aged population has fallen from over 80 percent down to five percent.(Agelasto, 2001) Between 1966 and 1976, the outbreak of Cultural Revolution made the develo pment of the education system in China have been geared particularly to the advancement of economic modernization. At the same time, all schools were closed the lessons and university entrance exams were canceled. Until 1977, the Culture Revolution has finished and college entrance was recovered. Among the notable official efforts to improve the system were a 1984 decision to formulate major laws on education in the next several years and a 1985 plan to reform the education system. (Rui, 2003) Investment in education has increased in recent years; the proportion of the overall budget allocated to education has been increased by one percentage point every year since 1998. (Chan, 2001) Nowadays, there are preschools, kindergartens, schools for the deaf and blind, key schools, primary schools, secondary schools and various institutions of higher learning. In current times, the education stage in China can be divided into four stages: the first stage is Primary School and the age is fro m 6 to 12; the second stage is Junior middle school and the age is from 12 to 15; the third stage is senior high school and the age is from 15 to 18; the fourth stage is university or colleges and the age is from 18 to 22. Of them, primary school and junior middle school can share compulsory education. The Development of Chinese Education System Promotes Economic Growth In 1950s, Chinese economic development level was obviously lower than any other developed countries. With the reform and opening up policy, Chinese government began to attach more importance on the education. As a result, the government tried best to let every child accept the education. In 1960, Chinese annual GNP per person was less tan USD 191.61 dollars. (Wang, 2003) However, through the endeavor in several years, the annual GNP per person in 1995 has reached USD572.12 dollars. In 1960, Chinese high education only took up 1.75 percent in the whole country. Accompanying with reform and opening up policy, Chinese government enlarged the scales of universities. Between 1990 and 1998, the total quantities of students who studied in the school increased from previous 2.0627 millions to 3.4088 millions. Its annual growth rate has reached 8.2 percent. (Sicular, 2002) The development of education needs large investments of capitals. However, education also consumes much labor. At present, the workers who engage in the education are over 10 millions. Every year, a lot of scientific results create large economic efficiency directly. And increase the social wealth. Therefore, education can impact on the growth of GDP directly. In addition, the industry which supports and ensures the educational service can enlarge with the development of education. Through this, it can obtain large investments and outputs of the materials. (Law, 1996) Therefore, the development can influence on the GDP indirectly and promote the growth of GDP. Between 1952 and 1978, the educations contribution to the increase of Chinese national economy is RMB 96.2 billions. (Xiao, 2006) This number took up 41 percent of total growth of national economy. From 1978 to 1997, the educations contribution to the increase of Chinese national economy is RMB705.3 billions, which took up 47.8 percent of total national economy. It can be seen that the growth of a national economy will increase the educational investments. Meanwhile, educational development can promote the growth of national economy. Enlarging education, especially high education, not only could satisfy social development and peoples demand, but also offer more job positions of educational service. In a certain degree, enlarging high education may create new employments for society and also take the development of industry which supports and ensures the education, such as architecture industry, financial industry, publishing industry and so on. It is investigated that in 2005, peoples bank deposit owned 14000 billions. Of all, education deposit took up 44 percent. (Krueger, 2001) At present, in Chinese cities, the fastest consumption is education, which has increased by 20 percent every year. Development of higher education, increased personal income in the market economy, People are not only familiar that education has a great impact on the quality of life, but also deeply appreciate that education has directly impacted on economic efficiency in the future. According to the above statistics, it can be found that Chinese education industry is so-called public schools which are made of most national governments, local government, so that the country resulted in insufficient investment in education. As a result, education resources should not be a reasonable configuration and the schools efficiency is not high. (Kwong, 2005) In order to meet the needs of higher education, it is essential to not only to increase the investment of government, but also to introduce a wide range of social groups, state-owned enterprises and private enterprises, individuals or other social groups to become the subject of education. (Fong, 2004) To develop higher education, the main diversity of our country realize the education level of economic development with the developed countries there is a large gap between supply and demand of funds for education has become a constraint in the development of education. The main diversification of education can finance m any non-governmental funds, reducing the countrys financial burden. (Dow, 2005) In a large extent, it could insist the school autonomy and academic freedom, promoting the healthy development of science and culture. (Cleverley, 2004) Meanwhile, the main diversification of education can guarantee a successful transition from the stage of a small number of higher educational to popularity stage. It can transfer large number of personnel to enterprises, especially for small and medium enterprises In fact, developed countries own a high degree of private schools. According to the findings, China has entered the high educational popularity phase. However, China is a large population base and has a feature of regional imbalances in the development of education. (Chen, 2006) The contribution of higher education to the GDP Chinese eastern, central and western regions were respectively 1.47%, 1.17%, 0.68%. Of all, Shanghais contribution took up the highest rate2.75 percent. But Qinghais contribution took up the minimum only 0.17%. (Bassanini, 2001) To achieve the sustainable economic development in China, it is necessary to boost economic development in the eastern part to drive the economy in the center and western China because higher education must be a balanced development of the region. Therefore, Chinese educational development still needs a long road and the country should develop a wide range of forms of higher education. At the same time, it is very significant to improve the quality of education rather than just the number of students. I n this situation, China can deliver more talents to the society, and finally will improve the national economic growth. In the past 20 yearsà ¯Ã‚ ¼Ã…’China has experienced the reform and opening-up policy, thus Chinese education the implemented the bounds of history. In the new international and domestic environment, China must face the important responsibility how to maintain the society to attach great importance to education reform and investment in education system. (Croizier, 2000) It is the fundamental guarantee for China economic sustainable development to ensure that the implementation of compulsory education in rural areas. Through effective measures, Chinese national education system could play a leading role and become an important cornerstone for economic development. Conclusion It can be seen that from 1900 to now, the education system in China has changed too much. Therefore, to know the change of education system will be helpful to find out which kinds of education systems should be applied to the development of China. Of course, there are still some disadvantages of current education system. The government is improving the education system and making better on this point.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Stags and Hens - personal performance review :: Drama
Stags and Hens - personal performance review Drama coursework!!! The practical piece that I performed on 16th December ‘04 was a play written by Willy Russel called ‘Stags and Hens’. It was written in 1978 and is set on a hen/stag night in Liverpool for what was at that time, the present - reading the play, however, and comparing it with the portrayal of present day Liverpool I noticed no obvious changes. Another play that I have studied is ‘Blue Remembered Hills’ by Dennis Potter. This play was written in and is set in the heart of Devon in WW2 year 1943 with a cast of 5 boys and 2 girl characters; all of which are children around the age of 7. Composed for a cast of 5 female and 5 male characters, ‘Stags and Hens’ highlights a variety of ways in which men and women differ from each other. The two scenes consist of several location switches, initially between the male and female WC rooms at a nightclub - followed by further ventures into the nightclub itself. When reading a male section, I noticed how there was little hesitation from the majority of characters when it came to leaving their vomiting friend in the WC, whereas the ladies refuse to leave their friend behind while she does her make-up. This points out how men and women can react differently to a situation; here, whilst the women are showing sensitivity and care for each other’s feelings, the men appear thoughtless and self-indulgent. Links similar to this one are made throughout the play, and although not always noticed at first, usually become clear with hindsight. Initially, the male and female characters are kept separate from each other, but as the night progresses they mix up more; this gives the impression of awareness and organisation at the beginning, gradually smudging into a drunken confused muddle towards the end. It is a common feature of modern society for men and women to form separate alliances, and is often encouraged by gender division in everyday things. Things that aren’t even considered like going to the toilet; it is seldom that anyone will see a unisex toilet in public. Also, it is seen as normal for men to play football and drink beer, and women to wear make-up and drink ‘girly’ drinks. This is accentuated in ‘Stags and Hens’ on several occasions. Both genders make referrals to each other putting these stereotypes into place: girls – ‘Y’ can bet they’ll be pourin it down them like it’s goin’ out ‘a fashion.’ (Talking about the men) guys – ‘A woman has responsibility to her feller.
Friday, October 11, 2019
Articulating and Communicating Essay
1. How effective was Ko in defining and framing a vision for Motorola Penang? In what ways were her efforts similar to and different from the example of Charles Schwab citied earlier? * How did Ko resolve the dilemma of where visions come from? Where did she find her vision? Ko wants to her team both defining and framing a vision, because that will embrace visions best and see with their own eyes. Ko struggled with the most effective way of making her vision a reality. She engaged many of her top team in discussions about the challenges of the future of the facility. She had many specific and concrete ideas but didn’t want to seem to be imposing them on the group. She wanted to get most involvement possible to ensure all relevant information was considered that would be tasked with making the vision a reality. Ko’s philosophy reflects a positive, familial, celebrate every accomplishment kind of work environment. Ko treated her people with respect. No yelling, no shouting, no finger pointing. Always gave visible rewards for achievers. She shared every success story. She preached the importance of the knowledge, and advances in technology. Charles Chwab started his own company built on what was a unique and quite unconventional idea. He anticipated a need in the middle class. His concern for the middle class was genuine, not just a business gimmick. His vision led him to a unique path. When market conditions change, he adjusts its business model and tactics. He made his vision reality. * We cited doorman and jigsaw puzzle metaphors when describing how different leaders see themselves. Do either of these metaphors seem relevant to Ko? Yes, she wants to involve the other top managers first then converted into jigsaw puzzle role. She encouraged her man to work in team, to teach each other. She loved to share her vision and thought to the others. She wanted her top team have future vision. She was not only share her vision, she wanted hear from the others first. She had good relation with press and a responsible corporate citizen in the community. She always looked for positive qualities of a person. She actually made this place for new university graduates. 2. Evaluate the content dimensions of Ko’s vision work at Motorola Penang. How did she do with: * Making the Case for Change * Identifying an Ideal Goal * Addressing the People dimension Ko struggled with the most effective way of making that vision a reality. She engaged many of her top team in discussions about the challenges of the future of the facility, but they still looked to her as the leader and wanted to hear her vision of the future. She took a very hard-nosed approach to Motorola business model. She saw technology as a two-sided coin that would eliminate low-skill jobs at the same time that it brought new opportunities. She knew that other countries had lower labor costs. Yet she was committed to rapidly move Motorola to produce more complex systems products, creating an increased demand for technicians and engineers. First Ko asked her managers’ envision, and then chose to focus on five major activities to help build capability of Motorola Penang and its employees to achieve this very ambitious vision. The five major activities are: External relationships: Involving corporate in her new vision. Management development: Groom manager for new roles in the vision Maintaining state of the art manufacturing: Keeping up with technology to help achieve her vision Participative management process: Getting keep leadership involved in achieving the vision Technical skill development: Ko knew didn’t want to layoff underskilled workers so she established a Masters of Mechanical Engineering degree program with classes on Motorola’s grounds. 3. With respect to the Articulating and Communicating the Vision, how effectively did Ko address the three different levels of: * Strategicâ€â€Ã¢â‚¬Å"HEAD†* Tacticalâ€â€Ã¢â‚¬Å"HANDS†* Personalâ€â€Ã¢â‚¬Å"HEART†Strategic- â€Å"HEAD†: External relationships- Motorola Penang had built up a very good reputation for all that it had accomplished thus far. She had to maintain and expand those relationships. Tactical- â€Å"HANDS†: Management development- Ko had to groom managers for the new roles that the future facility would require. Maintaining state of the art manufacturing and administrative technologies- Ko had to nudge the evolution to keep Motorola Penang competitive against the lowest cost producers in the world. Participative management process- Ko did everything possible to make Motorola Penang a high involvement work place. Personal-â€Å"HEART†: Technical skills development- Ko was successful in establishing a program with the university with classes held right on the Motorola Penang ground.
Chapter 1- Introduction to Electronic Commerce
1. Describe three factors that would cause a company to continue doing business in traditional ways and avoid electronic commerce. * Traditional commerce is a better way to sell items or services when personal selling skills are a factor, as in commercial real estate sales; or when the condition of the products is difficult to determine without making a personal inspection, as in the purchases of high-fashion clothing, antiques or perishable food items. 2. Figure 1-5 lists roommate-matching services as a type of business that is well-suited to a combination of electronic and traditional commerce. In one paragraph, describe the elements of this service that would be best handled using traditional commerce and explain why. * Customers are generally concerned about lifestyle and personality factors. As a result, they would want to meet any potential roommate. 3. Choose one major difference between the first wave and the second wave of electronic commerce. Write a paragraph that describes this difference to a person who is not familiar with either business or Internet technologies. * A major difference is the increase in broadband connections and improved hardware developments. This allows more businesses around the world to communicate with each other. 4. What are transaction costs and why are they important? * Transaction costs are the total of all costs that a buyer and seller incur as they gather information and negotiate a purchase-and-sale transaction. Reasons for being important can vary. 5. Provide one example of how electronic commerce could help change an industry’s economic structure from a hierarchy to a network. * When transaction costs were high, businesspeople would form organizations to replace market-negotiated transactions. In a network economic structure, companies coordinate their strategies, resources and skill sets by forming long-term relationships with other companies and individuals based on shared purposes, called strategic alliances or strategic partnerships. 6. How might managers use SWOT analysis to identify new applications for electronic commerce in their strategic business units? * SWOT is the acronym for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats. By using this, the analyst first looks into the business unit to identify its strengths and weaknesses. Then the analyst reviews the environment in which the business unit operates and identifies opportunities presented by that environment and the threats posed by that environment. 7. In about 200 words, explain the difference between language translation and language localization. Language translation is the process of restating some text written in one language in a different language. In other words, to translate is examine some original text, written in what is called the source language, and to write a corresponding text in different language, called the target language, with the goal of preserving the tone and meaning of the original text. * Language localization is a translation that considers multiple elements of the local environment, such as business and cultural practices, in addition to local dialect variations in the language. The cultural element is very important since it can affectâ€â€and sometimes completely changeâ€â€the user’s interpretation of text 8. In a paragraph, describe the advantages of a flat-rate telecommunications access system for countries that want to encourage electronic commerce. * In the United States, telecommunications companies have long sold local telephone service as a flat-rate access system, in which the consumer or business pays one monthly fee for unlimited telephone line usage. Activists in European countries argued that flat-rate access was a key to the success of electronic commerce in the United States. Although many factors contributed to the rapid rise of U. S. electronic commerce, many industry analysts agree that flat-rate access was one of the most important. As more European telecommunications providers began to offer flat-rate access, electronic commerce in those countries increased dramatically.
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Importance of Sex Education Essay
As younger generations mature into teens, they will be exposed to all sorts of materials in their daily lives. Sex education is of great importance when it comes to teenagers. This is because as individuals grow into teenagers, they observe changes to their bodies particularly in their sex organs and also their hormones. With the raging hormones present in their bodies and unnecessary exposure to materials from the TV and now the internet, teenagers will be curious and would definitely want to experiment on the new things that they discover. This is why sexual education is important. Most teens are immature and curious individuals who lack self-control. This explains the high number of teenage pregnancies. When it comes to teen pregnancy, most teenagers are not ready to have a child. In many cases, teenage girls who decide to raise the baby end up being single mothers as their partners are not committed enough to raise the child as both of them are too young and not equipped well enough to raise a child. Thanks to the introduction of sex education in the recent years, the numbers of teen pregnancies have been decreasing gradually. Another importance of sex education is to lower the rate of abortion. Pregnant teens are one of the main causes of abortion. This happens when teens get pregnant and they do not want to conceive their babies. There are many factors that contribute to this final decision to abort the pregnancy. Usually, the main factor that causes abortion in teen parents is the fact that they are not ready to make the big commitment to have a baby. Aside to that, another factor that contributes to abortion is teenagers getting raped. Furthermore, by educating teens on sex, rape cases can be prevented. There are certain male individuals that are aroused by how an individual of the opposite sex dresses. With the psychological aspects of sex education, teenagers can be taught to manage their sexual stimulation and control their raging hormones when they are faced with situations like this. In sex education, teens will be educated on how to suppress their hormones by doing physical activities like exercising. In females, this inhibits the production of sex steroid hormones like estrogen. As for males, testosterone levels are reduced. Hence, the urge to satisfy one’s sexual needs is greatly reduced. Besides that, sex education is also important to encourage and educate teens on the use of contraceptive methods to further prevent any unwanted pregnancies. For example, using a condom during sexual intercourse not only prevents unwanted pregnancy, it can also prevent sexually transmitted diseases such as HIV. Another good contraceptive method that can be exposed to teens during sex education is the birth control pill. This pill, which has to be taken regularly, contains two female hormones which prevents ovulation.
Wednesday, October 9, 2019
On The Road To Entrepreneurship Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
On The Road To Entrepreneurship - Article Example the US with an endeavor to gain knowledge in diverse fields, thereby returning home and pursue lucrative careers that will boost the nations’ economy and create a self-reliant country. The program caters for air fare, accommodation, tuition and other miscellaneous family expenses. A large number of my colleagues spent their leisure time peers from home, read Saudi newspapers, watch sports, check in at restaurants and gather home to engage in recreation on a PlayStation. We create a mini Saudi Arabia in each of our protected university environments. However, this compels an individual to pose the following question, â€Å"Is that the best value for the investment that our country made in us?†this, therefore, highlights the need for maximally utilizing the investment instilled in us. It will be critical to go out and promote our country’s cultural and social aspects, both within the campus and outside in the business world, owing to our imperative number of over 100,000 ambassadors. For instance, if each of our colleagues went out to educate to our American friends about our nation, over a million US citizens will be conversant with our nation. This would eliminate the misconception about our country, as the media perceives it. If the beneficiaries of the program pursued any of these questions and went beyond my anxiety-neutral situation, I would have perceived the real America and learned lessons that would enhance the education that I endeavored. I mulled over the issue only after I graduated and started working in a US company. I retain information of my dad’s advice prior to coming to the US, â€Å"Son do not just come home with just an MBA, you’d better bring a technology business along with it†. I failed to consider the issue critically. As such, when he inquired after graduation whether I had a business arrangement, my answer was negative. At the time, I realized how profound my dad’s advice had been and how effortlessly I forgot. My country
Tuesday, October 8, 2019
Biological Roots of Criminal Behavior Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Biological Roots of Criminal Behavior - Essay Example Biological roots of criminal behavior lost much of its ground during the Second World War, largely discredited by Nazi Germany’s eugenics and the discriminatory treatment of ethnic groups and races that were determined to be predisposed to deviance and thus mercilessly removed from society (Rafter, 2009). However, during the latter part of the 20th century, biological explanations of criminal behavior have been making a comeback (Rafter, 2009). Biological explanations of criminal behavior have been largely influenced by investments in genetic studies are developing impressively and threatening to â€Å"break the monopoly†of sociological explanations (Rafter, 2010, p. 199). The emphasis on genetics was spurred by a determination to understand, predict and prevent â€Å"harms of all types†from â€Å"cancer to terrorism to criminality†(Rafter, 2009, p. 199). The renewed interest in biocriminology has resulted in a number of theoretical assumptions. For ins tance, Robinson et al (2008) identified the progress made in scientific understandings of the connection between genes, the human brain and corresponding social conduct. According to Robinson et al (2008), the link is explained by reference to â€Å"two key vectors of influence†(p. 896). ... According to McInerney (1999) even if it were possible to explain social behavior by virtue of gene functioning and gene expression, environmental influences have a significant influence on factors that give way to criminal behavior. These factors are self-control, motives and any number of factors that function independent of an individual’s genetic make-up (McInerney, 1999). Human behavior is therefore a complex area of study and the factors contributing to criminal behavior are many. There is no single biological factor, nor is there a single environmental factor that causes criminal behavior. The most reasonable conclusion is that there are number of biological factors that interact with a number of environmental and social factors that lead to criminal behavior (Hamer, 2002). Hagan (2011) therefore suggested that biological theories of criminal behavior â€Å"will never replace social etiology†(p. 140). What we are left with is determining the â€Å"psychological , biological, and sociological factors†and how they â€Å"interact to produce crime and delinquency†(Hagan, 2011, p. 140). Mainstream criminologists are slow to embrace the concept of biological factors as appropriate explanations of criminal behavior. Perceptions among mainstream criminologists are that accepting biological explanations of criminal behavior is regressive. Biocriminology requires going back to antiquated ideals of the natural born criminal and accepting that criminal behavior is somehow sick rather than criminal. Thus one is expected to ignore the reality that crime is essentially a conflict between law and behavior and as such can be corrected by rehabilitation and/or punishment (Hagan, 2011). During the Victorian Era, scientific
Monday, October 7, 2019
Statistical assessment of two research reports Essay
Statistical assessment of two research reports - Essay Example A few studies have compared care recipients’ and relatives’ perceptions of care quality in nursing homes as opposed to home-based care. However, a few studies have systematically compared how different stakeholder groups perceive the quality of care offered in different types of community-based older people care settings. Specifically, little is known as to how care recipients and their relatives perceive the quality of services offered in home care as opposed to nursing homes. Such comparisons could offer concrete information regarding quality aspects in need of improvement in each respective setting. In the paper â€Å"Relationships between coping, coping resources and quality of life in patients with chronic illness: a pilot study†(Study 2)- The original purpose of the study was to determine differences between two groups of patients with chronic illness (ESRD and CHF) regarding the following study variables: coping, sense of coherence (SOC), self-efficacy and quality of life (QOL). ... There have been studies where researchers examined relationships between coping and QoL, SOC and QoL, or self-efficacy, coping and QoL. But In these studies, there was no attempt to investigate the relationships between all four variables in patients with chronic illness.This study will consider all the 4 variables at one time and find the correlation between them. 2. Data Collection Method Study 1- All the older people receiving home help services, home care or living in nursing homes in these two municipalities were considered eligible for the study. However, older people not capable of expressing their perceptions because of severe dementia did not receive the questionnaire. The questionnaires were distributed by the nursing staff who were instructed to discuss the capability of each care recipient to reply to the questionnaire with their supervisors. Thus, the only reason for not receiving the questionnaire was severe dementia.All the individuals who were registered as a primary family member to care recipients were included in the study and are referred to as care recipients’ relatives. One relative per care recipient was registered as primary family member and therefore one relative per care recipient was invited to participate in the study. Study 2- A total convenience sample of 201 patients (125 CHF and 76 ESRD) was selected from the medical records in two hospitals in Sweden. The inclusion criteria were: 45–80 years old, main diagnosis of CHF or ESRD, lived in their own homes, read and understood the Swedish language, and that they were not in the terminal stage. Questionnaires were mailed to the recipients with two reminders, which resulted in answers from 64 CHF and 41 ESRD patients within a period of 6 months. Five of the CHF
Sunday, October 6, 2019
Ethics and Social Responsibility Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Ethics and Social Responsibility - Essay Example The company also owes the duty of care to every single person or region that it operates from thus bringing in the issue of corporate social responsibility. This paper aims at assessing the ethics and corporate social responsibility at Starbucks Corporation. Ethics and Social Responsibility: The Case of Starbucks Farmer Loans According to Washington (2010), Starbucks coffee processer understands the financial positions of its collaborate farmers, which at times lures the farmers into borrowing high interest loans to finance their activities. Starbucks also understand that financial shortage could make farmers opt for premature harvest of coffee that they sell at lower prices thereby cutting their profit margins (Washington, 2010). To cushion the collaborate farmers from the effects of financial depravity, Starbucks has established pioneering programs designed to provide access to credit to help farmers in managing risks and stabilize business. In 2008, Starbucks offered $12.5 million as loans to collaborate farmers. In 2009, Starbucks coffee company launched Small farmer Sustainability Initiative (SFSI) in collaboration with the TransFair USA and Fair-trade Labeling Organization International with projections to help in thriving of small scale farmers (Washington, 2010). ... Starbucks relies on water for making coffee beverages and washing of containers. In that line, Starbucks coffee processors have prioritized measures to introduce new water conservation strategies. Starbucks have set strategies of sanitizing the coffee handling equipments to reduce excessive wastage of water (Washington, 2010). In 2008, Starbucks made clear their intentions to reduce water consumption in their operations. Starbucks coffee processors have set targets of reducing water consumption by 25% by the end of 2015. So far, Starbucks have made commendable achievements after having managed to reduce its rate of water consumption by 4.1% during its financial year 2008 to 2009 (Washington, 2010). Statement and codes of ethical responsibilities of Starbucks Company The operation of Starbucks coffee company recognizes and embraces diversity as an essential component o its business activities. Starbucks Company also operates under the vigils of providing ample working environment by s howing abundant respect of personal dignity to all of its employees (Starbucks Coffee Company, 2007). In addition, Starbucks Company operates with the basic missions of providing high quality coffee under fair prices. Starbucks coffee company operates towards all time satisfaction of its customers’ expectations. Moreover, Starbucks missions and objectives entail positive contribution to community and environmental protection. Starbucks also recognizes the purpose of operation as basic profitability for future survival. Starbucks accountability on ethical and social responsibilities Starbucks have an established Business Ethics and Compliance program that provide guidelines that help partners in ensuring the business operates
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